Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The world and it's sexism

DAMN ITTT!!!! My brother gets to go for this survey thing which he gets paid 60 buck for!!! All he has to do is to SMS!!!! My god!!!

It all started today. Just now. While I was going back from school. My mom told me, "Tell your brother to call Eunice back about E&O's job offer. They are looking for a GUY for it. They want him to SMS dunno for what." I was like, "Does it HAVE to be a guy? Never mind. I'll just ask Eunice." And THAT is when my phone dies.

When I reached home, I got to the phone and called my cousin. "Eunice, that E&O thing right-". "Not you la. Your brother la.". "-does it have to be a guy?? Cannot be girl ka?? Can't they have 2 people instead of one?". My mom asked me to ask for info right after that. So I did.

And when they called again =.=. They looked for my brother. Urgh......


A few weeks ago, when I was job hunting, I went to ask in Manhattan's. When we, Tara, Eunice and I, went to ask them about it, they were like, sure sure, you can work. Eunice asked them the age limit they were like, oh 16 years and above. He was like, why?? Then we were like, 15 15 16. And the worst part is that he thought Tara was the 16 and Eunice and I the 15. =.=

The we were like, 15 really cannot ar?? "Cannot. Manager said cannot. If boys, 15 can la."

WHAT THE HELLL!?!!?!?!? Why is it that guys are always exceptional??!?!? Its not like they work harder than us!!! Bloody sexist world!!!! I don't see why they'll accept 15 year old boys and not girls... =.=

So my brother is getting paid RM60 to jsut sit there and rot on his ass and text people.=.= Though its just for one day. But still!! RM60 per hour?! *they said it'll take about an hour only their survey, so they're paying him RM60* What the hell..

I hate sexism.

Have I told you I hate sexism??

Yeah, I hate sexism..

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