Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The End of SPM!

Hasn't ended for the music students yet, but seeing as most of you have been studying music your whole lives, I think the paper should be kacang.

Anyway, even though some of us don't feel the supposed 'relief' at the end of SPM (meep & I xD) because we don't feel like we've sacrificed much for exams in the first place, as in we just continued with our daily lives. Whatever la, it's over and done now.

Personally, I think we all deserve a high-five/fist bump.

Look at Harry xD lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

AAK Street Festival~

So today, half of GGG namely myself, Kelly, Pochi and Rachel went for the AAK Street Festival. It was pretty fun xD Kelly parked at Lorong Tok Aka which is like reaaaaally narrow and we had to walk back to Armenian St. Cud've parked right outside the Penang Tourist Guide Association (which is right next to AAK btw) but Lorry Uncle blocked us from behind D: So anyway we went to the AAK HQ first to check it out coz the others hadn't been there before. Janet in pics lololol. And we found Mun Hoe hiding behind the door. Then we went to Khoo Kongsi to check out the tour. It was really cool xD We got to go to the main hall and everything FOR FREE (normally you pay like RM10/20 to see that part) and Sher Rynn and Hazmizal (I think that's how it's spelt D:) were awesome during the storytelling part. Though kinda kesian the amoh guy who cudn't follow the Hokkien, Mandarin And Malay parts. And I DEFINITELY kesian Sher Rynn and Hazmizal coz they had to contend with Janet's usual last minute changes (Look under: ROMBAK the whole thing and do something totally different). Inside the main shrine/hall was amazing. The details of the carvings and paintings :D Now I totally get why they charge so much xD Then we went to find Selven. Hahaha. His hair now xD Hahahahahahahha. Then we went to find Tara. Or to be exact, wait for Tara. Saw her lil bro smack his head on a pole xDDDDDDD Then chatted for a few (Read: Less than one) minutes but since she was busy, we left xD Rachel had to be back anyway. We managed to talk to Jas a bit, saw Chin Eng, wished Mun Hoe luck and then only started trekking back to the car. All in all, it was pretty fun. Oh and we saw Janet in the flesh D: Scary reminders of her 'coaching' us came to mind... For me, anyway. And we saw her onion chillis. They do work btw. At keeping the rain at bay. So next time AAK has a camp or something, we're so there >D After all, after next week, we're free as birds xD

Oh. AAK has its own chop now. It's so cool xD


Friday, December 4, 2009

Our band?

So, we've decided to start a band. Sabs came up with this when we were watching Channel V, JK Tunes... Where EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN BAND MEMBER... Started when they were GOD FORSAKEN NINE!!! =.= And btw, we were watching it... ONE DAY before the first day of SPM... Swt.... Please do vote for the name... =D Thanks~ *Ironically, I'm watching SS501 right now.. o_o*

The band members areee:

Sabrena: Acoustic

Mei Shan: Drums

Pochi: Keyboard

Hime-chan (Amelia): Keyboard/Violin/Songwriter/Composer *holy crap, Hime-chan!! O_O*

Krystal: Keyboard(?)/*anything~ =D Edit this please~*

Rachel: Vocalist(?)

Su Jen: Supposedly, Triangle-ist but I suppose she's more suited for keyboard too~

Alyssa: *if she helps* Composer/Songwriter (and also the one who screams at us when we play wrongly)

Kelly: Supposedly, electric... But I don't have RM 3000 to just burn it on one.. =_= One day, I'll learn and buy~ =D But as of now, I'll just take up violin and acoustic...

Yeahhh... So kalau salah, tolong edit-kan, ya~ Thanks~

A band... With... 9 people? O_o Anybody wants to pull out? O_o Anybody wants to change instruments? Hahahahahahha..

Is this for REAL?! O_o If it is, Hime-chan, you have work to do... ._. *songs to write*

Yeahhh... So these are allll the members~ Ganbare, minna-san~ =D

Friday, November 27, 2009


So it's...5:21 am. I haven't slept yet, my biological clock is absolutely screwed. So, I decided to learn how to make gif animations. (instead of studying, yes. I'll study tomorrow D:<)

A few xD

Ahaha, remember the lala pose numbers? xD ULTIMATE HUMILIATION.

Mmm batik cake.

And of Alyssa. xD

and my photo-worthy expressions. *cough*

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TO all SPM candidates~!


Yes, I know I should be studying... I am.... =DDDDD

Good luckkk~!!! =D

Friday, November 6, 2009


Warning: porn ahead
if your parents are behind you, close this page now. Or you can delete this post lolol.
By the way, they're not actual porn pictures. Just shots for Details magazine of Adam Lambert.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Lol, hello suggestively sexual pics of Adam.

And if i'm not mistaken, this is the picture of him kissing another guy that was banned by magazines. When did his hair turn purple ?_?

**Edited for the sake of Su Jen's "innocence". I'm still keeping the last picture though cause there's no nudity in it ;0

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Adam Lambert.... Again..

What the hell!? Our Malaysian Censorship Board dah keterlaluan!!!! They tore out the pages which had Adam's racy pictures!!!!! Don't they realise that the article is left hanging!? It ends with...
And thats it. =.= What the hell la wei... =.= I paid for the god damn mag, and all I get is a 2 page spread of Adam and Adam on the cover. =.= Now I have to get my brother to get it for me from UK... =.= Haih....

I want Adam's For Your Entertainment Collector's Edition!!! I'd do anything for it!!! T_T It's only available in the US!!! I need PayPal... T_T And some friend/relative who lives in the US to send it back after getting it. T_T I want la wei.. T_T

There! Hime-chan, *or anybody je la* if you wanna get me something, get me that! T_T *muka tembok* It's impossible, though. D= Why is it only available in the US?!?!?! T_T So unfair!!! T_T

Life is just so unfair sometimes. T_T Calvin, I really really really hope you get the mag. T_T

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Su Su's essay~

She looked so strange that I could not take my eyes off her. As I stared in fascinated horror at the farrago of lights and colours that appeared to be moving and revolving under her skin like little planets and stars all I could do was stand there with my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water.

I was in an ice cavern doing research on extremophiles. At the young age of twenty-one, I was fascinated by the bacteria which could survive at extreme conditions, for example, at extremely low or high temperatures and high acidicity or alkaline conditions. Scientists were trying to utilise these extremophiles for the good of mankind. As I entered the ice cavern early this morning drawn back by memories of my past and the thought of obtaining new samples, I remembered the irresistible force that seemed to have pulled me across the continents I had put between myself and my origins, the ice cavern.

I was born in the ice caverns from an unholy union of a raving vampire mage and my human mother. I grew up my body learning to change its temperature at will so that I would survive here not dissimilar from the same extremophiles I was looking for. Even now, my mind would not and could not go back to the times I was tortured here in this same chambers, could not relive the brutal murder of my mother. At all times, my mind bumped into a blank wall, as if my memories had been altered, when I attempted to look back to the past, to find my roots, my fons et origo. Fortunately, I had escaped these caverns, never to return, the stench of death always by my side.

Yet, here I was again, staring at the perfectly preserved remains of my mother, beautiful yet gruesome, buried beneath a five inch thick, clear pane of ice, as if she were looking at me from another world. My mind immediately cut off the images of the past as I tried not to look anywhere else but at her beloved face, tried to shut off the terrible wounds on her arms and legs. Red, liquid tears fell from my eyes as I saw the plight of her condition and I began hysterically hacking at the pane of ice, to no avail. I knew it would never work, no matter how hard I struck, but I still continued pummelling the unbreakable barrier, forged with blood and death, which imprisoned her, made her eternal and yet living in death. I knew all this, as it was her sacrifice, my father’s magic and my blood, forcefully taken, which sealed her there while she still lived.

The crumbling noise of ice alerted me to the fact that this used to be a cavern of the mages, well, one dead mage. Admittedly my father was long dead, but that did not mean the various enchantments he ad placed on the cavern died with him, the proof of my mother before my very eyes. I began to sense an evil presence permeating through the Stifling conditions of the ice caverns, buried deep within the Carpathian Mountains. I could see dust and water vapour slowly coagulating to form human forms. I grabbed my backpack and slowly edged back.

I knew what was coming. The shadow warriors were spirits of the dead who were forcefully called and bound as guardians. They would never obtain eternal rest and were immortal, outliving the mage who called them, performing the tasks they were honour-bound to perform from beyond the dead. Any movement would immediately cause them to converge on me with flaming swords. The perfect guards indeed, as I thought bitterly, staring at death yet again. Well, I definitely refused to die here. I ran through the cavern, calling down an avalanche f ice from the ceiling as I searched frantically for anything that resembled an exit.

As I streamed through the cave, desperately searching for an exit I knew my father would definitely have came up with for his own use, I feverishly flipped through the incantations and spells in my mind, searching to stall the shadow warriors. Hearing the ominous swing of a blade, I stood stock still, trying to curl myself in a ball to preset a smaller target. As the shadow warriors searched futilely in the next chamber without my movements to aid them, I became horrible aware that the water vapour in the cavern was slowly crystallizing into fine particles of ice. Inhaling the ice would definitely kill me. The ominous clicking and whirring of my father’s little ‘pets’, his experiments gone wrong and began to grow louder too as they stirred below the ground.

