Thursday, December 25, 2008

Music Camp

Oh ma god.. I feel so bad for writing this so long after the performance. Hahahhahahaha. I was too lazy.. =D

So gonna miss a few people.. Dr. Martin and Ms. Khoo.. T_T Me gawd... About 2 weeks worth of pratice... 4 before the actual camp.. camp itself is like.. 9 days.. So that makes like, 1 day less than a fortnight...=____=

When we started, I thought we're gonna like, suck real bad. Like, I couldn't even pronounce or READ the words. Much less sing it. =__= At that time, I could only sing one note. A. Thats only cause most of our part is made up of As. =D. After 2nd practice, all of us couold like, catch up-ish. =D It wasn't all that fun yet then. But still fun cause we got to practice with the orchestra. Speaking of the orchestra, they sucked big time on the first time we practiced with them. Like, Omg.. During the part where there were running notes for the violin, only like. 3 people played. The concert mistress, Kester (Violin II tutor) and the girl next to him. =___= Like.. What...? Thats what made me think we're gonna like suck real bad. (Not like I thought we won't suck before I saw the orchestra...)

Then the camp starts. I thought I'll hate going to RECSAM every damn day. But when it came, I was like.. Oh.. This isn't too bad. It was like, real fun!! Though Amelia and I were both late. Hahahhaha.. Had to go to school, Amelia didn't have transport. =D

I like everything about the camp, except for the sectionals.. That, no offence, was boring. Tak semangat langsung all of us. Go there, the 5 of us cakap je.. Hahahhahahahhahah.. Sorry, Yin. D= And!!! We made a new friend!! Name's Becky Wong. =D Gotta go remember to add her in MSN.. =D Gonna miss you Bex!!! *If you're reading this*

Miss Khoo said we'll be having games and stuff.. I thought like. Really.. Games.. But it turned to be just singing different songs. =___= I thought I'll hate that.. But I didn't. Well, I still don't like Felix Mendelsohn!!!!! Your songs are too slow.. TT_TT But Ruhetal was nice. =D In Stiller Nacht was... OK I guess.. =____= Don't hate it nor like it. And we learnt Bare Necssities.. =D I like the lyrics. Big paw paw. =D ..if you pick a raw paw.. =D cute.. =D Oh and I like the part we go YEAH! Thats about all that I like from that song. Hahhahahahahahha.. I can't sing half the song.
Hahahahahahhahahahha.. The only song I can sing out of all the songs we learnt is maybe Ruhetal.. Even then I can't sing the whole thing properly. Hahhahahahahah..

We interviewed Ms. Khoo and Dr. Ennis for our music folio. Was like, so funny.. One part I'll never forget is this..
Q : What is your lowest/highest note you could reach?

M.E. : It depends on how much whisky I've had.

Hahahahhahahha!! Omg.. That was really funny. So tempted to put it as part of our folio. Hahhahahahha.. After the interview he asked whats it for and we told him its for our folio, and he said he wanted it!! I told him its not in a language he understands and he still wants it. Hhahahha. Oh well, I'll just send it to him. =D. It'll take months before it'll be done though. What with us procrastinating its completion and stuff.. Hahahhahahahhaha.. We took a whole bunch of pictures too!! (sorry.. Tried uploading one, but me net ain't moving so.. Sorry la.. Hahahahah)

We said we wanted their picture after the interview, and they were like, tomorrow. They we were like, okie. Then they forgot. like.. What....? Hahahhahahaha.. We took their pictures anyway. Hahhahahahhahaha..

While we choir members were practicing under the heat, the wonderful orchestra gets air-con. And on the day after the interview, Elsie announced that we're gonna change venue from MTC hall to Dewan persidangan (?)/Conference Hall, which has air-con!! Hahahahha! Yay.. After 4 days of practicing without air-con. =____= Kita panas sampai mahu mati, orang orchestra duduk macam putera puteri, ada air-con. Ada rehat banyak banyak lama lama lagi bagi mereka. =____= Oh well. Who asked me not to learn a violin last time.. (oh yeah.. It was myself.. Didnt like the screechy screechy sound.. Still don't btw. Didn't know that I could actually learn other instrments apart from a piano/violin when I was freakin' 4..)
Everyday, we warm up then have this game-ish thing.. where we go.. one, one two one, one two three two one, going up in like.. A scale.. =D C major right?? O.o No idea what I was singing. Hahahhahahahahahha..

Cool game.. He was talking about missing a number. Like, not singing a number. Man.. That was real hard. Hahahhahahaha.. Still can't do it. Hahhahahahhaha.. Oh well.. People like us who can't concentrate enough manalah boleh nyanyi kurang satu note without getting confused. Hahahhahahahhahahah... I-Lyn and I recorded a few things. =D Mostly for our folio but what the heck. Hahhahahahhahahah..

So, then.. More practices and stuff.. Having more fun.. Saturday came, with Amelia in KL, and went.. Then Sunday. Thats when the soloists came. Like.. So fun la to pratice with them. We were having so much fun, that we forgot to come in when it was the "Deine zauber, Deine Zauber, bin den wieder, binden wieder" part. Hahahhahahaha... And I thought the soprano soloist, Takemura Kayo-san, was like, really pretty, so I told the rest she was pretty, for a singer, and when she came, I was like, THATS her?! Swt.. But in her picture she was really pretty.. So whatev.. Then.. Monday came. And we practiced again. I didn't realise how well we were already *what with me with a little 5 year old's mind, lack of concentration and stuff* until we went back to Dewan Sri to practice.. When we practiced with the orchestra, then only I realised.. Omg.. We actually sound WAYYYY better than before. Hahhahahhahahaha... like bodoh je la... Hahhahaha..

And then came Tuesday... =D Practice sooooo long, just for that performance of less than 25 minutes. Hahhahahahhhahaha.. Cari itu skirt lama lama bagi itu 25 minit.. Kasut pun kena last minute cari.. People in the choir were questioning me, why am I wearing my sneakers.. Its black what... Just with bits of pink on it.. =___= But whatev. Asked my aunt to bring her boots. *Note to self : never wear high heel/boots again* We practiced one last time, and Dr. Ennis said we were like, really good, getting compliments from pros and the orchestra members and stuff. Who knows if they're just saying it to ambil hati.. Hahhahahah.. Oh welll.. Oh and he asked us to like, remember our standing spot.. And like I can forget mine. Right above a hole...=___= Like.. Swt.. Why is it that everytime I perform in Dewan Sri, I'll be sitting either above a hole or standing above one? =___= Holes just like me dont they..=___=

