Thursday, December 25, 2008

Music Camp

Oh ma god.. I feel so bad for writing this so long after the performance. Hahahhahahaha. I was too lazy.. =D

So gonna miss a few people.. Dr. Martin and Ms. Khoo.. T_T Me gawd... About 2 weeks worth of pratice... 4 before the actual camp.. camp itself is like.. 9 days.. So that makes like, 1 day less than a fortnight...=____=

When we started, I thought we're gonna like, suck real bad. Like, I couldn't even pronounce or READ the words. Much less sing it. =__= At that time, I could only sing one note. A. Thats only cause most of our part is made up of As. =D. After 2nd practice, all of us couold like, catch up-ish. =D It wasn't all that fun yet then. But still fun cause we got to practice with the orchestra. Speaking of the orchestra, they sucked big time on the first time we practiced with them. Like, Omg.. During the part where there were running notes for the violin, only like. 3 people played. The concert mistress, Kester (Violin II tutor) and the girl next to him. =___= Like.. What...? Thats what made me think we're gonna like suck real bad. (Not like I thought we won't suck before I saw the orchestra...)

Then the camp starts. I thought I'll hate going to RECSAM every damn day. But when it came, I was like.. Oh.. This isn't too bad. It was like, real fun!! Though Amelia and I were both late. Hahahhaha.. Had to go to school, Amelia didn't have transport. =D

I like everything about the camp, except for the sectionals.. That, no offence, was boring. Tak semangat langsung all of us. Go there, the 5 of us cakap je.. Hahahhahahahhahah.. Sorry, Yin. D= And!!! We made a new friend!! Name's Becky Wong. =D Gotta go remember to add her in MSN.. =D Gonna miss you Bex!!! *If you're reading this*

Miss Khoo said we'll be having games and stuff.. I thought like. Really.. Games.. But it turned to be just singing different songs. =___= I thought I'll hate that.. But I didn't. Well, I still don't like Felix Mendelsohn!!!!! Your songs are too slow.. TT_TT But Ruhetal was nice. =D In Stiller Nacht was... OK I guess.. =____= Don't hate it nor like it. And we learnt Bare Necssities.. =D I like the lyrics. Big paw paw. =D ..if you pick a raw paw.. =D cute.. =D Oh and I like the part we go YEAH! Thats about all that I like from that song. Hahhahahahahahha.. I can't sing half the song.
Hahahahahahhahahahha.. The only song I can sing out of all the songs we learnt is maybe Ruhetal.. Even then I can't sing the whole thing properly. Hahhahahahahah..

We interviewed Ms. Khoo and Dr. Ennis for our music folio. Was like, so funny.. One part I'll never forget is this..
Q : What is your lowest/highest note you could reach?

M.E. : It depends on how much whisky I've had.

Hahahahhahahha!! Omg.. That was really funny. So tempted to put it as part of our folio. Hahhahahahha.. After the interview he asked whats it for and we told him its for our folio, and he said he wanted it!! I told him its not in a language he understands and he still wants it. Hhahahha. Oh well, I'll just send it to him. =D. It'll take months before it'll be done though. What with us procrastinating its completion and stuff.. Hahahhahahahhaha.. We took a whole bunch of pictures too!! (sorry.. Tried uploading one, but me net ain't moving so.. Sorry la.. Hahahahah)

We said we wanted their picture after the interview, and they were like, tomorrow. They we were like, okie. Then they forgot. like.. What....? Hahahhahahaha.. We took their pictures anyway. Hahhahahahhahaha..

While we choir members were practicing under the heat, the wonderful orchestra gets air-con. And on the day after the interview, Elsie announced that we're gonna change venue from MTC hall to Dewan persidangan (?)/Conference Hall, which has air-con!! Hahahahha! Yay.. After 4 days of practicing without air-con. =____= Kita panas sampai mahu mati, orang orchestra duduk macam putera puteri, ada air-con. Ada rehat banyak banyak lama lama lagi bagi mereka. =____= Oh well. Who asked me not to learn a violin last time.. (oh yeah.. It was myself.. Didnt like the screechy screechy sound.. Still don't btw. Didn't know that I could actually learn other instrments apart from a piano/violin when I was freakin' 4..)
Everyday, we warm up then have this game-ish thing.. where we go.. one, one two one, one two three two one, going up in like.. A scale.. =D C major right?? O.o No idea what I was singing. Hahahhahahahahahha..