There! I saw a strange arrangement of stones, innocent yet purposeful. Bitterly arranging myself, I started chanting, trying to recall the correct words. I could feel the presence of the shadow warriors, inching relentlessly closer as they swept the cavern searching for me. I quickly arranged the rocks in a pentagram and jumped into the hole opening, venturing into the sunlight. Before I left the cavern completely, I took one last look on the beloved face and called down more ice to seal the cave, forever. I knew now that the strange pull that had called me back was her sacrifice. She had suffered a fate worse than death to save me, creating a diversion while I escaped so many years ago.

As I surveyed the mountain side I emerged to, I looked down on the thing I held in my hand. A fragment of ice from her tomb. Lights and colours were swirling within it, perfectly preserved just as she was. As I watched, it turned into a glass teardrop, the only momento I would ever have of her. I cried as I watched the blazing sunset.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nyan Nyan My Essay~


She looked so strange that I could not take my eyes off her. Neither could Kelly. For one thing, she had pointed ears. They were extremely large in comparison to her head and ended in a fine point just above the crest of her hairline. She had big, black eyes, so deep that they seemed like an endless abyss and long, straight hair that reached her waist. But, the most unusual thing about her that made Kelly and I stare, slack-jawed, was her wings. They were unlike any I had ever seen before. They did not resemble butterfly, bird, dragonfly or bat wings. They were as tall as she was and gossamer-thin, almost translucent but if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, her whole life story, dancing across her wings. Oh, did I forget to mention? She was six inches tall.

Neither of us looked away. We were afraid that if we did, she would disappear. "You can see her, right?" I stammered in disbelief. From the corner of my eye, I could see Kelly's profile, nodding. Suddenly, the summoning circle we drew on the table beneath her flashed brightly and a golden cage appeared around her, trapping her within its cold bars. Kelly and I finally looked at each other. "We did it," she murmured, more to convince herself than as an expression of triumph. I stared, dumbfounded, at the creature we just captured. Then, simultaneously, we burst into hysterical laughter.

It all began with the discovery of a book. Kelly and I were browsing in an antique bookshop when she came across the old, leather-bound and battered copy of Fairy Hunting For Dummies. As a joke, we bought it and, to pass the time on a lazy afternoon, we decided to try summoning a fairy. According to the book, the percentage of success in a summoning was less than one. We were just lucky, I guess. The question now was, what do we do with it?

Recovering, Kelly grabbed Fairy Hunting For Dummies and quickly began to search for an answer. I continued to admire the winged creature in our possession. She gazed at me with her large, wondering eyes and stepped closer to the bars of the cage. Looking earnestly at me, she opened her mouth to speak. I eagerly leaned closer to listen, curious as to what language would emerge from her tiny mouth. What I heard next made me fall out of my chair.

"Let me out, dirtbags!" she screamed while rattling the bars of the cage. My slack-jawed expression returned as she let loose a colourful string of profanities. Her vocabulary was even more exquisite than Kelly's. Though the racket she was making greatly astounded and amused me, my dogs outside were going crazy. The sound of her gravelly voice was grating on their sensitive hearing causing them to bark, howl and whine. I knew they would not stop until she was silenced so I reached out for a knife.

I cut two strips of cellophane tape and quickly put my plan into action. One covered her mouth and the other was used to restrain her hands so she wouldn't be able to remove the tape covering her mouth. But, she put up a fight as well as any cornered tiger or lion. By the time I was done, my hands were covered in scratches and tooth marks, reminiscent of battle scars. She glared fiercely at me, turned her back to me and sank down to the bottom of the cage. Kelly was completely oblivious to the scene behind her. Suddenly, she turned to me. "There's nothing in here about what to do with a fairy once it has been caught," she said, in dismay. I stared blankly at her. She got up, turned the cage so the fairy faced her and ripped the carefully placed cellophane tape off her mouth. "So, what can you do?" Kelly asked, bluntly. The fairy glared at her but Kelly wasn't going to back down.

With a sarcastic sigh, the fairy began to speak again. "First of all, I do have a name. It's Bumble. Secondly, fairies can do many tricks for you, wingless freaks. We sing, dance and are very good stand-up comedians. Thirdly, if you haven't figured it out yet, I was being sarcastic. We don't do anything special. We just live. So, let me go!" she ended with yet another shriek. Kelly and I exchanged a glance and turned our backs to her to assess the truth of her statement. "What if she's telling the truth and they don't do anything special?" I whispered. "Don't be stupid. Of course they do! Why else would there be so many stories about their magic powers? Duh," Kelly whispered back. " So, what are we going to do?" I shot back, unconvinced. Kelly was silent for a moment, thinking. Finally, she looked up and said, "Follow my lead."

Kelly turned back to face Bumble as I struggled to decipher her cryptic statement. "So, Bumble. If we do let you out of the cage, how would you get home?" Kelly asked with a cherubic expression plastered on her face. Bumble eyed her suspiciously. I would have too. "Why do you want to know?" Bumble asked hesitantly. "No reason," Kelly replied. Bumble was silent, weighing her options. "I would walk," Bumble said. "Oh, really? You don't look Asian so I don't believe that you come from somewhere nearby," Kelly commented, cool as a cucumber. I stared at Kelly. So, this was how she was going to get Bumble to exhibit her abilities. Bumble fell silent again.

"Fine! You caught my bluff. I was going to teleport to hightail it out of here," she burst out in exasperation. Kelly had a triumphant look on her face. I stepped in. "Look, let's just get some photographic evidence then we can set her free," I said to Kelly. Instantly, Bumble paled to a deathly shade of white. "You can't do that! Please don't do that," she implored. Curious, I turned to her and asked why. "If any of my people find out that I let the cat out of the bag about our existence, I'll be executed," she exclaimed, wide-eyed and looking a bit crazy. "She could be lying," Kelly said. I looked at Bumble. The firecracker who cursed at me vigorously only minutes ago was now slumped at the bottom of her golden jail, looking every bit the perfect image of a broken doll.

"No. I don't think she is. Look at her," I said. Bumble was so forlorn and desolate, now she turned her pleading eyes on Kelly's unconvinced expression. "Please," she begged softly. Kelly still looked doubtful. My temper was beginning to run short. "We're letting her go and that's final," I burst out. "Wait," Kelly said softly. She looked Bumble in the eye. "If we let you go, how can we ever remember this meeting as reality with no proof even for ourselves?" Kelly murmured. Bumble contemplated this and spoke again. "I'll make something for you," she said. Kelly pondered this. I waited expectantly. Kelly nodded.

I clapped excitedly as Bumble danced happily in her little cage. Kelly smirked and opened the tiny door. I gently removed the cellophane tape tat restrained Bumble's hands as she stepped out. We looked at her expectantly. She smiled and turned to the golden cage. Her eyes closed and she began reciting some incantation that was too soft for us to hear.

The cage glowed as her chanting reached a feverish pitch. With one final word, Bumble leapt into the air and waved goodbye as the cage was enveloped in a blinding light. Kelly and I shielded our eyes and, by the time we looked up again, Bumble was gone. The cage had disappeared and in its place were two small pendants. We picked them up to have a closer look. They resembled Bumble perfectly and were made of solid gold. But, the most beautiful things about the pendants were the wings for if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, Bumble's whole life story, dancing across them gently.


Gawdy gawdy my neck D:


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Day I Lost My Temper.

So we've all (well most of us xD) agreed to type out our english paper 1 essays and post it on the blog. This one's mineeee.


My name is Mike. I am 45 years old. I am currently being held at the St. Peterson Prison in Maine under charges of public disturbance. You see, I have always been a patient man, but a string of unlucky events changed that. Do you want to know my story? It is about the day I lost my temper.

September 11, what a day. I still remember the events that happened on that very date, crystal clear and fresh in my mind. I am not talking about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. I am in fact, talking about the day I caught my wife cheating on me. To make matters worse, she did not cheat on me with another man, but another woman. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I was fired from my job earlier that day.

I used to work for a big company that specialised in producing computer software. I had been an employee for almost thirty years, pouring my heart and soul into the company. Even though there were times when other business advantages had popped up, I remained loyal to the company. i was working my way to the top, and earlier that week I was approached by one of the company's Board of Directors, offering me a position as the company's CEO. I accepted the offer. Things were going well for me.

However, in that same week the company had hired a new financial advisor, a Mr. Greggory Adams. He was required to check through all the company's employee accounts and the spending of the company's money. This didn't seem like a big deal to me as I had always kept a clean record. I couldn't say the same for my wife though.