At night.. We had to like... Keep REALLLLLYYY quiet back stage.. Menyesallah tak dapat tengok live performance of the 1st and 2nd movement of Beethoven's 9th. I was like.. Omg.. Family here, aunt is here, EVEN MY MUSIC TEACHER IS HERE!! *not the usual replacement one, he forgot about me anyway. KESTERRRR!!!! BERANI KAU!!!* Not like I can even see them. Hahhaha.. Wasn't nervous at all.. Just bored.. What with sitting back stage for 45 minutes or less..=___= Cakap pun tak boleh.. Wanted to talk to Amelia.. But.. Swt.. To entertain herself, Amelia moved her hands to the.. Trumpet's beat..(?) Can't remember what it was.. Don't even know which movement. Cant remember. hahhahahha.. And she moved like.. One beat/note too many. Hhahahahahahahahahah.. =D You're so cute. Hhahahahahaha.. *speakin of you, I don't own you anymore.. TT_TT*

Then like.. FINALLLYYY!!! George, one of the basses, gave the signal for us to all stand and line up to get on stage. Hahhahahahah.. When there was a pause, the orchestra tuned themselves again, and we went on stage... REALLY LOUDLY.. like.. CLACK CLACK BANG CLACK... Swt.. We can't walk any softer can we? Hahhahahahah... And I thought I won't be standing near the hole anymore, mana tahu, swt.. My heel is right on the hole..=___= When we were on stage.. Like.. Swtt....? Lights were shining directly on my face. 3rd movement damn boring la.
Hahhahahahah.. And I felt itchy.. =___= But didn't dare to move... And the lady playing the trumpet in front of me, she scratch her head.. =___= I was like.. Swt... wanna scratch but nanti orang stare at me. Hahhahahah.. Found out later on that most people were asleep anyway. Hahahhaahhha.. Then finally.. third movement ended and the timpani goes DONGG... =D and there goes the 4th movement. Aiyo.. Berdiri lama sangat, tapak kakiku dah nak patah.. Hahhahaah.. Everybody looked damn yeng.. =D

Takemura-san and Ms. Khoo looked pwetty.. =D Takemura-san looks really different when she dresses up. Oh the power of make up. =D She seems to love shawls.. Hahhaha.. Everyday, I see her with a different shawl. And she doesn't even live in this country..=___= Bring so many... =___= The soloists were really good. Hahhaha.. Starting was perfect. Hahhaahhaah.. Then came the part where everybody stops singing and playing. For like.. A bar or two.. Then people start clapping. I so wanted to laugh!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Shimano-san turned around and pointed at the audience. Hahhahahhahaha!! I was like... OMG.. Gonna laugh gonna laugh. Hahhahahah!! So funny.. Even my parents found it funny. Hahahhahahaha... He looked to pissed la.. Shimano-san. Hahahahhahahha!!! Then he starts the Bass Drum. Hahhaha.. And then the triangles and everything. Hhahahahahah.. My god.. Yeah, I-Lyn, we still do hear people turning pages...=___= Bu I guess its just us who could hear. But its not like the audience know we're not supposed to. They clapped when they weren't supposed to anyway. Hahahahhahaha..

We stopped at every single place we're supposed to, did all the Ts at places we were supposed to.. =D That was really the best we've ever done. Hhahahahah.. But when the Bass and Tenor were going "Seidum sclungen Millionen..." part, can dengar them going ZZZZZZAID.. TT_TT Oh well.. Not like people noticed anyway. Hahahahah. Oh welll..

When it ended.. Me gawd.. Clap like gila, cheer like gila. Hahahhahahahaha... We were cheering for Takemura-san when she got her flowers.. EVEN LOUDER STILL when Ms. Khoo got hers. The Tenor Soloist, Mr. Armando Chin Yong, kesian la. Not so loud. Hahhaha. Mr. Cha's was loud-ish too. But not as loud as the ladies. Hahahahahhaa.. And when it was Dr. Ennis' turn.. Oh ma gawd.. Was like, really loud and long. Hahahahha.. When he blush damn cute la.. Hahhahaha.. *not in the... Uh... wrong way.. its jsut that when he blush, his WHOLE HEAD turns red.. And he's so fair, its SOOOOO obvious. Hahahahahahh*. And he blushed. Again.. Hahahahahhahah.. =D And when it's Shimano-san's turn.. The whole orchestra clapped like mad.. *clapped isn't correct, its more like.. stomp their feet like mad* Hahahahahah.. Of course, the choir cheered and clapped like crazy too. Hahahahah.. Funny person.. *Ale Ale, no no. Don't say ale.. -something something I can't hear nor understand- Eel Eel.. Unagi Unagi.. Hahhahahhaha!! That was during practice. Was trying to say Ale means Eel/Unagi in German*

Texchem was kinda mean.. TT_TT They didn't allow PESSOC to record our performance. We didn't get to watch our own performance.. TT_TT Thats just sad. Why la liddat!!! TT_TT Oh well, still grateful to Konishi-san for sponsoring the WHOLE camp. =D Arigatou. *bow*

Really fun la. Hahahhahaha... Wanna join again ar next year? Hhahahaha.. =D I'm joining. I just hope we don't sing to Mendelsohn. Or anything thats slow. I don't do slow. Hahhahahahaha.. We made a whole bunch of friends too. =D Just a few actually..

Rebecca Wong
Wendy Tan

Thats the order we, *at least Amelia and I*, knew them. Hhahahahahah.. =D Really fun. Gonna join next year if I can. =D


Such a long winded post. Hahhaahahah.. Oh well. I don't wanna forget anything. =D

I'll miss everything and everybody especially Dr. Ennis, Ms. Khoo and Bex.. =D

Sunday, December 21, 2008

=D.. Pads.. =D

("ĶĚĽĽŶ - OMG.. Thanks people!! ^^ Love you people. Hahahahahhahahaha. Sorry, I'll give you your presents late. U_U" is originally my name in the convo, but its too long so I'm taking it all away..=D)

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
what do you want?

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
don't say dunno or I'm geting you a my little pony

Alisa says:
Nuuu D:

Alisa says:
uh uh

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
something I can use

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
like I know what you can use

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I'll get you pads

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
Y'know a keychain's fine xD

Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
you'll definitely use it

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
eh and they're not cheap ya know

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
well actually if you want to, make sure it's Kotex.

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
Kotex what...?

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I dnno

Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
omg no

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
now you know what to expect for christmas

ĶĚĽĽŶ - says:

Alisa says:
I already have a box full of them already

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:

Alisa says:
i swear

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
its notlike you won't finish using it

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
what did you say?

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I disconnected

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
am I even online

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
it says you're offline xD

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
what was my last message that you got?

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
you ar..

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I swear

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
so whats after that???

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
Alisa says:
i swear

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
its not like you won't finish using it

Alisa says:
if you bring a pack of pads to school with a ribbon on it xD

Alisa says:
i'll lol my head off.

Alisa says:
then go to mr.ang and be like

Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
sorry about the emots xD

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I was planning to bring i to school

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
well yeah how else can you give it to me xD

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
I shold do that

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
it'll be perfect if tat day you need it

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:
no offence dear

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Alisa says:
yeah actually

Alisa says:
y'know, we should keep a pack in the classroom

Alisa says:
in case anyone needs it

Alisa says:
just..not in the teacher's desk.

