Monday, September 29, 2008

Whats the purpose of this blog, really?

Swt.. It's not that I said its not strong... =___= Oh never mind, dear... You're not really missing much by not seeing the butterflies. It's getting annoying. This blog thing is like turning into our own place to chat more than blogging.

You know, I forgot whats Terminator till you described it. =D You were cooking? No wonder it took you long to reply.

I so suck at piano. I jsut repeated the same mistakes I did the last lesson. Teacher was like, do this this this. And 2 seconds later when I play that part again, I just play it as how I usually do. Even if I try to play how teacher wants it to be, I stil can't get it like how teacher wants it to be. T_T.. She said she was getting me a new book, but apparently she didn't... Theory was stupid. So confusing. But I still got it in the end anyway. Its like, compare this to the harmonic minor. Then I was like.. "Huh?" Really, how DO people actually get to grade 8 for theory? *Yes I'm questioning you both, Amelia and Alyssa*. I feel stupid. I wish I had longer fingers. And better hand eye coordination. And faster sight-reading skills. It's gonna take me YEARS to actually finish Gopak..
Not really true cause next year I might be taking this grade.
Oh... How coincidential. I'm talking about Gopak, and now WMP just plays it.. ^^

Hey, do you people think I should keep the money or spend the money I have now?? Amelia should understand what I'm talking about.

You could always ask me to take it away or just take it away yourself ya know...=___= I didn't even know its a joke... Does she...? Shoulda told me, then I'll just leave it blankkk..

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