On September 11, 2009 I was askked to meet with the Board of Directors and Mr. Greggory. I had no idea what it was about. Throughout the meeting I was shown evidence of misuse of the company's money. Apparently I had been using my employee account to purchase items like expensive lingerie, bouquets of flowers that costed hundreds of dollars, jewellary and plane trips to various locations. I was dumbfounded, as I had never purchased any of these things before. I pledged my innocence to the directors, but being the cheating and lying scumbags themselves, they didn't believe me. A few minutes after that, I was fired from my job. A few days after accepting one of the higest positions in the company, I was layed off.

Confused and upset, I drove home. On the way there I had managed to get rear-ended by another car, whose driver had conviniently drove away straight afterwards without leaving me his details. My patience was wearing out. I decided to just tough it out a little longer and return home to my caring and understanding wife.

As I attempted to park my car in the driveway, I noticed another car, a blue Ford Cosway. I didn't own that car nor did I know anyone who did. I parked at the side of the street and walked up to the house. I opened the door and announced my arrival, since I was returning home earlier than usual. Suddenly my wife emergerd from the top of the staircase, looking very dishevelled and untidy. She was only dressed in her robe and had a guilty expression on her face. I was about to ask her what's wrong when another woman, donning nothing but out bed's bed sheet walked out behind her. I turned to my wife expecting an explanation from her, but she only managed to mutter the words "I'm sorry".

Then, everything hit me. The records from the purchases made, my wife's trip with her "friends" which I used to always think were ridiculously timed, and the blue Ford Cosway parked in the driveway. My wife cheated on me, with another woman, and used my money to do so. I couldn't take it anymore. The stress and pressure got to me. I felt my blood boil with rage and the feelings of anger and betrayel overwhelmed me. As I grabbed a baseball bat from the coat closet and left the house, logic left me as well. I waled, or practically stomped my way to the blue Ford Cosway and swung the bat right into the headlights. I smashed the windows, the bonet, everything. I then proceeded to my garden and destroyed everything in it in an act of rage. I was screaming and yelling like a mad man about the unfairness of the world.

Minutes later the police arrived. One of my neighbours had called them saying that I was being a disturbance. I refused arrest and they pepper-sprayed me in the face. I was dragged to the police car, humiliated and in pain. Yes, I remember the details of the day, crystal clear. September 11, the day I lost my temper.

I agree that it isn't that much of a dramatic essay xD but teacher is a sensitive and innocent individual

who probably doesn't want to read about enraged men punching whores in the face.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I feel wrongly accused u_u

Yesterday after Sabs party, my dad fetched me home. He appears outside sabs house out of the blue..i check's on Loud mode..did anyone in party hear it ringing cause I didn't! but then digi comes and sends msg saying i have a miss call..does this for 4 times..meaning dad called 4 times -.-

Guess what..i got scolded once entering the car..because he says I purposely didn't answer his calls

The part which IS my fault
I shut up at first but i hate being accused of things that were not my fault..he doesn't believe me when i say I didn't get the calls..I open my Calendar to check for things. NOW he accuses me of msging people..says if my phone can't accept calls why am i msging ppl..I lose it this time and start screaming (THIS is the part where it's my fault)..ESPECIALLY after he said I sms tak berhenti

I count my outbox and tell him yesterday I only sent TWO msgs..i ask him whether he wants to see proof..he says no..he asks me to count the day before..14 msgs..that's when he get happier..and says he'll get my mum to look at the proof..he's buta IT (all I can think is: WOW..YOU TRUST ME A LOT)

I forgot to mention..I demanded an apology which he refused to give (must've been the last straw for him)

1. I'm not having my allowance this month
2. No money for phone (reason being i didn't listen to his calls [Note: I already explained])
3. A feeling of extreme anger, bitterness and unforgiveness (this one here's the problem)

Lesson learned
1. It is indeed to man's glory to overlook an offense
2. Prepare to have cartloads of patience when being a parent OR being a child

Totally unrelated
The title of this post should be Dad instead of parents, but I'm not happy with mum cause she didn't say a single thing (she wasn't in the car but she was definitely there when he gave the verdict on punishment, WHICH HE TOLD ME BY WRITING ON A NOTE AND LEAVING IT FOR ME TO READ)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thanks so much pochi u_u i'm sorry for the extreme extreme last minute last minute asking your mum to fetch thing u_u

Shall bake cookies even though I know you have raya cookies u_u shall not try muffins since i'm not very proficient in baking them yet


Note: I guess I also behaved badly towards my dad u_u i hung up on him when he said find your own transport and I hung up on my mum when SHE said it's nothing to do with me. Cause i know i will start freaking out and screaming u_u seeing as it's nearing 10pm and I am faced with the prospect of being stuck in gurney without transpo u_u


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The deficiency in exams :

After reading meep's blog post on how she feels like crap after being sick xD (i corrected itttt), I realise i've pretty much gotten the better part of the bargain. Having insomnia everyday and sleeping for 4 hours at night still hasn't killed me (thank God for afternoon naps). Not to mention I wake up at 5am or 6 am everyday to study (or 7am if I've had terrible insomnia the night before and slept around 3am)

So far, the only thing I've suffered is Chopin xD during piano today, I was so blur and tired I was clenching my teeth and trying to sight read the new parts

Me : (staring at piano piece with brow furrowed) [Inner mind] Phew..2 pages done!
Teacher: Play that again
Me : TT_______TT!!! xOOOOOOOOO [all this happens inside]
Me : (plays the 2 pages again obviously sight reading as badly since what i played before that didn't register)

This happened for 4 pages at which I was praying like mad for patience so I could just go and SLEEP o.O I'm sorry teacher...the trials have not been kind xD

Ah well..and I think I'm pretty much immune against feeling like crap since I've been feeling like crap since the holidays (got insomnia that time). And since trials end tomorrow it doesn't matter anymore whether I got insomnia or not since I get to sleep xD YAY!

The funny thing during Chemistry..everyone was sleeping but Renee, Stephanie and I (the people I notice who are in my line of vision o.O) I consider it irony in my part and just rajinness for both of them since I wasn't doing anything BUT staring at what other people were doing (which was sleeping)

The good thing about being in an all girls school...

1. No tricking each other when it comes to tips
*stares at a certain all boys school*

2. Sharing of exam tips ~

Eventhough some classes get tips earlier, it somehow passes around in time just before an exam starts xDD Recess time is a long time to get the word passed around hehe

I know that we should all be like Renee Lim and not listen to all these tips, but for someone who barely studied, it is like a wahyu to me @_@ Damnit. Must not procrastinate anymore. Next exam coming along is already SPM

..But thinking of it, sometimes the tips don't really help much.. haha....

3. Turning your body to side indicating your back is a universal language xP

it's ok if u don't get this one xP

Thursday, August 27, 2009


*hauuuuu* She named only me.. D= I'll do it for youuu~! =DDD

1.) Have you ever been asked out?
Um... I suppose? O_o

2.) Where was your default picture taken?
Which is my default? Most probably from the net. =_=

3.) What's your name????
Swt.. Stupid question...

4)Your Status:
Appear offline~=D *everybody knows my status.. Swt... It hasn't changed in 4 years. =D*

5.) Does your crush like you back?
No, she doesn't (sooo many times, she'd told me). No, he's not interested in my kaum.

6.) What is your current mood?
I feel like laughing. ._.

7.) What color of underwear are you wearing?
I dunno, I don't care. =_=

8.) What color shirt are you wearing?
Light blue~ =D

9.) Missing something?
Does a brain count?

10.) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
I won't change anything. =D Quite happy with what I've done~ =D

11.) If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
A monkey, thats the closest thing to my current self~ =D

12.) Ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so.

13.) Something you do a lot?
Quote Pochi: Procrastinate.

14.) The song stuck in your head?
No boundaries/Mad world - Adam Lambert
Cause of Carmen, Touch my hand - David Archuleta

15.) Who did you copy and paste this from?
Pochi~! =D

16.) Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Ooooo!! I know this!!! Hani Syafiah~!!! She's in my class. =DDDD

17.) When was the last time you cried?
Um.... Long time ago? Can't remember? 3 years back? O_o 4? I dunno? 5??? =___=

18.) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
When you're in a choir, you sure have.

19.) If you could have one super power what would it be?
I wanna read minds~ =D

20.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair~ =D What if I don't notice the opposite sex at all? O_o

21.) What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Chocolate ice-blended~ =D I like starbucks... D= Is it bad? D=

22.) What's your biggest secret?
I dunno... I usually tell people everything.. ._. What do you wanna know?

23.) Favorite colour?
Pink~ =D

24.) Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
I watch both~! But more kiddie~ =D I'm a big kid~ =D

25.) What's on your wall?
Kira, Lacus(??), Kagami, Tsukasa, Miyuki, Konata, Takanari, Haine, whole group of Rurouni Kenshin~, Soubi and Ritsuka~ =DDDD

26.) What are you?
I'd like to think that I'm human~ =D

27.) Do you speak any other language?
Iie~ =D

28.) What's your favorite smell?
Does it HAVE to be a smell? I like normal air, without any smell...