Alisa says:
if we get mr. tan as our teacher again

Alisa says:
you know how he likes to open the drawers and tell us to clean it

ĶĚĽĽŶ says:

Our conversations are usually like this. Why.... Swt.

To those who chipped in for my christmas present..
KAMSA HAMIDAH *not sure if the spellin is correct. Tell me if its wrong*!!
KAM SIAH *hokkien*!!
TOH CHEH*cantonese*!!
SIEH SIEH *mandarin, dunno how to spell the pin yin*

And I'll be giving you your presents late. I'm really really really sorry. I don't have time to go shopping.. Nor do I have the cash. But whatev. Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha... =D I love you guys. =D I really mean it. =D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My first tag(s).....Obviously by Amelia. Swt.....

1.The last person to tag you is?
Amelia... She's the only person who would tag me.. And can make me do it..=___=

2. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
cute, tall, talented *in music though she'll never admit*, smart, a foreigner..

3. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
Am I really supposed to say?? She kissed me??

4. The most memorable words that he/she spoke to you?

5.If he/she becomes your lover you will....
Um... Do what lovers do?? o_O She wouldn't want be my lover anyway... =____=

6.If he/she becomes your enemy you will....

7.IF he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
Nothing. She's perfect the way she is.. =D

8.If he/she becomes your enemy, its because..
Of my stupidity...=____=

9. The most desirable thing for him/her to do is....
Watch anime/read manga... Swt.....

10. Overall impression towards him/her is
Total randomness...=__=

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
They'd most probably think I'm stupid and unreliable..=___=

12. The character for you for yourself is...
Huh?? Confusing question... Anyway, I don't know. I don't compare myself to fiction... *right...*

13. On the contrary, the character you hate for yourself is?
Wha....? I still don't get the question.. So.. Same as the above..

14. the most ideal person you want to be is
Whoever Amelia wants me to be...

15. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about him/her
I don't even know who cares or likes me... How to say something about her?? Anyway, if there are, I love you too. Hahahahahha...=D

16. Ten people to tag :
You people tagged everybody d. Who am I to tag?! Bah..
1. Kim Mei. I don't even know if she read this thing!!
2. Wei Yen. Same as the above.
3. Phing Phing.. Do you even read this?
4. Sarah.. Huang. If she reads.. Bah... This sentence applies to the following people too..
5. Swee Teng
6. Carmen Ng
7. Sarah Naeilah
8. Ni Wen?? O_o
9. Mei Shan
10. Amelia Tan

17. who is #2 having a relationship with?
Oh ma gawd.. Wei Yen!! You're not secretly going out with a guy/girl are you!? #3 a male or a female?
Female.. Everyone on the list is female!!

19. if #7 and #10 got together, would that be a good thing?
I don't know... Do they even know each other?! O_o

20. how about #5 and #8?
Like the above... Do they even know each other?! O_o..... And I don't think it'll be a good thing. =___= Lesbianism and all... *not like I'm one to speak but still..*

21. what is #1 studying about?
Swt.. The same thing as I am. Hahahhaha... Except... She's studying accounts and I, EST... =D

22. when was the last time you had a chat with them?
Who??? O.o

23. is #4 single?
She should be... Not all that close to her. Not like I'm close to most of them... Out of those 10.. I'm close to only like... maybe.. 2? 3?

24. say something about #2..
Smart. Hahahahahah.. Really.. You are... And cute.. And kind, friendly, funny... =D... A lot more I guess...



I'm not exactly tagged.. Just asked to do.. =D

Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box or anyway that he/she has been tagged.

1. What is it that bothers you the most?
Um... Nothing I guesss..... O.o Oh wait.. When I can't get the answers to certain things. Maths most of the time. Then Pheng Sheng comes and disturb me and Kim Mei and Carmen and the rest of us. That bothers me. Can't he leave us to get the answers then give it to him?! Instead of coming to disturb us knowing that we're doing it?!

2. What is your most favourite thing/s to do?
Sleep, read, go online, watch anime.

3. What's making you so happy/sad/angry/desperate right now?
Happy - Amelia
Sad - I'm not sad!! Swt.. I rarely really am...=___=
Angry - Myself. I'm not studying as I want to..=.= Obviously...
Desperate - ... I'm not desperate...=___=

4. What is your ultimate wish?
Do you really wanna know? Ask meh.. Like... Come to me and ask. Hahahhahaha..

5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
Amelia.. Takin the most part of my stupidly small heart.. And everybody else I know... Including all the stupid guys that I know.. I'm a loving and sentimental person!! Haahahhahahahha!!!

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
NOOOOO!!! Even if I don't eat, Ihave to buy books... Manga.. Chocolate... Ice-cream.. So many things.. Of course I can't survive without money!!

7. Are you afraid of pain ?
No.. I guess not... It's just another feeling.

8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Sleep... As usual. Hahahahhahahahahahah..

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Didn't I already? Though not really... What am I saying? *confusing myself*

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Swt.. Didn't I just? Cute, talented, pretty. =D

11. What will you do if today is your last day?
Go meet all my friends... Like.. Really go to their houses to meet them and stuff.. Unless they're like Gizele.. Who is in Australia. Then I'll like.. Record a video and send it to her or something. Yeah, go to their house, say bye bye and sorry and thank you. Tell my parents bye bye.. =D And to give my stuff away to whoever who wants it.. And poke my brother.. Kill Pheng Sheng.. Yeah.. Send an e-mail to everyone else whom I know, saying bye and sorry and thanks. I know I'm repeatitive. Hahahahhaha..

12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
Who are we talking about? A random person?? Well.. I don't think anybody is bad actually... If they are, they must have their reasons to be bad.

13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?.
Anything that doesn't have VEGETABLEEEESSSS!!!! God... They taste horrible..

14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
Rich. To be rich, I could be happy. Hahahahahahhaha... But really... I guess I'll pick both. Hahahahah...

15. Who are you thinking about now?

16. How do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Studying... Most probably not in Malaysia.. Hopefully with Sabby, Amelia, Krystal, Rachel, Pochi, Aly, Jen Jen, and everybody else. TT_TT I know its silly that I don't want to leave you people... But stilll.. TT_TT.. I can dream right..=___=

17. What is the one thing you hate about yourself?
There's so many things I hate about myself.. I hate that I hate myself....

18. If you had to choose to be an undead, what would it be?
A vamp.. =D.. Always wanted to be one.. Before that ciplak Twilight came out..=___= Drinking blood sounds kewl. Hahahahhahahahahah..Not only that, blood tastes kinda nice actually... Metal-ly.. Yeah.. =D..

19. Who is the most important person in your life?
Amelia.. =D

Do I really have to tag? =___= People I know are all tagged. Hahahha.. So I ain't tagging anybody. Anybody can just do this. If they wanna. =___=...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

People and their handphones =__=

I don't get it. Right next to the pump at gas stations there's obviously some warnings that you are not supposed to use your handphone. With all those fancy fancy false alarm fines. But no one actually takes action for that.