Cool game.. He was talking about missing a number. Like, not singing a number. Man.. That was real hard. Hahahhahahaha.. Still can't do it. Hahhahahahhaha.. Oh well.. People like us who can't concentrate enough manalah boleh nyanyi kurang satu note without getting confused. Hahahhahahahhahahah... I-Lyn and I recorded a few things. =D Mostly for our folio but what the heck. Hahhahahahhahahah..

So, then.. More practices and stuff.. Having more fun.. Saturday came, with Amelia in KL, and went.. Then Sunday. Thats when the soloists came. Like.. So fun la to pratice with them. We were having so much fun, that we forgot to come in when it was the "Deine zauber, Deine Zauber, bin den wieder, binden wieder" part. Hahahhahahaha... And I thought the soprano soloist, Takemura Kayo-san, was like, really pretty, so I told the rest she was pretty, for a singer, and when she came, I was like, THATS her?! Swt.. But in her picture she was really pretty.. So whatev.. Then.. Monday came. And we practiced again. I didn't realise how well we were already *what with me with a little 5 year old's mind, lack of concentration and stuff* until we went back to Dewan Sri to practice.. When we practiced with the orchestra, then only I realised.. Omg.. We actually sound WAYYYY better than before. Hahhahahhahahaha... like bodoh je la... Hahhahaha..

And then came Tuesday... =D Practice sooooo long, just for that performance of less than 25 minutes. Hahhahahahhhahaha.. Cari itu skirt lama lama bagi itu 25 minit.. Kasut pun kena last minute cari.. People in the choir were questioning me, why am I wearing my sneakers.. Its black what... Just with bits of pink on it.. =___= But whatev. Asked my aunt to bring her boots. *Note to self : never wear high heel/boots again* We practiced one last time, and Dr. Ennis said we were like, really good, getting compliments from pros and the orchestra members and stuff. Who knows if they're just saying it to ambil hati.. Hahhahahah.. Oh welll.. Oh and he asked us to like, remember our standing spot.. And like I can forget mine. Right above a hole...=___= Like.. Swt.. Why is it that everytime I perform in Dewan Sri, I'll be sitting either above a hole or standing above one? =___= Holes just like me dont they..=___=

At night.. We had to like... Keep REALLLLLYYY quiet back stage.. Menyesallah tak dapat tengok live performance of the 1st and 2nd movement of Beethoven's 9th. I was like.. Omg.. Family here, aunt is here, EVEN MY MUSIC TEACHER IS HERE!! *not the usual replacement one, he forgot about me anyway. KESTERRRR!!!! BERANI KAU!!!* Not like I can even see them. Hahhaha.. Wasn't nervous at all.. Just bored.. What with sitting back stage for 45 minutes or less..=___= Cakap pun tak boleh.. Wanted to talk to Amelia.. But.. Swt.. To entertain herself, Amelia moved her hands to the.. Trumpet's beat..(?) Can't remember what it was.. Don't even know which movement. Cant remember. hahhahahha.. And she moved like.. One beat/note too many. Hhahahahahahahahahah.. =D You're so cute. Hhahahahahaha.. *speakin of you, I don't own you anymore.. TT_TT*

Then like.. FINALLLYYY!!! George, one of the basses, gave the signal for us to all stand and line up to get on stage. Hahhahahahah.. When there was a pause, the orchestra tuned themselves again, and we went on stage... REALLY LOUDLY.. like.. CLACK CLACK BANG CLACK... Swt.. We can't walk any softer can we? Hahhahahahah... And I thought I won't be standing near the hole anymore, mana tahu, swt.. My heel is right on the hole..=___= When we were on stage.. Like.. Swtt....? Lights were shining directly on my face. 3rd movement damn boring la.
Hahhahahahah.. And I felt itchy.. =___= But didn't dare to move... And the lady playing the trumpet in front of me, she scratch her head.. =___= I was like.. Swt... wanna scratch but nanti orang stare at me. Hahhahahah.. Found out later on that most people were asleep anyway. Hahahhaahhha.. Then finally.. third movement ended and the timpani goes DONGG... =D and there goes the 4th movement. Aiyo.. Berdiri lama sangat, tapak kakiku dah nak patah.. Hahhahaah.. Everybody looked damn yeng.. =D