29.) Describe your life in one word.

30.) Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Hime-sama: I dunno.. I suppose so...

31.) What are you thinking about right now?
Whether I've ever kissed Hime-sama under the rain~ =D

33.) What should you be doing?
Studying. Trialllsss... D=

34.) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Myself. (I don't know why I get pissed off at my family. It's just so stupid. For no reason at all. I'm such an ass)

35.) How often do u talk to God?
If I do talk to God, I wouldn't be here, typing this. =_=

36.) Do you like working in the yard?
What yard? Yards just don't exist in my area...

37.) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Why would I wanna change my last name? =_= My mom gave me a very nice name. (albeit the sarong part...) *refering to Kye Li of my name... =D (taking "last name" literally) Lame, I know...*

38.) Do you act differently around the people you like?
Hime-chan, do I act differently around you? O_o Swt, obviously not. Being around you is my normal self~ =D

39.) What is your natural hair color?
Black~! =DD

40.) Who was the last person to make you cry?
I can't even remember when was the last time I cried, and now its, "Who was the last person to make you cry?"?!?!?! Swt.... This tag is patronising me!!! (is it even the correct word?? O_o? It should be...) <---- Proving my stupidity. =_=

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Birthday?

Thanks to (in this order):
Before 12.00am (according to my phone):-
  1. Pheng Sheng
  2. Sabrena
  3. Su Jen
  4. Kim Mei
  5. Faridatul

12.00am onwards:

  1. Amelia (Hime-sama called me~! =DDDDD)
  2. Aida
  3. Carmen Ng
  4. Chris
  5. Calvin (Including my family, of course... They wished me while I was on the phone with hime-sama~ =D)
  6. Aunty Lean Sim~!!!!!!
  7. Eunice & her family~!
  8. Soon Wei
  9. Wilson
  10. Eunice Lee~! =D Onion~
  11. Ze Yin~!
  12. Pochi~! =D
  13. Krystal~! (At 4 something am? O_o is FB lying to me?!)
  14. Dianne~ (At 6 something am?!?! FB too~)
  15. Gizele~!!!! Thank youuu~! =D
  16. Rachel Heah~!
  17. Guat Phing~ =D
  18. Alyaa~ (this is somewhat believable~ 10.43 am)
  19. Joanne Lim~! =D
  20. Joalin~ =D
  21. Nicholas
  22. Aunty Alice~! =D
  23. Aldon~ =D
  24. Tara-sama~ =D

After my birthday~:

  1. Tze Ni~ =DDDD
  2. Rachel Yee (2 whole weeks after my birthday. Hahahahah)

Thank youuuu~!!!! =DDDDDD I lurve all of youuuu~!!! *except one~ Hahahahha... Nawww... I'm OK with you~ =DDDD*

Didn't do anything~ =D Watched The Proposal~ Funnneeeh~~ =DDDDD

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Compilation of performances during prize giving day~

Videos courtesy of I-Lyn, Joanne and yours truly =D

Firstly, our music team performances, all recorded by Joanne with I-lyn's camera xD :

Madu dan Racun

Su Jen, you betrayed us! We were the famed expressionless 'cha taus' and there u are moving like an octopus! D: *getshot*

Latin Gold

Abba songs

Puisi dan lagu

Missed the piano intro!!! T_T

Band percussion

Kakoiii~ Especially during Bern's solo. Haha

Ok that's about it. Unless you guys have more to add, that is. But I guess I'm the only freak here who actually bothered about these instead of studying for trials D:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Amelia's birthday photos.

We didn't take that many photos, and I know it was aaaaages ago D: b-but, here are some of the pictures anyway.

We ate at A&W, where I discovered my love for the chicken burgers D: AND THIS IS WHERE WE SANG THE BIRTHDAY SONG

...with another group of random people. Idk who they were.


Yeah panda that's what you're missing >D

Lol @ the old grandma at the back. She photo-bombed us! D8

Andd the birthday girl =D

That's about it, lol. I just wanted to make our blog a bit more colourful, and to also show you guys the pictures I took with Ian. There's more but they're all just more random shots. xD END.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

I'm gonna write what I did the whole day. =____=

I went to school at like 6.30, hoping that the hall would be open, but it wasn't, obviously. It opened only after Ia sked En. Latiff.... Stupid.... Ran here and there to get all the hadiahs up the stage, set the laptops up, try to turn on the LCD on stage, see if the other LCDs in the hall are working, which was on. Pn. Chuah was so panicky... First she was like, "Girls!!! I asked you to take the trolleys up to the stage, why didn't you?" Reason was cause the hall wasn't open. =____= And that there weren't anybody else in charge of hadiah there in school at 6.30. =___=

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Faridatul was so cute!!!! =DDDDD

I reached school, wanted to go up to class, Kumu saw me, started talking, Sher Maine came and continued talking. Sher Maine and Kumu went for duty at like, 7 and I went to look for the hall key. While En. Latiff opened the hall, I saw Faridatul!!!=D She didn't know how to tie her tie, so I tried to teach her, but she was toobusy staring at me instead of her tie. =__= *her words, btw* Then Pn. Chuah came and asked us to pindahkan the trolleys upstage and get everything ready. after pindahing, I went to get the LCD stuff ready... After that, Pn. Chuah came back in with INTI's hadiah, without knowing what to do. She was like, "Go look for Pn. Asmimi, ask her what to do with this." Faridatul, Zahirah and I were like, "Okay." We didn't know that Pn. Asmimi could do a disappearing act on us when she's so important, since she's in charge of hadiahs. =_= Took me like, so damn long to find her. Pn. Rita came to stage before she did, asked her what to do, she pun blur blur said to just put it with the other hadiahs. =__= Whatever la. Teacher say A I do A. =___=

While Kim Mei and Rachel arranged the prize winners, I was running around looking for Pn. Asmimi. So so so so so so sorry Mei, Rach... Crazy prefects were like, "Eh, red skirts!!! Guard of Honour!! Line up!!!" Like hell ada masa~ Swt... They canceled it anyway. =_= After all the running around, setting up the LCD and stuff, TYT came~ =D He wasn't THAT late this year. He was late by only 10 minutes!!!! Thank god he decided to come early this year. I would've died if I had to wait for 2 hours like we did for AP. =___= The usuals started, band played, pemeriksaan pebarisan, then kompang... Then the speeches... My god... So long la Pn. Pengetua's speech!!! =____= 86 slides!!!!!! Nothing to do while the speeches were on. =____= Went to change to that ugly thing. D= I went when she was talking and when I came back, she was STILL talking. I went to 3 Akik, WALKING really slowly... =___= Oh my god. My shirt was SOOOO wet within the first hour of school. Swt... So disgusting... D=

After Pn. Pengetua, was TYT. He can NOT speak any slower. I knew he spoke slowly, but I didn't expect him to talk SOOOO slowly. =_= I was waiting for the stupid pelancaran. Was talking to the form 4s and 3s. =DDDD The form 3s were talking about the way I text people. Apparently, I influence people to use a lot of "haha"s. Faridatul was there to gossip with them about me. =_= When I walked back into the hall after changing, Sher Maine was like, "We were just talking about you!" I was like, huh? Swt... They told me what they said. o_o I wanted to tell Faridatul to do something, but I forgot what it was after they talked to me. =____= Oh well.. Tak kisah lah. =_= It was done, I suppose, since none of the teachers complained. =_=

After the stupidly slow speech, it was pelancaran. The first time we did it during rehearsal, it was PERFECT!!! *not really, too much smoke, but still OK la* Yesterday, it wasn't that nice. Pn. Sharifah announced, and he was sooo cute!!! He lifted his hands up and showed everyone before he touched the fish bowl.. When he touched it, Jing Min switched on the lights, the music and spotlights came on. BUT!! The smoke machine refuse to burp its stupid SMOKE!!! SHEEEESH!!! It was close to perfect already!!!!!!!! The stupid thing wouldn't come on even after Wei Yen pressed it for like, 3 to 4 times. It came on only like, 10 seconds after the music and the lights came on. =____= The form 3s at the other side were like, what happened?! Sher Maine was like, "What the hell?" The form 4s were like...O_O Ms. Cheong was like, "Why no smoke?!" Nobody knew what happened.. =___= It came on darn late. =__= Oh well~