For once I pay attention to my surroundings at the gas station and there were at least two people talking on their hp. You wanna die early in an explosion or something, go ahead, but I want to live longer, thank you.

Best part I know some people who actually don't even know that they're not supposed to use their hp at gas stations =/

Yea yea go ahead and call me a paranoid.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Meepo's Typical Morning When She Decides To Wake Up Late

8.30 am
Father knocks bedroom door.

Meepo: whaaaaaaaaaat........
Dad: Wanna go out for breakfast?
Meepo: ... dun wan laaaaaaa

Mom knocks bedroom door even louder and repeatedly. Meepo walks to door and unlocks door.

Meepo: whaa?
Mom: Eh dun wanna eat char hor fan ah?
Meepo:... dun wan la. stomach ache also

Meepo walks back to bed and lies face down.

Around 9-11.30 am, not sure what time
Someone opened the door and turned off the fan. Probably as a (somewhat successful) attempt to wake Meepo up. However, Meepo just walks to the door, closes it, turns on the fan, and sleeps. In this time frame, family probably came in few times to try to wake Meepo up but Meepo can't remember coz she's too busy sleeping xD

11.30 am
Meepo's bro comes in (for once waking up earlier than Meepo o_O).

Bro: Eh almost 12 d, dun wanna wake up ah.
Meepo: Mmmph...

And Meepo wakes up at 11.45 am xDDDD. Btw all dialogs translated from hokkien xD

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilightttttt... Sucks..=___=

Pochi was talking to me about this friday. *we're going to watch Twilight*. This is what she said:
Alisa says:
ah I just watched the trailer to get all "excited"'
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
its so lame..
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
but it's not working
Alisa says:
yeah it IS lame

ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
and tht sounds so wrong btw
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
dude, james looks better than edward
Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
shut up kelly ;lo
Alisa says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
especially with the " "
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:

Alisa says:
Alisa says:
don't you dare put that in the group blog
Alisa says:
damn you

Hahahahhahh... Pochiiiii... Why can't you ever phrase stuff properly???
Oh btw, its 2.30 pm, Gurney, RM6. =D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The world and it's sexism

DAMN ITTT!!!! My brother gets to go for this survey thing which he gets paid 60 buck for!!! All he has to do is to SMS!!!! My god!!!

It all started today. Just now. While I was going back from school. My mom told me, "Tell your brother to call Eunice back about E&O's job offer. They are looking for a GUY for it. They want him to SMS dunno for what." I was like, "Does it HAVE to be a guy? Never mind. I'll just ask Eunice." And THAT is when my phone dies.

When I reached home, I got to the phone and called my cousin. "Eunice, that E&O thing right-". "Not you la. Your brother la.". "-does it have to be a guy?? Cannot be girl ka?? Can't they have 2 people instead of one?". My mom asked me to ask for info right after that. So I did.

And when they called again =.=. They looked for my brother. Urgh......


A few weeks ago, when I was job hunting, I went to ask in Manhattan's. When we, Tara, Eunice and I, went to ask them about it, they were like, sure sure, you can work. Eunice asked them the age limit they were like, oh 16 years and above. He was like, why?? Then we were like, 15 15 16. And the worst part is that he thought Tara was the 16 and Eunice and I the 15. =.=

The we were like, 15 really cannot ar?? "Cannot. Manager said cannot. If boys, 15 can la."

WHAT THE HELLL!?!!?!?!? Why is it that guys are always exceptional??!?!? Its not like they work harder than us!!! Bloody sexist world!!!! I don't see why they'll accept 15 year old boys and not girls... =.=

So my brother is getting paid RM60 to jsut sit there and rot on his ass and text people.=.= Though its just for one day. But still!! RM60 per hour?! *they said it'll take about an hour only their survey, so they're paying him RM60* What the hell..

I hate sexism.

Have I told you I hate sexism??

Yeah, I hate sexism..

Quantum of Solace

Pochi's blog reminded me of by far the worst James Bond movie ever made. Even that actor(I can't remember his name, the one who only managed to get one JB contract) didn't make the movie suck so much....Daniel Craig is the total killer of this fantastic story...and the previous one...He's so damn emotional and reckless...JB should NOT behave like that.....

My experience watching Quantum of Solace(sorry if I spoil it too much for you ppl)

The car comes on first, and damn if it isn't a nice car.

Then the viewers are treated to Daniel Craig's "handsome" face....*Pukes*

If that isn't enough, he totally kantoi s the car within the first ten minutes of the show.

After that, boring conversations, torture scenes and etc...*Yawn*(I seriously fell asleep for 15 minutes...I only woke up cuz my mom jabbed me in the ribs and reminded me that she was paying 10 bucks for me to get in, so I had better watch or else)

Then I had to endure all the boring conversations, the flirting with Russian girls and etc..All of which I didn't really understand, because more effort was put into keeping my eyes open than listening to the ugly fella talk.

The comes the EXPLOSIONS!!!!! And I love watching scenes where things blow up(pls do not try to psycho-analyze me) but this time it was like....Why is the building in the middle of nowhere blowing up??? Huh??? What??? Whateverla.....

I have to say, the highlight of the movie(in my opinion) was when the Russian girl(I'm not even sure if she's Russian) shot the fat man...Or did she beat him to death?? Something like that la..

But wait...After KILLING someone, taking a life, she cowers in the corner because she's afraid of fire. Then Daniel Craig gets to act macho and save her ass...I mean...WTH????

Last but not least...THE END....And I still don't understand the story. Total waste of ten ringgit.

I know some people will strongly oppose this comment, but.....

Bring back PIERCE BROSNAN!!!!!!! Suave, charming, calm, cool.... Best Bond eva!!!( Okay, maybe not THE best, but a million times better than Daniel Craig)......

I've finished ranting...

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is no "action figure".

I was walking around Parkson at the toy section (t'was bored, The Mall is just another KL version of Bukit Jambul xD) and I came to the Mattel toy rack. Lo and behold! A HSM3 TROY DOLL.

To prove to you people of my rare finding (i'm only calling it rare because I don't know who would actually look at any HSM products) I took pictures of the extremely gay-ified doll. We all thought he wears make-up in real life, I think they applied that on his doll too.

Full-scale of the doll. Omg checkered pants lolol.


Man, look at that dude's hair. xD

Yeah, they have all the other characters too. People were staring at me thinking I was a die hard fan of HSM but can't afford the dolls. D: NOOO.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are we gonna even be in the same class? YES WE ARE

Uh this is random because I feel bad that I've been updating my own blog quite a lot but not here at all xD (well doh who wants to read my rants filled with pictures of gundam or any other anime xDD)

Anyway this post is just because of Kelly's post some time ago; Are we gonna even be in the same class?


