Monday, September 29, 2008


U guys are such spammers. Spam spam spam. That's all I ever see. Anymore spam and we can have a frikkin spam sub sandwich! I want SUBSTANCE D:

Which is totally not the point of my post. I am gonna talk about why I detest the school.

I hate the school. Apathetic students, inflexible discipline system, tyrannical teachers and gawd forsaken infrastructure.

Let me begin with my first point : Apathetic students

The student body of SGGS consists of a flock of simple-minded sheep. We take the famed 'tidak apa' attitude of Msia to a whole new level. If a shooting occurred in our school, the teachers and students would probably push each other into the path of the shooter to save themselves. It seems as though no matter how much the administration acts to invade and violate our personal rights that they will never stand up to the man. But, who am I to criticize, when in most instances, I am the same. HOWEVER, there is a BIG difference between you yourself choosing to and trying to change the circumstances around you and simply lying down and giving in because, quote unquote, 'It's too much hassle to try'. Now we are all descended from people who had the guts to go out into the world and forge their own way, discover and start their own communities in a strange place etc SO WHY-THE-HELL-WON'T-WE-STAND-UP-TO-FRIKKIN-SCHOOL-ADMIN?!

Second point : Inflexible discipline system

I swear, it is a violation to my freedom of speech to be unable to picket if I want to. And the demerit-merit system is so bogus and, to put it plainly, bloody useless. I mean, you give students demerits on trumped up charges to make them work hard to earn merit points. So say they earn 6 merit points and 3 demerit points are cancelled out. So there are 3 merit points left. Those 3 merit points aren't carried forward to the next year so if the same student gets another 3 demerits, her Behaviour (Kelakuan) is immediately a B. Bloody injustice. Not to mention unfair to the students. Which brings me to the enforcers of this frikkin skewed martial law practiced in SGGS : Prefects. Prefects. Prefects. Dogs. Lackeys. Henchmen. All serve the same bloody damn purpose: to carry out Hitler's orders with absolute zero sense of compassion, sympathy and empathy. Nazis. Can't bloody think for themselves. Liars. Never take into consideration the explanations given. Why, Kelly?! Why choose the dark side??? The uniform is ugly shit anyway.

Third point : Tyrannical teachers

Frikkin teachers who want things their way for their convenience without a thought to the welfare of the students. Tyrants. Dictators. Reincarnations of Nero, Julius Caesar, Hitler. They don't care about us. All they care about is image and showing off their 'assets' (school wise, I mean) to the world. Cameras at every major and minor event, pressure to do well and increase school statistical excellence, extortion for 'school upkeep', pointless monuments, wastage of funds, to name a few. All by our beloved school admin.

Fourth but never the final point : Gawd forsaken infrastructure

Freak la. The extension to the canteen and the laman ko-op is so hot in the afternoons because the architects or whoever had the most brilliant idea. "What should we use for roofing?" "Oh, I know! Let's use zinc! Coz Msia is such a cool country. And it's so cheap anyway"
So. Saving costs->1 Using zinc->2
1 + 2 = 3. Students die on hot days (figuratively not literally) because -surprise, surprise- METALS CONDUCT HEAT!!!

=_= I rest my case.


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