After pelancaran, it was our gamelan/caklempong/angklung/xylophone/glockenspiel/drums/strings performance. It was OK la~ =D The form 5s' last performance, most probably~ =D So funnyla. I was lost for Abba! Hahahahah...Only the Mamma Mia part... D= So sad.. D= Madu dan Racun so boring but Mr. Ang likes it. Swt... Latin Gold was AWESOME!!!! Hahahahahha....I love Latin Gold! =D After the performance, when we were backstage, after I change back to my uniform in that lil room, Bernardine was like "Teacher, teacher! *to Pn. Audrey* The bass pedal broke!" I laughed, obviously. Teacher was like... O_O How did that happen?! Bern was like, I dunnnooo... The screw thingy came off halfway through the performance. Hahahahhahahah.. So cute la Bern~ =D Then the prize giving for form 1 and 2 started then Puisi dan Lagu... Switched on the lyrics...Waited for it to finish, then rushed off to call Bernardine cause prize giving for form 3 and 4 coming up. =___= What the heck la... She was like, "I go band room ah??" before she left the hall cause I was supposed to call her... So I went to the band room. When I got there, I saw Ze Yin coming out and I was like, Bernardine leh? She was like, I dunno? I didn't see her. So I was like, crap. So I walked to Laman Ilmu, and she wasn't there. Saw some band members and I asked, she said she was in the hall or 3 mutiara. So I went to 3 mutiara. She wasn't there. I went to her class cause the person in 3 Mutiara said she might be there or the hall, so I went to her class. She wasn't there. Her classmates told me she wasn't. So I jalan back to the hall, SHE WASN'T THERE!! Asked Rachel, and she was like, She's still not here la. I was like, Oh, I'm looking for her. So I went to Laman Ilmu again, saw Evangeline and...Can'tremember who la. Evangeline toldme she was on her way to 3 Mutiara d and that Bern went to 3 Mutiara before she did. So I ran there AGAIN and she WASN'T THERE!!!! God.... I was like...Damn...No timela...Gotta go for duty again d!!!! So I ran to the hall... And when it was 4 Mutiara.. I was like.. YAYYYY!!!FARIDATUL!!!! Hahahahahaha...Then when it was 4 Vocasional... I was like...O_O *jaw drops while thinking to myself* WHAT THE HELL?! BERNARDINE IS HERE?! Swt... I was like... "I'm gonna KILL Bernardine!!!!" When she came up backstage after going down from receiving her prize, I was like... I'm gonna kill you! She was like,"Sorry!! Sorry!" *bow bow* Sorry!!! With her really really really cute voice.. Hahahahahahha... I was like, " It's OK laaa..." She's so cute.. Manalah aku sanggup nak bunuh dia.... Swt... She got ready for Battle of the Drum while I went to project the lyrics of Think of Me for Daarshini~ =D After form 5 and 6, BATTLE OF THE DRUM!!! Hahahahahahh.. Lovely lovely performance. BERNARDINE WAS SO COOL AND CUTE!!! Omg...*drools....* Hahahahhahaha... Love her solo performance. =D After all the hadiahs, *clapped like I kekurangan one hand for Su Jen and Ashley~ (I was holding the stupid frame for TYT)* Then, HABISSS! Cleared everything up, put back the trolleys, then lepak. Watched the band for most of the time... =DDD Helped with other random stuff... =DDD

My mother said she would be around 1 o'clock latest, but NOOOO... She came ONE HOUR later than said time. =___= Oh well~ =D Waited with Tara, Pochi, Kumu, I-Lyn, Thissvane (was it her?), and June. Tara said she would go at 5, considering that her friends are fetching her, but NOOOOO.. She was the FIRST to go back. =___= Liar... DDDDD= We were talking about History Form 3 Kerja Kursus. Hahahahah... Talked about how stupid it is. o_o Then me mommy came and I went to tuition~ =D

Nothing much happened, really. This just seems like a long post. It's considerably detailed, this post. o_o Pindahing the kempul was SOOO HARDDD!!! I love Amelia, Jing Min, Izzaty, Sarah(?) (form 2 right?), Noor Aida, and a few others whom I do not know (sorry) for helping out. =DDDD THANK YOUUU!!!! =DDDDDD I love you guys~! =DDDD Mr. Phong made us all help him with his kaki meja dan meja... Hahahahahhahaha... Next time, I'll leave you to do it yourself, sir!!! *just joking.. Of course I'll help... I'm not so useless. I don't mind, really~*

There, our last Hari Anugerah, from my point of view. =DDD Most probably my last official duty as a red skirt too~! =DDDD Awesome~! =D Hahahahahhaha...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hari Anugerah~

Today was Hari Anugerah~ It was lame~ Hahahaha. Just a big show for the governor. And Pengetua's speech was so damn loooong. And I tried reaaaally hard to smileeeeee all the time :) Uh. Playing the chimes was.... Awkward.... Hee hee hee. Ugh. The Twilight quizzes on Facebook are all so easy xD So bored. Yes, I'm not really talking about Hari Anugerah. But, someone was like, why're there no new posts on the GGG blog ._. Here you go, whoever you are coz I forgot~ Hee hee hee.


PS The Maggi Mee they gave was ok xD
PPS Pn Marzizah rawks

Friday, July 17, 2009

Coincidence xD

I was sorting through photos and found these two. One reminded me of the other xD I'm not making fun of anyone btw :P was just a funny coincidence. The pose looks sort of alike, don'tcha think? =o

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's been quite some time since Michael Jackson's death but I just saw this video in I-Lyn's blog and felt the obligation to spread it.

Poor guy T_T

Why do negative rumours spread more than the truth. Many people didn't even know that he was suffering from a disease (including me until just recently). Many ppl know about him being accused for child molestation, but not the fact that the child accusing him has already confessed that it wasn't true.

It's just so tragic D: and I wasn't even his fan!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Merentas Desa

Hahaha, yet another day of running, friends and sweat has passed. This year, like every other year, I was on duty for RC... However, although I had to just stand at the finishing line and watch groups of sweaty, stinky people finish the run, I have to say I had a lot of fun. I feel that thanks are in order to these people for making SGGS's Merentas Desa event so awesome....

1. Alyssa - for satying with me at the finishing line and helping me do RC duty.. Oh, and for bringing the Chem book for me to study...
2. Afi and Q - for standing beside me and working so hard, also for fanning me for nearly an hour(cuz I'm their senior).
3. Kelly, for buying 100plus for us super thirsty people..You saved our lives..
4. Rammya and Joanne Tan, for bringing Aly and I some Vico..
5. Elina, for giving me something to do(I would've died of boredom)
6. Kelly again(see, I told you you rock), this time for lending me her new cell so i could play games....
7. The teachers, who graced us with their smiles
8. All the RC members who showed up for duty on time..

I thank you all!!! You peeps rock!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is for kelly..feel free to read the cbox too

i was spamming the cbox and realised there's not enough space -.- anyway kelly...this is for you..READ (from bottom to top)

Jen: shall copy paste into a post

Jen: not enough cbox space

Jen: oh great

Jen: last last words : HAH! COUNTER THIS (this does not mean you're to waste time writing a whole new blog post to counter what i say)

Jen: my last words : you are who you's good that you knwo your weaknesses..but dwelling on them isn't exactly wise

Jen: you procrastinate (and i don't? and meep doesn't? and rach doesn't? and sabs doesn't?)

Jen: you lack self esteem (then get self esteem...being perasan helps)

Jen: you're not the least helpful?!?!?! (slap slap slapppp)

Jen: you;re hurtful (so is everyone else..nobody's perfect)

Jen: you're rude (same reason as insulting..WE DON'T CARE...)

Jen: you're selfish (-.- right..rach and I shall now proceed to slap you as we are more selfish and feel cowed by your good example)

Jen: youre insulting (so what? we don't care..if other people do..they're not us xD HAHAHAHAHA)

30 Jun 09, 19:52

Jen: you're too playful..THANK GOD YOU ARE PLAYFUL (or the rest of us will be very down as we ain't)

Jen: you're blunt (how many people do you know who are tactful? --'') blunt = honest you are therefore honest (that's a virtue btw)

Jen: if you're not disciplined i don't see why there's the red're disciplined enough to be a prefect...AND indisciplined enough to be our friend (a great feat xD)

Jen: you are picky (it's a good thing...not like the rest of us who very cincai what if you're brand's GOOD...and who cares bout long you get your nutrients)

Jen: you are planning to start studying for SPM this week (like a lazy person would think that...they'll be full of excuses)

Jen: i'm more untidy than you (look at my room) and i don't even complain bout it

Jen: you are are a prefect who does your work and you still complete homework whether it's late or not

Jen: you are as forgetful as the rest of us

Jen: if you are not loud we would be alarmed cause you would be 6 feet under

Jen: you are only annoying to the people you love

Jen: you are a mature girl who knows enough to go around enjoying life while others slave away

Jen: you look cute

Jen: you are smart

Jen: you are well proportioned

Jen: i shall start now

Note : this shows how much we are all shaken by your down-ness..get over it before we start panicking

To Kelly

My dear fren Kelly,

Who seems to be so low on self esteem lately, what did you lose? Oh god, just cause I haven't been in school for a few days I'ver missed out on so much!!! Oh well....

Now you may have been ranting on and on about your bad qualities, but I for one disagree with you. Reason :

1. So what if you're short? There are many people shorter than you.
2. You're an AWESOME friend to me, you do so many things for me.... In fact, I owe you lots...
3. So what if you're childish? (Actually I think you're not childish, you're just happy-go-lucky), but a lot of us lose that real quick and asre a bunch of grumpy idiots(I'm talking about ME here). I think you know that I've been pretty grumpy lately cause nof bad results and blablabla, and I would give anything to not give a damn.
4. I can't actually remember what other negative qualities you said you have, so I can't counter them. However, I do have some good stuff to say.