Just that Krystal isn't gonna be in the same class DD:

So, I shall be under everyone's care again next year ~ xDDD (english version of yoroshiku onegaishimasu lol xD)

And I won't have to worry bout not remembering my classmate's names! Woot! *getshot*

So far I think 4 Intan has been the best class I've ever been in my secondary school life xD We had so few students. Almost everyone in our gang's in the same class too. It has been rather relaxed (except the whole getting used to the busyness at the start of the year) and fun xD.

Memorable times:

We skipped many lessons to do Science exhibition crap (me and Sabbo anyway).

We skipped even more lessons to practice for many Gamelan performances lolol >D

The bads:

Chemistry. And pj.

So um yea. Happy hols peeps xD;

Oh something random again, I just saw Rachie at Sunshine during lunch. Gahaha xD

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random Mac and Cheese

D: Long time din post here d. It's so sad that my kesianed kawans aren't having fun at the music course lately. Oh well. Enjoy, over-achievers >D I miss my nasi lemak with Pochi. I wonder what Pak Ali does during the holis. Pochi, we should like get his name card and ask him to make sambal for us D: Today I saw an amoh wearing a sarung. It was kinda weird coz it's this curly-haired, blonde amoh guy with this gay fisherman-type hat in a t-shirt and a sarung with a backpack on. Amohs who try to fit in are always so weird. But, we should still be nice to them coz we're Penangites D: (HINT HINT RACHEL HEAH!!!!) Uuuuuuuh. Not much to say. Wish I had some lasagna right now. Aaaaaah. Lunch soon though. This morning had tosai for breakfast. Lame lame. My lame lame life D: Ah I shall not bore you with my lame-nesses much longer.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Alasan Alasan Alasan.

Alasan. I hate that word. It's like the swear version of sebab. The favourite word used by teachers. Even though alasan means the same, it's normally used in a different way.

Student: Teacher, I had to go help Mr. So-and-so do some work...
Teacher: ALASAN
Student: D:

Oh but if the teacher comes in late to the class, his/her reason suddenly becomes valid lol. I don't get how teachers can FORGET they have a class when it's clearly stated on their schedule. Us students follow the schedule (that changes like 3-4 times a year) and you don't see us forgetting. If that was the case, we can just go out of class to lepak in the canteen or something then when we come back and see a teacher in class, we can just say 'sorry, I forgot we had a class right now'.

But of course, the teacher will just say that's an ALASAN. D:<

Ah. Still, i'm kinda sad that a lot of teachers are transferring to other schools. I hate the fact that we'll be getting new teachers 'fresh' out of uni to come teach us. I'm hoping they don't play around with the Form 5's, I don't want no mucking about before SPM. Seriously. Please don't keep changing our chem teacher.

Sabs, Kelly, Rachel and Alyssa totally kacang lupakan kulit'd me, Susu and Melia on the last day of school D: evil peanuts.

Speaking of peanuts, the other day when I was watching Quantum of Solace at Gurney, there was this guy sitting next to my brother. Now, this is no ordinary guy. He is the father of all worst-person-to-sit-next-to-during-a-movie. Let's make a list of what he did, shall we?

1) The ultimate rule in the cinema. SHUT OFF YOUR HANDPHONE. This guy not only didn't shut off his handphone, he answered it and started talking too, and not bothering to be discreet.

2) He wouldn't shut up after done with the phone either. He kept explaining to his wife what was happening blah blah blah. Making a lot of hand gestures along the way too. How hard is it to understand that there are currently a few things blowing up in pieces?

3) He put his foot up so that his slipper was rubbing on my brother's knee. So geli man. What if he stepped on dog shite earlier?

4) Of all the disallowed peanuts to bring into the theater, he brought Cap Ibu Jari nuts, the ones where you have to break open the shell. Which you know, kinda makes this post kacang-themed. Anyway, it was damn noisy because of the crunching sound when he crushed the peanut AND chewed them ;|

5) After done with the nuts, he decided to clean his teeth in a very obscene and loud way. That awful sucking noise when you try to clean your teeth with your tongue. Eugh D: That suction sound.

So my brother got fed up with him and threw the drink over his lap. Yeah.

Friday, November 7, 2008



I realize this may be the first time I'm blogging here...If i did blog anytime before this post, the post probably reput already and no longer exists, so this is still my first post....Wakakakaka...And u ppl wanna know sth else?? This may well be the 3rd time I've visited this blog since we set it up...Hehe...

Kelly, y u take picture of me playin gutar hero??? I look so lame....

Moving on....Talking about classes and etc, I think I may well go to 5 Topaz... Seeing as my chem marks are sooooo bloody low, pulling my percentage down as well.... Unless, of course, Topaz is a non-EST class....And contradictory to what kelster said, I DID study for this exam, but fate has it that I'm so stupid I couldn't remember anything.. This is sooo sad rite? I can't do Add Math, I can't do Chemistry, I can't do Physics, I can't do PJ, Bio also soo bad....Haiz.....Cham liau lo...

But wait...I don't think we set up this blog to lament about our marks...I'm gonna talk about meep-san's parents apartment..

Lol meep-san, ur parents rock at renovating man..If it had been my parents, they would have just put like one sofa, one table, a few chairs and deem it okay to live in...

Sorry... That seems to be all I can say, seeing as I'm STILL thinking about the damned marks. I wanna go out with u ppl on Sunday... Can I? Is anyone gonna invite me or do I have to be thick-skinned and invite myself? And, is pochi going? Pochi no go, me no go.

Think that's all la

P.S. Sorry me blog so long...And boring.. I think.. And long-winded.. Haha

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are we gonna be in the same class?

Finally, gonna update it... =D

Why la why laaaa...
Oh my god. This exam sucks right?? TT_TT
Hopefully can get into the same class. There's supposed to be streaming, according to Mr. Ang. Like, OMG? Our percentage are so far apart! Especially from Su Jen. For now, our percentage are (all these are without the chem marks):

Pochi 79.3 (I need your Arts and history marks)
Amelia 80.08
Su Jen 90.31
Rachel 81.17
Sabby 83
Me 81.15
Krystal 79.83

Aly, yours isn't here cause I don't know how to count yours.. I'm sorry..

How the heck are we gonna be in the same class? T_T Then again, Aly won't be with us anyway. Who ask her to drop EST. =.= I wanna know what class we're going to la. I want us all to be in the same class. Except, Su would be in like.. Some FAR FAR FAR FAAAAARRR away class, and the rest of us most probably in the same class.. =D..

