Friday, October 24, 2008


Now we, Amelia, Sabby-san, Krystal-san, Su Jen-san, Rachel-chan, Pochi-chan and I, are in Amelia's new house. ^^.. Its like.. so huge and nice.. Though its supposed to be an apartment. Swt.. It has an upstairs to that apartment. =_=.. So wanna stay here more often. Hahaha.. Like we can do that... Can we, Amelia? Rachel's playing guitar heroo... I don't hear any rhythm from her.. =____= its just like random pressing. Rachel, what are you doing?? Swt...

SABBY FORCED ME TO FINISH ALL THE LEFTOVER SPAGHETTI!!! T_T Meanie. T_T.. I nearly died.. =_= Me god... Su was reading Legend behind meh.. While shaking her ass, according to her anyway. =____= Amelia's just lying around... Pochi and Sabby-san is using Rachel's laptop. Krystal-san is bathing. =D..

Su and Sabby-san are mean. Su forced me to eat a whole lot of spaghetti the last time Amelia's ex-maid cooked it for us... T_T.. They're mean.. T_T..
Sabby: Why are you guys playing the same song?
There's only like... 5 songs Sabby.. Obviously we'll play the same song. =_=...

Sabby-chan brought PASCALLL!!! (the watermelon bean bag, not the dog) YAYYYY!!! Amelia is hugging it now.. =D... She brought it especially for me... Thanks, Sabby-chan.. ^^ Oh well...

This sleepover isn't much of sleepover since we're not gonna sleep..=___=

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