Kelly, my good friend, has been helping me out with work and etcetera when I was not in school. In fact, she still is helping me out. Even when I AM in school, she's willing to run around everywhere and accompany me to do my dirty work. Oh, she also helps me stand up to a very very evil person.. (XD). I however, am the epitome of bad friendship. I'm lazy and sometimes am not willing to go all out to help people. However, Kelly makes me feel bad about that and so I am a changed person.

Oh, god... Am I a bad friend? I think I am.... Maybe I should go write something bad about myself instead...... DX

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I hate myself

There were already soooo many reasons to hate myself, and today, I just added one more reason to the list..

  1. I'm short (but sometimes I'm kinda glad I am)
  2. I'm stupid
  3. I look stupid
  4. I'm childish
  5. I'm annoying
  6. I'm loud
  7. I'm forgetful
  8. I'm irresponsible
  9. Im untidy
  10. I'm lazy
  11. I'm picky
  12. I'm indiscipline
  13. I'm blunt
  14. I'm too playful
  15. I'm insulting
  16. I'm selfish
  17. I'm rude
  18. I'm hurtful
  19. I'm not the least helpful
  20. I lack self esteem *what irony*
  21. I procrastinate too much

The list actually just goes on and on, but I've got no time to list it all out. The recent one would be the fact that I lose people's stuff.. I'm sooooo not gonna play with other people's stuff anymore..

I'm so so so so so so so sorry.. T_T I feel so bad, I feel like crying right now.. T_T I'm really really really really sorry. T_T I don't know how important is it, but I figured its kinda important if you're looking so hard for it. I'm so so so sorry. T_T

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I have my own obsession.

Realistically, Kristen. How can you choose this

over THIS?!


PS: there is a way better picture of taylor, but for those of you who view blogs with your parents behind you 8D not a good idea to post it here.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

As long as that pic of Sher Maine is there

Kelly can't say no to me posting her pic in here. ;D


Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is gonna be another LONG LONG post by mua~ =DDD

When I reached there, I felt so... Janggal.. I don't wear skirts or dresses.. When I put it on in Eunice's house, I was like, Oh my god. I felt so weird. I was like.. Oh my goddd... My friends are so gonna scream... o.o It was around 6.20 when I left my cousin's house... =___= I wanted to reach there by like, 6.30, but I reached there at 6.40 or something like that. So late... D= Texted Sher Maine to come wait for me in the lobby.. But I didn't see herrr.. D= Not till she called my name from the balcony thing.. DDD= I felt so janggal la.. D= I don't like dresses.. D=

We went up to the ballroom, and I didn't want to take pictures with anyone AT ALL. Not even Hime-chan.. I feel stupid in my dress.. Thats why I didn't want to take any pictures. I still do think I look stupid in my dress. Anyway, I didn't take any picture then. I was hiding behind Sher Maine the whole time. Su was nice enough to ask the rest not to stalk me. o_o My god.. So many cameras. I've never seen so many cameras aimed at me before.. DDDDD= And Mei Shan was like, I'll DEFINITELY get a picture of you BY TONIGHT. Hahahahha.. I'm not sure if I did or not. I'm sorry Mei Shan, if I didn't. D= Sher Maine was so cuteeee~ =DDDD If only she didn't wear that long sleeve shirt she wore.. If only she didn't button it up. T_T I felt so stupid in that dress.. T_T I don't like wearing dresses but I like seeing people in dresses. No matter how much people say I look OK and stuff, I still think I look stupid. I feel stupid..=___= Hime-chan came with Krystal and they both look so PRETTY!!! =DDDDDDDDD Hime-chan was so cute in her dresss!!!!!! I didn't take picture with her when she wanted to. Gomen, hime-chan. Most of the time, all I did was crouch down in some corner.. Or look down.. Standing next to Sher Maine.. I realised, I spent lotsa time standing around Sher Maine. She was dragging me to take pictures, at first but let me have my way in the end anyway. Hahahahah.. OH OH OH!!!

THANK YOU SHER MAINE!!! FOR GETTING MY CAMERA BACK TO MEEE!!! And thanks to Kim Mei and Tara for helping me look for my cameraaa!

After the prefects said we could go in to the ballroom, I ran right in. Hahahahahahah.. So happy to be able to get away from the cameras.. T_T Sudahlah I look so stupid, wanna take picture to commemorate this stupidity.. =____= What la you people. Sheesh. Sinister and that other dude, I don't know his name, was like, taking pictures of my the whole day. So mean. D= Oh well~ =D When I was in there, I was like, sitting like how I usually sit.. And I realised I was wearing a dress.. And I was thinking to myself, Aiyo, how la these people wear these things and SIT? =___= I can't sit properly in a dress/skirt. =_= I was like, walking around, following Sher Maine around, talking to people, avoiding the camera.. And Sher Maine was like, pleading and pleading me to take a picture with her.. D= Finally agreed to it anyway. That was the first picture I took for the night. Hahahahah.. We went out to take the picture~ =DD Sher Maineee~ So cuteee~~

OOOOOO!! I met this PFS dude whom I met in RC duty a few months ago!! =DDDDD Zi Hua or something like that! =D I feel bad.. For not talking to him longer.. And forgetting his name.. I saw him outside the ballroom earlier, but I couldn't recall where I saw him. When we were inside, he came up to me and I was like, hi. *think think* He was like, "you're.... Sara? O_o" Hahahahaha.. I was like, "*laugh laugh* No, I'm Kelly. Who are you again? You look familiar. Where did we meet? O_o" He was like, "Waaa.. At least I remembered where we met. We were in RC duty.. The temple one. My name is Zi Hua *dunno wrong or right spelling.. If you do, tell me please, thanks* You're form 5 now right?". And I was like, "Yeah, you're form 6?! O_O" I said that cause I know most of the form 5 PFS people. Swt. There comes the awkward silence.... Then I was like, talk talk talk, then bye~ And he was like, bye. Hahahahha.. Awkward!!!

The food there.. Oh mai gawd!!! EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE VEGGIE!!! The only thing that doesn't taste or smell like veg is the fish thingy. Of course, the desserts too.. Omg.. The chocolate cake was REALLY REALLY NICE!! I had only so lil bit of it. T_T Oh welll... Sorry, Su. For taking your chocolate cake.. D= Sorry.. D= When I was taking pictures with Sher Maine outside she was like, "Go eat la.." I was like, "Dowan.. Line so long. Waiting for it to shorten.." And when I finally did, IT TASTED SOOO HORRIBLE!! DDDD= Tara called me an aneroxic bitch. D= But that was before she knew I already ate and the waiter behind her was carrying my plate. Swt. Hahhahaha.. Then Sher Maine comes along, saying "Go eat la.." And I was like, "everything tastes like VEGGIE.. EVERYTHING.. Including the CHICKEN... You wanna try? I'll bring for you. It REALLY does taste like veg.. o_o" Sher Maine was thirsty, so I was like, "Drink.." When she drank the thing, she was like, *cough cough* What the hell was that? Hahahahahhahahaha.. I was like, "See, even the drink is like that, imagine the food! D=" Had to drink the juice thingy anyway, can't not drink water the whole 5 hours. o_o She laughed and walked away after that. I felt so awkward, in a dress. I haven't wore a dress since 6!! DDDD= Thats like, more than 10 years ago? Swt.. I was like, sinking lower and lower in my seat and Sinister and his friend just had to come and serbu my table just to take pictures.. D= I let them anyway, half way through the night. Hahahahah..