Why oh WHY didn't I do that question?!?!?!?!?!? So menyesal la..=.= And I.T.! Music is high this time, but then, IT just HASSSS to come and pull my percentage down. Why didn't I study?? Bah.. Whatever. Its not like any of us studied much anyway. Except Alyssa and maybe Su Jen. Right?? Haih... Oh well.. We'll study next year. This year isn't important. Is it?? O.o
I so hope not. If it is, we're SOOOOO dead. =____=

OUR PJ MARKSSS!!!! How.. Fair?? Swt. Really mannn.. Like.. 3 people getting A's only?! Thats RIDICULOUS!!! The athlete doesn't get highest? Thats just weird..=.= Bobo, I pity you. U_U At least 2 out of 3 are from our group.. =D

Urgh, I'll never forgive myself for forgetting to do ANOTHER question. =.= it's becoming a habit. I keep forgetting questions. Even in tuition! I'll NEVER, N-E-V-E-R, forgive myself for forgetting..=.=

I want our chemistry marks. Wanna count percentage and hopefully position. Hahahahah.. =D

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The apartment, before xDD

I just found the pics of the apartment we had the sleepover at, which I took the first time I went there. No renovations or anything done yet xD

.... The point of this post? I'm just bored and this blog needs more updates, peeps D:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Choco cornet

So since I extended mua stay here to few more hours, Su Sabs Rachie gone, Pochi Krystal Kelly reading manga/manhwa, I shall now bloggu. Haha. Kelly's laptop is so convenient, with built in webcam that is so clear. I want a laptop too xD

Anyway we had a rather late breakfast since everyone except su, pochi and mua probably didn't sleep at all till 5-6 ish. Yes I value my sleep. Or rather, Ive been sleeping at odd times for past few weeks due to exams so yea DDDD: and I can't stay awake without my radiation (dear compy)

Heck it doesn't really matter anyway since these freaks woke me up one hour after I slept anyway!! U guys ar. I didn't even know what just happened. Just shrieked when I woke up, and then wondered "....wha..? wait why did I just shrieked? o_O". True story. That is why ur lame attempt of trying to scare me when I came outta the elevator didn't work, Sabbo xD. Kinda reminds me of my own lame attempts to scare u guys when u come out of the toilet *getshot*

Anyway,moving on to the main topic, we walked to bj complex for lunch and looky here:

Choco cornet!! Found in bread history Well, not exactly since this one has holes on both sides while Konata's ones are shaped like a... snail? Only a hole at one side. Haha.

Naturally being such otakus/sweet food freak, mua and Kelly bought it. Kinda obvious isn't it since we won't have a pic of it if we didn't actually own it. Haha.

Edit: Choco cornet wasn't all that great lol xD

.... I'm too lazy to blog anymore so here is the end.

Live update of sleepover xD

Shamelessly reading porn

Kelly: IT SO ISN'T PORN!!!

Pochi and rachie playin guitar hero xD


Group pic. sort of...

Friday, October 24, 2008


Now we, Amelia, Sabby-san, Krystal-san, Su Jen-san, Rachel-chan, Pochi-chan and I, are in Amelia's new house. ^^.. Its like.. so huge and nice.. Though its supposed to be an apartment. Swt.. It has an upstairs to that apartment. =_=.. So wanna stay here more often. Hahaha.. Like we can do that... Can we, Amelia? Rachel's playing guitar heroo... I don't hear any rhythm from her.. =____= its just like random pressing. Rachel, what are you doing?? Swt...

SABBY FORCED ME TO FINISH ALL THE LEFTOVER SPAGHETTI!!! T_T Meanie. T_T.. I nearly died.. =_= Me god... Su was reading Legend behind meh.. While shaking her ass, according to her anyway. =____= Amelia's just lying around... Pochi and Sabby-san is using Rachel's laptop. Krystal-san is bathing. =D..

Su and Sabby-san are mean. Su forced me to eat a whole lot of spaghetti the last time Amelia's ex-maid cooked it for us... T_T.. They're mean.. T_T..
Sabby: Why are you guys playing the same song?
There's only like... 5 songs Sabby.. Obviously we'll play the same song. =_=...

Sabby-chan brought PASCALLL!!! (the watermelon bean bag, not the dog) YAYYYY!!! Amelia is hugging it now.. =D... She brought it especially for me... Thanks, Sabby-chan.. ^^ Oh well...

This sleepover isn't much of sleepover since we're not gonna sleep..=___=

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I want your kemaafan, both Zahir AND Batin. =(

Meep said I have to post here or i'm not getting her kemaafan =( . Lmfao.

Anyway, as you all may or may not know, tomorrow's the LAST DAY OF PUASA :'D. When school reopens i'm so going to go eat Nasi Lemak xD

Just to let you guys know my schedule for the whole week (not like you need to know), i'm typing it out here:

Tuesday: Starting 'balik kampung' trip to Johor.
Wednesday: Raya'ing my ass off.
Thursday: Raya'ing at a minimum level.
Friday: Going to Genting- shopping first
Saturday: Theme park day :D
Sunday: Home

I'll get my brother to take pictures 'kay?

Oh and Rachel, i'm SO SO SORRY about Mr. you-know-who not bringing the folio on Friday. I have no idea why he's even keeping it at home he's supposed to put it in the freaking library! After Ramadhan is over i'm going to complain to Sabs and curse like mad :( mashaAllahhhh.

I don't feel like posting serious issues here. I have my own blog D:


Amelia and panda, sitting in a tree


I want to see Mamma Mia!.

Sabs, you know the other day when I came to your house to get my PJ folio? A few minutes before that my mom was chewing my ass because I couldn't remember where you lived xD She was like 'dekat dengan church ke?' and I said yeah. Then she went to the Trinity Church =_= so damn far from your house lmao. This is proof that I should come to your house more often 8D

A little note, I can still come online till Friday, because there's net connection at my grandparents' house. So, we can keep talking here xD

See you guys after raya! Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.

PS: Make sure to check MY blog for my Raya wish ;D Also, I have no idea how to change that little name thingy down there. So for now i'm also known as Sabs.


Monday, September 29, 2008

We really are using this as a chat space isn't it??

I know they do teach that chinese harp thingy, but... Swt... I want one of those things.

I really do wanna watch it. But it isn't downloading fast enough. I love you too, Amelia.
Yeah, I'm gonna learn it by myself. You better go ask your parents soon ya know... Cause its october already.

I wanna go work!!! In Baskin.. =D.. I wanted Borders but apparently they don't hire below 18. T_T.. Oh well. I've just got to wait for another 2 years. I don't get why they don't hire below 18. most 18 year olds couldn't care less for books. They should just hire book worms. Regardless of age.. Wait... Of course with that law thing of 16 and above. Speaking of law, why is it that its only our country which only allows 16 years olds to work? Countries like Australia and the States allows students at the age of 14 to have part time jobs. Why not Malaysia? Why can't we start having part time work at the age of 14? I want moneyyy.. TT_TT I wanna work... T_T

So anyway, to Sabby-san. I don't see why you complain so much. You're already leaving in a year... And its not like you got any demerits.. I chose it cause I like the uniform..=.= And at least I can tell you inside info no? The uniform is cause its special. I mean.. Like, its special to only our school. No other school has it. So its special-ish...

And you could say whatever you want.. Just not to their face...
Bah whatever laaaa...
November.. can't wait for it.. =D HOLIDAAAAYYYYY.. Hopefully I get to go to Genting... T_T It's so hot here. T_T
Oh btw, the mag is supposed to be arriving on the 10th. But I guess we'll give it out a few days later. Cause we've gotta sort stuff out and stuff.. Today gotta go to school.. T_T.. Before 9.. T_T Die laaa.. So early.. T_T Gotta wake up early again. T_T...

