Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I want your kemaafan, both Zahir AND Batin. =(

Meep said I have to post here or i'm not getting her kemaafan =( . Lmfao.

Anyway, as you all may or may not know, tomorrow's the LAST DAY OF PUASA :'D. When school reopens i'm so going to go eat Nasi Lemak xD

Just to let you guys know my schedule for the whole week (not like you need to know), i'm typing it out here:

Tuesday: Starting 'balik kampung' trip to Johor.
Wednesday: Raya'ing my ass off.
Thursday: Raya'ing at a minimum level.
Friday: Going to Genting- shopping first
Saturday: Theme park day :D
Sunday: Home

I'll get my brother to take pictures 'kay?

Oh and Rachel, i'm SO SO SORRY about Mr. you-know-who not bringing the folio on Friday. I have no idea why he's even keeping it at home he's supposed to put it in the freaking library! After Ramadhan is over i'm going to complain to Sabs and curse like mad :( mashaAllahhhh.

I don't feel like posting serious issues here. I have my own blog D:


Amelia and panda, sitting in a tree


I want to see Mamma Mia!.

Sabs, you know the other day when I came to your house to get my PJ folio? A few minutes before that my mom was chewing my ass because I couldn't remember where you lived xD She was like 'dekat dengan church ke?' and I said yeah. Then she went to the Trinity Church =_= so damn far from your house lmao. This is proof that I should come to your house more often 8D

A little note, I can still come online till Friday, because there's net connection at my grandparents' house. So, we can keep talking here xD

See you guys after raya! Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.

PS: Make sure to check MY blog for my Raya wish ;D Also, I have no idea how to change that little name thingy down there. So for now i'm also known as Sabs.


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