After taking the pictures with Sher Maine, went back inside. After that, I dunno who the hell was forcing me to take a picture, in the end, EVERYBODY came around to take a freaking picture with me.. Then, I was taking a picture with dunno which group, then one by one, they kept coming to join the group. Even Mr Phong joined us~! =DDD Sir, you came late!! D= In the end, we had to smile for like, 30 somethin pictures I think.. *I might have exaggerated this a bit* I still don't like taking pictures. After this weird biiiig group picture, I had to take over and over again with DIFFERENT people. T_T Sucks... T_T Most of the time, Sher Maine would be our photographer. T_T I would rather Sher Maine be in the picture too.. T_T When I didn't want to take, she'll make me take. DDDD= I was with Sher Maine most of the time. o_o Waaaa... Me took pictures with Faridahtul!!! =DDDDD I love my junior!!! =DDDDDD I wonder if I pissed her off by bringing the demerit forms. DDD= Pn Mashitah wasn't even there, was she? =_= I didn't see her. =.= Alyssa wasted the club's moneh for sponsoring her. Hahahahha.. Sorry, Faridahtul.. D= The multimedia presentation was AWESOME!!! =DDDDDDDD So many pictures of so many people!!! They're all so cool!! =DDD I love that presentation!! I didn't do much though. o_o It was really nice. Sher Maine was the only form 3 to have her picture SOOO obviously there. Hahahahah. =D I love youu~ =D

I talked to Ms Chu Len!! =DDD Her classes were really fun! =D I didn't mind getting scolded in her class! =D Took a few pictures with her. But I don't know with whose camera. o_o She said this year is the only year of which her students are talking to her. o_o I can't imagine who wouldn't wanna talk to teacher. D= She's so cute la!! =DDDDD I love you, teacher!!! =DDDD

Didn't watch much of the performance.. D= I liked Luvenia's the most!! =DDDD Though she was gorenging the thing apparently, when I said everybody liked it. Hhahahaha.. Pn. Pengetua isn't very happy.. Hahahahha.. I like hugging Sher Maine.. =DDDDDD Omg... The Belle of The Night... o_o There was this really plain one. D= I don't know why she was nominated.. D= Jing Min was nice too~ I love Mei Shan's dress.. D= Alyssa went back early. Right after Luvenia's performance. D= So early. D= There wasn't anything much anyway, after she left. All we did after she left was talk more, announce who won the awards.. The winners are:

Brain Coral - Yeoh Tze Ni
Octopus (multitasker) - Chan Wei Yen
Clown Fish (Class clown) - Ashley Leow
Abalone (most likely to be a millionaire) - Neoh Mei Shan
Dory (adventurous, sporty) - Ivy Joy Toh
Angel Fish(?) (angelic, kind) - Tabitha Teo
Great White Shark (fierce) - Joanne Tan
Titanic (drama qeen) - Eunice Lee
Belle of The Night - Sherilyn Ooi
Best Dressed - Yeoh Jing Min

That was kinda fun~ =D Swt.. So many cameras.. I've never had sooo many cameras on me. T_T After the awards, it was that theme song thing. Which we didn't sing to.. =___= After that it was free dancing~ So many people went to the dance floor.. Hahaha.. But not many actually danced. Hahahahha.. Sher Maine was like, *turn behind cause I was hugging her from the back* "Go there la.." I just stared at her.. Rachel was like, "We're not dancers... =D" The people there were dancing like gila.. They popped the balloons.. T_T I wanted one.. But someone called me to take a picture with her.. I ter-let go of the balloon Aida gave me.. T_T Aida looked so cute la!!! HAHAHAH.. Pink.. =D Cuteee!! =DDDD I wanted a balloon.. T_T Oh well~ =D Sher Maiinnneee.. =D We talked sooo much and stuff.. =D Then Kim Mei was like, lets go down. So we did. =D And all we did there was talk even more. =D Then Raz called Sher Maine.. T_T Oh well.. D= Went back up, found Hime-chan and Krystal.. Went to take a picture on stage. My god, they just HAD to make me stand in between them!! Sudahlah they're memang taller than me by alot, now they're wearing heels and I'm not.. Lebih obvious.. =D Took with Daphne, Jeslyn and Khaw Lin.. =D Then with Komathy and BOBO!!! =D OMG.. Bobo looks so PRETTY!!! =DDDDDD And also some totally random people.. o_o Finally, I went down.. Talked even more.. And Sher Maine came down to me again after her brother came but went to the toilet~ =D

Talked, took more pictures, freaked Cass and Sher Maine out, talked, laughed, sang.. =DD It was really fun, after all~ =D I had so much fun!! I still don't like cameras though. D= I was expecting it to suck and stuff, but I guess it was alright, although there were some missing elements.. D= I was expecting to hear who the head prefect would be, but its not announced. o_O Oh well.. Overall, it was really really fun and time passed so fast.. =DDD

I'd love to see Sher Maine in her prom dresss.. T_T I wouldn't be there.. T_T Oh well, I'll have to settle with pictures. D= I know I'm talking a whole lot about her.. o_o I love you, Sher Maine~ =D I don't know in what way though.. o_o

PROM WAS FUNNN!!!! =DDDDD I love it. =D

Friday, June 12, 2009


i've finally roused myself to post bout it xD be more systematic and not just ramble continuously i'll just classify everything according to descriptions and songs.

Description #1: A great learning experience!

Early music
Ms Lisa sure has a great historical knowledge. xD for early music we did Pastyme With Good Company (original old english spelling) it's interesting how old english is spelled and pronounced with deny as denye and stuff like that. o.O Ms Lisa rewrote the score all by herself. All our tutors are composers and extremely well-learned i would say. She was explaining to us bout King Henry VIII, the fat guy with more than 5 wives.

When we started of, we sounded like "angels in heaven" according to her xD she said we shouldn't. Supposed to sound more rough to emulate King Henry LOL she was tellin us how he beheaded every single wife of his after he got tired of her (except 1 i think..that one died of sickness i think[kelly knows a lot bout this]) Interesting to know the original composer of that piece was a guy who was into wine and women SWT

She told the sopranos (the ones sounding like angels) to imagine their King henry VIII, a fat lecherous guy o.O SWT well..guess he wasn't originally that fat..had to have a good pair of lungs to sing and dance xD and play the crumhorn. THE CRUMHORN IS FUNNY. Sounds like a duck xD i nearly got caught into making the sound of the crumhorn...but i can't make it..needs to sound nasal and i can't do nasal sounds o.O

The audience kinda tittered when the crumhorn people tried out the mike..xD anyway..shall always remember what ms Lisa said..early music isn't music played early in the morning!! xD

Mr Ian is totally nice o.O and he taught us a lot bout singing in general. How you're supposed to create support at the stomach area and not your chest when singing, not to push notes from the neck, lifting the soft palate for high notes etc etc... He's a bit like Mr Martin xD and his singing voice is really good! He's actually quite sporting..when supposed to sing "I'm a girl..... (kelly mentioned this)" he changed to boy during practice but totally sang the girl thing during the real day (drowned by all our cheers but still)

The great thing bout all our tutors. they really inspire us!! what kelly said...she originally don't like jazz but now can tolerate it better (i got nothing against jazz but now love it!). Well, when he told us bout jazz he said it's all bout improvisation..they use A LOT of synchopation (however you spell it), it's hard to sing if don't count (not as hard as Scherzo but still xD)

AGAIN Mr Ian wrote our score by himself (if i'm not mistaken) o.O all our tutors sangat geng *21 gun salute* apparently the song Lullaby of Birdland is meant for soloists, but he wrote it for choir..and it actually sounds pretty good! It's very complex and quite difficult to sing xD apparently it's one of his personal favourties (which we ruined on performance day..sounded real bad T.T)

Contemporary music
To be honest, when I started off the piece (i say I cause no one went to the pre-choral∫∫est practice but me), i found it rather unique and cute! Ms Khoo went over it during the pre-practice. Apparently it's from one of the German books she bought when she went to Germany awhile back. I would say it's the most contemporary one amongst all the scores every group sang, since it's so unique xD

Dr Chan is the one that ultimately chose our score for us. Ms Khoo apparently submitted a few scores for him to choose from and he chose Scherzo! Said it was interesting..which it is xD HE'S A GREAT PIANISTTTTT. Anyway...xD he was explaininjg a lot to us bout how to pronounce all the weird words. At one point of the song, the sopranos are supposed to sound aggressive, the altos needy and wistful-sh, tenors (they couldn't find the translation for the German word bout their part) and basses irony (meaning something like torn between 2 decisions)

None of us actually embodied our supposed-to-have expressions at that part except the sopranos! It was funny how he got them to sound aggressive xD He took a girl's phone, and asked her to grab it back. She was kinda taken aback at first obviously, then grabbed at it. Then he told the sopranos to yell their part while trying to grab the phone. Supposed to move forward a bit like trying to attack him. AND IT'S FUNNY WHEN HE SAID YOU DIDN'T SHIT ME ENOUGH!!! aLL OF US WERE LAUGHING LIKE CRAP..and jing yin said, the sopranos get a chance to swear at the audience xD

I like the beginning of our piece! Sounds like racing cars starting and warming up their engines. And it's really hilarious! Love our contemp piece xD and Dr Chan is funny! He did the bass part of m o n e m a n e m i n e with a real funny face!! (i'm going off track here..supposed to be bout how it's a great learning experience but whatever) The thing bout our piece, must REALLY COUNT. But Dr Chan kinda saved it by indication each bar. The unique thing bout this is that each bar lasts for a few seconds, like 2, 3, or's indicated in the score and there's no specific time, the conductor is the one that actually decides how long each second lasts xD

Show Choir
Show choir is so nice!! Wish they'd have it in malaysia u_u apparently it's a normal thing to have show choir competitions among HIGH SCHOOLERS in the western countries. These show choir-ists are then taken into Broadway and theatres when they grow up! It's practically a culture there o.O

The interesting thing bout Show Choir...the emphasis is placed in both singing and movements (not exactly dancing actually at some parts). Now we know how hard it is to both sing and dance. xD AND take care of expression at the same time. 3 hours wasn't actually enough for everything but Ms Leong did miracles, i would say. Everything was so last minute but she totally changed stuff and IT WORKED!! it really worked! Kudos, Ms Leong!