EXAMMMMSSSS!!! Have you all studied yet??? T_T.. Going to Sabby-san's to study later in the morning.. =D.. Malaslah...

Took me like.. A few hours to get this up.. Chatting so much more than I am typing this stupid thing. Why oh why am I even blogging? Its so pointless.. We're using this as a place to chat...=___=

Re:Music.. And other random stuff..

Just to annoy Sabs by treating this place as a chat place >D

Yea Kelly if you actually watched CG R2 I can be more detailed than just "T_T noooooooo" xDDDDDDDDD

Dun worry I ignore alot of msges too. You of all ppl should know that. Haha

WELL dun worry I dun think they'll pick a siao cha boh to become the editor >D

You can learn a guitar urself when we get it for u as a xmas present xDDDD.. Oh I want to learn that chinese instrument thing too. Looks so graceful (although if we play it, it'll no longer look graceful xD)

Didn't you say we were starting around November? Haven't asked my parents yet though.... And I don't think violin is that easy to learn lol. I think we'll just suck. Should've just started young if we wanted to. Too bad, too young to want these stuffs xD

Nooooooooooo T_T (*getshot* xD)


Music.. And other random stuff..

Nah... I'm too lazy to put it back. I don't even knw what was there.

I'm online in some restaurant!!!=D
Darn... Downloading here in faster than when I'm downloading at home!! Me god.. I should've just offed my computer at home just to download Code Geass R2.. Why didn't I do that? Then I would've been able to talk about it with that psycho person.

I should really stop ignoring people's messages when I'm watching anime. Wei Yen just messaged me asking whether I have MS Word 2007, and I just ignored, and when I asked why after like.. 20 minutes, it was to open some file for some society for Ed Board. Wei Yen, if you do read this, I'm so very sorry.

Wonder who's gonna be the next editor....... It's either Rachel, Wei Yen, or some other form 4 this year.. As long as its not meh... =D So much work to do. I tengok Sue Lyn I feel kesian..=___=

I wanted to learn guitars. My mom was like, you wanna learn everything la. I want to learn flute too. Its not something everybody learns but a flute is really expensive. I want that chinese harp table instrument thingy. The one where all the female characters in chinese dramas know how to play. Looks kinda cool. And graceful, not like I do graceful. Do they even teach those things in Penang? I know they do sell but do they teach?

Violin lessons. When are we starting btw? I wonder if that dude still remember us.. He should... How much is the violin anyway? Is violin that easy to learn? What if it isn't? I'd just suck as usual... I suck at mostly everything anyway. Why is Amelia even complaining? She started the same time as me, and she's grades ahead. And those little kids are called PRODIGIES. Don't compare us with prodigies... You're already better than me. Stop complaining. I should b complaining.

"Awwww" I realise, can mean anything. From, "awww, its so cute!" to "awww, thats just so sad" or "awww, I got it wrong!". Its such a multi usage word... Why is it used in every sense ar?

Oh.. I've got to go. I'm in this restaurant, Tao, in eGate. Hahahaha... =D... First blog outta my house.


U guys are such spammers. Spam spam spam. That's all I ever see. Anymore spam and we can have a frikkin spam sub sandwich! I want SUBSTANCE D:

Which is totally not the point of my post. I am gonna talk about why I detest the school.

I hate the school. Apathetic students, inflexible discipline system, tyrannical teachers and gawd forsaken infrastructure.

Let me begin with my first point : Apathetic students

The student body of SGGS consists of a flock of simple-minded sheep. We take the famed 'tidak apa' attitude of Msia to a whole new level. If a shooting occurred in our school, the teachers and students would probably push each other into the path of the shooter to save themselves. It seems as though no matter how much the administration acts to invade and violate our personal rights that they will never stand up to the man. But, who am I to criticize, when in most instances, I am the same. HOWEVER, there is a BIG difference between you yourself choosing to and trying to change the circumstances around you and simply lying down and giving in because, quote unquote, 'It's too much hassle to try'. Now we are all descended from people who had the guts to go out into the world and forge their own way, discover and start their own communities in a strange place etc SO WHY-THE-HELL-WON'T-WE-STAND-UP-TO-FRIKKIN-SCHOOL-ADMIN?!

Second point : Inflexible discipline system

I swear, it is a violation to my freedom of speech to be unable to picket if I want to. And the demerit-merit system is so bogus and, to put it plainly, bloody useless. I mean, you give students demerits on trumped up charges to make them work hard to earn merit points. So say they earn 6 merit points and 3 demerit points are cancelled out. So there are 3 merit points left. Those 3 merit points aren't carried forward to the next year so if the same student gets another 3 demerits, her Behaviour (Kelakuan) is immediately a B. Bloody injustice. Not to mention unfair to the students. Which brings me to the enforcers of this frikkin skewed martial law practiced in SGGS : Prefects. Prefects. Prefects. Dogs. Lackeys. Henchmen. All serve the same bloody damn purpose: to carry out Hitler's orders with absolute zero sense of compassion, sympathy and empathy. Nazis. Can't bloody think for themselves. Liars. Never take into consideration the explanations given. Why, Kelly?! Why choose the dark side??? The uniform is ugly shit anyway.

Third point : Tyrannical teachers

Frikkin teachers who want things their way for their convenience without a thought to the welfare of the students. Tyrants. Dictators. Reincarnations of Nero, Julius Caesar, Hitler. They don't care about us. All they care about is image and showing off their 'assets' (school wise, I mean) to the world. Cameras at every major and minor event, pressure to do well and increase school statistical excellence, extortion for 'school upkeep', pointless monuments, wastage of funds, to name a few. All by our beloved school admin.

Fourth but never the final point : Gawd forsaken infrastructure

Freak la. The extension to the canteen and the laman ko-op is so hot in the afternoons because the architects or whoever had the most brilliant idea. "What should we use for roofing?" "Oh, I know! Let's use zinc! Coz Msia is such a cool country. And it's so cheap anyway"
So. Saving costs->1 Using zinc->2
1 + 2 = 3. Students die on hot days (figuratively not literally) because -surprise, surprise- METALS CONDUCT HEAT!!!

=_= I rest my case.



Note that I'll most likely bore every single reader in this blog so you guys can really ignore my posts, really.

Oh mi gaaaaaawd once again I'm restless from my fave anime series ending.

I'm so depressed for the ending T_T nuuuu... Both from it ending and the ending itself. More of the ending though. It was bitter sweet. But more on the bitter side for me T_T

Tis has been a long journey of suffering when it gets released on Monday mornings and sometimes I have to wait till I get back from school to download. Or stuffs like that.

T___________T I r saaaad

And Kelly, go put back something into the description. Haha.

I so want this OST now. Especially after the final episode. "Continued Story" was so sad T_T even if some ppl say it sounds like a happy song. Bittersweet. Yea.

