Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random Mac and Cheese

D: Long time din post here d. It's so sad that my kesianed kawans aren't having fun at the music course lately. Oh well. Enjoy, over-achievers >D I miss my nasi lemak with Pochi. I wonder what Pak Ali does during the holis. Pochi, we should like get his name card and ask him to make sambal for us D: Today I saw an amoh wearing a sarung. It was kinda weird coz it's this curly-haired, blonde amoh guy with this gay fisherman-type hat in a t-shirt and a sarung with a backpack on. Amohs who try to fit in are always so weird. But, we should still be nice to them coz we're Penangites D: (HINT HINT RACHEL HEAH!!!!) Uuuuuuuh. Not much to say. Wish I had some lasagna right now. Aaaaaah. Lunch soon though. This morning had tosai for breakfast. Lame lame. My lame lame life D: Ah I shall not bore you with my lame-nesses much longer.


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