LOL IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THE SONGS ARE ACTUALLY SHOW CHOIR O.O it's more of the New York New York kind though. And all the pieces are so different yet so cool! OUR'S ROCK!! (guess ours had room for lots of mistakes though since we use all of the stage unlike the other 3 groups which stuck mostly to the bottom stage and not the risers)

and totally forgot the sneer! Well...i'll explain more of our piece Putting On The Ritz. It's about the rich and famour people of the 1970's. It starts of with saying if you're blue you should go to where fashion sits, putting on the ritz. Putting on the ritz actually means putting on fancy clothes, and isn't referring to The Ritz as in the building. Then it goes on to describe these rich people in their day coats, pants with stripes and cutaway coats (these are coats which are like vests). The clothes are perfect fits cause their all tailor-made (hence why we gotta dress fashonably for Show Choir)

Next it talks bout dressing up looking like your clothes are worth millions. And mentions Gary Cooper (the apparent Brad Pitt of the 1970's), even though kelly says he's a short dude. Next, talks bout Rockefellers (rich people, comes from the name of Rockefeller Centre) who walk with sticks and umbrellas in their mitts (slang for hands). HENCE THE UMBRELLAS WE'RE HOLDING TO DANCE WITH xD

Then it goes on bout these rich people walking down Park Avenue (the English version of Jesselton) with their noses in the air. etc etc...that;s about it for our piece xD For the steps itself, it's cool. We start of facing the front and not the audience, people without brollys fold their arms and pose LOL then we turn around. We're supposed to look like mannequins (Ms Leong told us to wear shades and white lip gloss so we don't look human, no one actually put lip gloss except our leader coordinator xD he's too sporting) we then sing WITH NO EXPRESSION WHATSOEVER on our faces (easy since we're wearing shades)

The part where the song goes (where fashion sits), people holding brollys actually sit on air xD looks cool! then the following verse just do whatever the song says.

then we start walking supposedly fashionably (didn't do it that well though u_u) with a sneer on our face since we're 'rich and famous' xDDDD LOL etc's so fun! go up and down the risers open umbrellas at the last part (they offed the lights at this part -.-)

Description #2: FUN!

Early music be honest bout early ain't as fun as the other pieces u_u it's pretty easy to sing..4 verses which use the SAME NOTES SAME EVERYTHING except words. Not much dynamics even, just soft at the second verse and pick up volume again halfway of the verse. AND SOMEHOW it still got botched in terms of timing even though it's pretty easy.

Din have much fun the second day u_u was already having a headache at the end of it (so happened the last lesson was early music) AND was already losing my voice (lost my voice during performance day, couldn't even hit a normal G without sounding like a toad xD)...SWT (off track here, supposed to talk bout how fun it is) Well, Ms Lisa has a definite sense of humour tellin us the crumhorns sound like ducks (Mr Chong xD)

She was pretty serious bout the whole thing actually o.O owell.. i DO remember the first time i sang pastyme with good company during pre practice. That time our soon-to-be leader went through it with us. Everyone was pretty quiet and withdrawn (no kelly to brighten things up and less people during pre practice anyway), so no one actually responded to him. He started to talk to us in hokkien in hopes we'll actually respond (didn't work). Anyway, the funny thing was when he told us break, a few girls ran out at full speed. he was like o.O if wanna go toilet just say la. LOL (can't exactly describe his face but it was funny)

The funny thing is, our group is in general pretty low profile o.O even with kelly and some crazy people. this uncle (he's one of the basses who's the drum during the performance) actually went and escaped during the finale xD he curi-curi go sit among the audience, kelly, kim mei and I caught him in the act LOL (side note: i kinda insulted chibi-kun by being very surprised to know he's our age...not surprising actually, he looks pretty mature. And i think only kelly knows who chibi-kun is [her counterpart] xD) and to think our group has FOUR Jonathans. it's like most if not all got stuffed in our group o.O [off track again, whatever]

ah darn this, everything ain't as fun as contemp and show choir. (skipppp [SORRY MR IAN])

Contemporary music
Contemppppp!! It's fun cause our piece is so FUNNY!!! Time to describe our piece xD the first note, sopranos and basses go PA! (the highest note they can reach which is real high[shock the audience why don't you xD]) while us altos and basses go kuuuuuuuu (lowest we can reach), then this ku goes up down and up again (in terms of pitch) [creates the racing car effect] WEIRD HUH xD then we go kuuu-----mmmmmm and just stop. (i don't have the score now so shall just recall)

THEN one part (no idea whether it's S, A, T or B) goes ta pi ku!! HAHAHAHAHA (means whack butt in mandarin) except they don't SAY the words but pronounce the consonants only, sounds like spitting it out. and altos got one part where we go vvvvvv (sounds like bees buzzing..kinda annoying actually xD) I pity the front audience, our spit is practically coming out HAHAHAHAHA!!

the we go ffffffff (like on the verge saying toot but just ffffff) hard to explain la xD *spit goes flying* shall skip this part and go to monemanemine. For this part, basses go m o n e m a n e m i n e, tennors go m o n e m a n e m i n e, altos go monemanemine, sopranos go monemanemine, like getting closer together. Each part builds up in pitch till the highest note they can reach at which they scream WAK! Basses first go m o n e m a n e m i n e (continuous) WAK! then tenors go WAK! then altos WAK! and sopranos! SOUNDS WEIRD! AND FUNNY!! [and this IS music, REAL music, composed by a German dude, and the great thing is, ANYONE can do it xD you can totally go off pitch and it DOESN'T MATTER cause there's no fixed pitch! Ah the beauty of our piece xD even me who lost my voice can sing it]

the part after that have to follow pitch though, there are notes(the SAME NOTES OF THE SAME PITCH, mind!). xD BUT THE FUNNY THING IS, when singing, (imagine this scene: our mouths are open, we put an open palm over our mouths, move it away, move it closer, move it away[like doing a Red Indian warcry with a certain timing which is indicated in the score]) xD AND our conductor does it too with us.

after that, i shall not explain (don't have the symbols used and lazy explain pronunciation of each symbol) AFTER THAT, this is totally funny. it's the part where sopranos go aggressive, altos go wistful-ish etc etc.. (this has mentioned above..READ) tenors go bo-bo-be (real fast). xD oh gosh, hard to explain u_u i'll just cover the sopranos since aggresiveness is funny xD they're supposed to sound like having a literal hissy fit. They go sssssssss-TSH!! (aggresively) and us altos do a pretty decent cowboy shout ( we go AH!! EE AH!! EE AH!!) xD yea! *waves a loop of rope above my head* BEFORE THAT, there's this part where altos go oo la la! xD HAHAHAHA!

The finale of this piece, we go YU(dive down low)-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-(building up in pitch)aAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! AH!! (highest note) HAHAHAHAHAHA!! SO FUNNY! then when the audience is all shocked we say MIEN (dive low) VIST (highest note again)! and walk out of the stage HAHAHAHAHAHA (it's so weird but can't help loving it)

Maybe i should explain a bit bout WHY our piece is so weird. Contemporary music refers to modern, latest music, in this case 21st century music. apparently composers of this time got bored of the normal conventional way of writing music, with fixed keys, tonality, expression etc etc.. They tried to do away with what was considered the NORM of usual music writing (hence no real pitch in our piece). they also tried to get rid of conventional timing, and changing the sounds used in singing. Like for example, people usually sing out words. but our piece has just...sounds xD and usually, people who write this music has a purpose in mind.

For example, the other pieces. The Skin is by this dude who received a traditional African drum (he lived among Africans or something like that and they gave him a drum [a great honour apparently cause they consider their drums sacred]. So he wrote the piece entitled The Skin to describe how this drum was made. (note: the first line of The Skin goes "First the goat must be killed and the skin stretched" xD [very sure Brillante people were weirded out when they saw the words, it's all very gory after that, poor goat]) Sabrena's piece on the other hand (The Hat Don't Talk), is about this famous jazz singer called Dizzy (i ain't kidding). He appeared at a performance wearing an African hat (African much?) with wordings on the hat. A curious guy asked him, "what does the hat say?" Dizzy goes, "The hat don't talk." And that's how Sabs got her piece xD (interesting!)

Anyway, I love our piece! xD

Show Choir
Ah, show choir. Everyone loves show choir, of that I have no doubt. Even the audience I'm sure (see what I mean by our tutors inspire us?). It's all very musical-ish and we really had fun in our piece since it's so high fashion-ish. (kelly is happy she can get her Esprit vest and Santa Barbara boots [total cost around RM300?...swt this girl xD])

Actually, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be as fun if we didn't have Ms Leong. She has a real sense of humour xD AND she's a great emcee o.O Actually...i just realised there ain't much to describe bout our piece since i blew everything under the 1st description xD

-End of Post-
(due to my dad wanting me to get my phone -.- AND physics folio)