Takemura-san and Ms. Khoo looked pwetty.. =D Takemura-san looks really different when she dresses up. Oh the power of make up. =D She seems to love shawls.. Hahhaha.. Everyday, I see her with a different shawl. And she doesn't even live in this country..=___= Bring so many... =___= The soloists were really good. Hahhaha.. Starting was perfect. Hahhaahhaah.. Then came the part where everybody stops singing and playing. For like.. A bar or two.. Then people start clapping. I so wanted to laugh!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Shimano-san turned around and pointed at the audience. Hahhahahhahaha!! I was like... OMG.. Gonna laugh gonna laugh. Hahhahahah!! So funny.. Even my parents found it funny. Hahahhahahaha... He looked to pissed la.. Shimano-san. Hahahahhahahha!!! Then he starts the Bass Drum. Hahhaha.. And then the triangles and everything. Hhahahahahah.. My god.. Yeah, I-Lyn, we still do hear people turning pages...=___= Bu I guess its just us who could hear. But its not like the audience know we're not supposed to. They clapped when they weren't supposed to anyway. Hahahahhahaha..

We stopped at every single place we're supposed to, did all the Ts at places we were supposed to.. =D That was really the best we've ever done. Hhahahahah.. But when the Bass and Tenor were going "Seidum sclungen Millionen..." part, can dengar them going ZZZZZZAID.. TT_TT Oh well.. Not like people noticed anyway. Hahahahah. Oh welll..

When it ended.. Me gawd.. Clap like gila, cheer like gila. Hahahhahahahaha... We were cheering for Takemura-san when she got her flowers.. EVEN LOUDER STILL when Ms. Khoo got hers. The Tenor Soloist, Mr. Armando Chin Yong, kesian la. Not so loud. Hahhaha. Mr. Cha's was loud-ish too. But not as loud as the ladies. Hahahahahhaa.. And when it was Dr. Ennis' turn.. Oh ma gawd.. Was like, really loud and long. Hahahahha.. When he blush damn cute la.. Hahhahaha.. *not in the... Uh... wrong way.. its jsut that when he blush, his WHOLE HEAD turns red.. And he's so fair, its SOOOOO obvious. Hahahahahahh*. And he blushed. Again.. Hahahahahhahah.. =D And when it's Shimano-san's turn.. The whole orchestra clapped like mad.. *clapped isn't correct, its more like.. stomp their feet like mad* Hahahahahah.. Of course, the choir cheered and clapped like crazy too. Hahahahah.. Funny person.. *Ale Ale, no no. Don't say ale.. -something something I can't hear nor understand- Eel Eel.. Unagi Unagi.. Hahhahahhaha!! That was during practice. Was trying to say Ale means Eel/Unagi in German*

Texchem was kinda mean.. TT_TT They didn't allow PESSOC to record our performance. We didn't get to watch our own performance.. TT_TT Thats just sad. Why la liddat!!! TT_TT Oh well, still grateful to Konishi-san for sponsoring the WHOLE camp. =D Arigatou. *bow*

Really fun la. Hahahhahaha... Wanna join again ar next year? Hhahahaha.. =D I'm joining. I just hope we don't sing to Mendelsohn. Or anything thats slow. I don't do slow. Hahhahahahaha.. We made a whole bunch of friends too. =D Just a few actually..

Rebecca Wong
Wendy Tan

Thats the order we, *at least Amelia and I*, knew them. Hhahahahahah.. =D Really fun. Gonna join next year if I can. =D


Such a long winded post. Hahhaahahah.. Oh well. I don't wanna forget anything. =D

I'll miss everything and everybody especially Dr. Ennis, Ms. Khoo and Bex.. =D

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