And sorry guys I'm so spamming this blog man xD Have the most blog posts right now xDDDDDD


Piano grades....

So I read someone's blog bout how she finished her grade 8 and is offering lessons. Which got me to think.

So many people are learning piano. It's just like, how stereotype. Parents all think the same: kids should learn musical instrument, piano the best. Stuffs like that. (I mean, I dun think many parents will think of guitars when they want their kids to learn an instrument. Besides, like I already told panda, guitar lessons are for weeabos. Ppl should learn guitars the macho way; self teach by internet!!! *getshot*)


So what's the point of us working hard to get all these grades actually? I mean it's not like half the number of students passing grade 8 are actually considering music for their future career. So what's the point? In the end it's more of quantity than quality already. So many people passed grade 8 already. It's not all that great, really. Even some lil kids can play better.

The grading system is so over rated. Really. Because of exams most students lose interest. It's no longer enjoying music. It's practice practice practice to get grades. And for what? To show off? Even though u'll end up being an engineer or something?

*yea yea some of you can also argue that I'm only bitter from the fact that most ppl already took grade 8 this year, or even earlier on. Or that I'm even in the same grade as someone two years younger than me. Yes Kelly I know, I shouldn't complain xDDD*

Whats the purpose of this blog, really?

Swt.. It's not that I said its not strong... =___= Oh never mind, dear... You're not really missing much by not seeing the butterflies. It's getting annoying. This blog thing is like turning into our own place to chat more than blogging.

You know, I forgot whats Terminator till you described it. =D You were cooking? No wonder it took you long to reply.

I so suck at piano. I jsut repeated the same mistakes I did the last lesson. Teacher was like, do this this this. And 2 seconds later when I play that part again, I just play it as how I usually do. Even if I try to play how teacher wants it to be, I stil can't get it like how teacher wants it to be. T_T.. She said she was getting me a new book, but apparently she didn't... Theory was stupid. So confusing. But I still got it in the end anyway. Its like, compare this to the harmonic minor. Then I was like.. "Huh?" Really, how DO people actually get to grade 8 for theory? *Yes I'm questioning you both, Amelia and Alyssa*. I feel stupid. I wish I had longer fingers. And better hand eye coordination. And faster sight-reading skills. It's gonna take me YEARS to actually finish Gopak..
Not really true cause next year I might be taking this grade.
Oh... How coincidential. I'm talking about Gopak, and now WMP just plays it.. ^^

Hey, do you people think I should keep the money or spend the money I have now?? Amelia should understand what I'm talking about.

You could always ask me to take it away or just take it away yourself ya know...=___= I didn't even know its a joke... Does she...? Shoulda told me, then I'll just leave it blankkk..

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Aw Rachie don't be so uptight, it's funny to see nerds crapping xDDDD And it's Kelly's fault for implying that our friendship isn't that strong DDD=

Somehow I can't see the butterflies T_T ah well...

I have a lot of things I want to blog about but, 1) I'm too lazy coz it requires uploading pictures etc, 2) I might as well just post it in my own blog xD.. So I shall talk about random things.

My parents weren't around so I ended up cooking cintan curry instant noodles. Like what I told my bro, when I cook instant noodles, it's no longer instant =D

Then later we watched Terminator on star movies. Well technically, it was only me watching it coz my bro thought it was boring and scrammed few minutes later. Yes I haven't watched terminator before. Yes yes how lame xD..

Anyway the movie was so old lol xDD I have a lot of patience when it comes to shows unlike my bro so I thought it was pretty interesting xD... It's predictable though. About how the guy from the future was so gonna be the father of the future resistance leader thingy. Too bad he died lol xD Lolol one night stand then xDDD

Oh and the terminator looked like a rozen maiden doll reject when some parts of his skin came off xDDDD

I think I'll go watch the other terminators someday. Haha.

Btw Kelly u so totally ruined the joke in the description. Part of the reason why I wanted it to be short was to mock Sab's long description up there. (another reason was coz I really didn't know what to put either *getshot*)


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will Sabbo-san and whoever it is just stop it about whether or not concrete is strong? We'll just settle for 'our friendship is stronger than whatever the strongest thing on Earth is'...OK? Tq..

Moving on...I totally do not feel the urge to write anything, probably because I don't have much inspiration...Well, not today at least...On the contrary, I do feel the urge to post all manner of 'cute' stuff(to me its cute) on our page. If any of you have a problem with that...Keep it to urselves...

Haha..just kidding..If u have a problem with what i add, just delete it.

I'm also trying out some other cool stuff, so if any of u have cute pics(of urselves or ur pets or etc,) please send it to me. Thankies....

Holy shit xD

Lol. Only one day the blog was up and u guys already posted so much stuff. Lolol. Lemme know if u wanna change the template and to what colour.


Friday, September 26, 2008

One thing bout this group blog thing

I thought those additional stuffs right at the bottom were added by blogspot itself and deleted the two things down there by accident ... Sorry Rach!! T____T Gomen gomen gomen gomen

*yea I didn't really needed to post this here did I xD;;;;*


My first post!!!

And even then its the fourth post in this group :( Oh well...Nvm...Anyway, uni-minded and lunatics so don't go well together.. Random-random: My parents are watching a horror movie and my mum is screaming her head off even though technically she's shielded her eyes and hasn't seen anything icky..She claims the background music is scary... My dad is going " Oh my gawd that blood spatter was so realistic!!! You should watch it!!!!Ey, why u closing your eyes? No fun!!" And I'm upstairs just chillin... Nearly dropped my laptop when my mum screamed just now....

Wha...? First post ever.. Hopefully not the last...

What am I supposed to say?? Swt... I thought we were just joking about this joined blog thing. But apparently not. Oh well. The people who would most probably update lots would be Sabby and Amelia and Pochi only but they have their own blog to blog on and its not like I'm all that rajin to come and update..(Thats why I don't have my own blog). Alyssa would most probably not ever come online to update. The rest, I dunno laaaaaaa..

Btw, Sabs, concrete isn't all that hard actually.. If it is, houses wouldn't runtuh when hurricanes come along...

Le randomness....

I don't really see the point of this group blog actually. Coz most of us already have our own individual blogs. So, where do we update now? o_O ...Heck what do we update!?

Oh well to promote friendship maybeh *looooooool laaame gaaaaaaaay*

So here's a picture filled with gayness. Look especially at Suzaku's (brown hair) legs.

My posts will maintain an unhealthy excessive fix of uh... anime pictures in this blog. Yea.

Nooooo code geass is ending next week/this Sunday T_T

Oh and Lulu teh bisheh


Wa-cha-cha wa-cha-cha

Dum-tara-DUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!! And so begins the dawn of a new era in our everlasting friendship. With this new GROUP BLOG, I, King-sama Si Arosh Hebat Sabrena, hereby declare that our psychotic relationship with each other is as solid as CONCRETE!!! And so concludes the first post in a blog that shall be filled with random-nesssssssssss
