Monday, October 12, 2009

Nyan Nyan My Essay~


She looked so strange that I could not take my eyes off her. Neither could Kelly. For one thing, she had pointed ears. They were extremely large in comparison to her head and ended in a fine point just above the crest of her hairline. She had big, black eyes, so deep that they seemed like an endless abyss and long, straight hair that reached her waist. But, the most unusual thing about her that made Kelly and I stare, slack-jawed, was her wings. They were unlike any I had ever seen before. They did not resemble butterfly, bird, dragonfly or bat wings. They were as tall as she was and gossamer-thin, almost translucent but if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, her whole life story, dancing across her wings. Oh, did I forget to mention? She was six inches tall.

Neither of us looked away. We were afraid that if we did, she would disappear. "You can see her, right?" I stammered in disbelief. From the corner of my eye, I could see Kelly's profile, nodding. Suddenly, the summoning circle we drew on the table beneath her flashed brightly and a golden cage appeared around her, trapping her within its cold bars. Kelly and I finally looked at each other. "We did it," she murmured, more to convince herself than as an expression of triumph. I stared, dumbfounded, at the creature we just captured. Then, simultaneously, we burst into hysterical laughter.

It all began with the discovery of a book. Kelly and I were browsing in an antique bookshop when she came across the old, leather-bound and battered copy of Fairy Hunting For Dummies. As a joke, we bought it and, to pass the time on a lazy afternoon, we decided to try summoning a fairy. According to the book, the percentage of success in a summoning was less than one. We were just lucky, I guess. The question now was, what do we do with it?

Recovering, Kelly grabbed Fairy Hunting For Dummies and quickly began to search for an answer. I continued to admire the winged creature in our possession. She gazed at me with her large, wondering eyes and stepped closer to the bars of the cage. Looking earnestly at me, she opened her mouth to speak. I eagerly leaned closer to listen, curious as to what language would emerge from her tiny mouth. What I heard next made me fall out of my chair.

"Let me out, dirtbags!" she screamed while rattling the bars of the cage. My slack-jawed expression returned as she let loose a colourful string of profanities. Her vocabulary was even more exquisite than Kelly's. Though the racket she was making greatly astounded and amused me, my dogs outside were going crazy. The sound of her gravelly voice was grating on their sensitive hearing causing them to bark, howl and whine. I knew they would not stop until she was silenced so I reached out for a knife.

I cut two strips of cellophane tape and quickly put my plan into action. One covered her mouth and the other was used to restrain her hands so she wouldn't be able to remove the tape covering her mouth. But, she put up a fight as well as any cornered tiger or lion. By the time I was done, my hands were covered in scratches and tooth marks, reminiscent of battle scars. She glared fiercely at me, turned her back to me and sank down to the bottom of the cage. Kelly was completely oblivious to the scene behind her. Suddenly, she turned to me. "There's nothing in here about what to do with a fairy once it has been caught," she said, in dismay. I stared blankly at her. She got up, turned the cage so the fairy faced her and ripped the carefully placed cellophane tape off her mouth. "So, what can you do?" Kelly asked, bluntly. The fairy glared at her but Kelly wasn't going to back down.

With a sarcastic sigh, the fairy began to speak again. "First of all, I do have a name. It's Bumble. Secondly, fairies can do many tricks for you, wingless freaks. We sing, dance and are very good stand-up comedians. Thirdly, if you haven't figured it out yet, I was being sarcastic. We don't do anything special. We just live. So, let me go!" she ended with yet another shriek. Kelly and I exchanged a glance and turned our backs to her to assess the truth of her statement. "What if she's telling the truth and they don't do anything special?" I whispered. "Don't be stupid. Of course they do! Why else would there be so many stories about their magic powers? Duh," Kelly whispered back. " So, what are we going to do?" I shot back, unconvinced. Kelly was silent for a moment, thinking. Finally, she looked up and said, "Follow my lead."

Kelly turned back to face Bumble as I struggled to decipher her cryptic statement. "So, Bumble. If we do let you out of the cage, how would you get home?" Kelly asked with a cherubic expression plastered on her face. Bumble eyed her suspiciously. I would have too. "Why do you want to know?" Bumble asked hesitantly. "No reason," Kelly replied. Bumble was silent, weighing her options. "I would walk," Bumble said. "Oh, really? You don't look Asian so I don't believe that you come from somewhere nearby," Kelly commented, cool as a cucumber. I stared at Kelly. So, this was how she was going to get Bumble to exhibit her abilities. Bumble fell silent again.

"Fine! You caught my bluff. I was going to teleport to hightail it out of here," she burst out in exasperation. Kelly had a triumphant look on her face. I stepped in. "Look, let's just get some photographic evidence then we can set her free," I said to Kelly. Instantly, Bumble paled to a deathly shade of white. "You can't do that! Please don't do that," she implored. Curious, I turned to her and asked why. "If any of my people find out that I let the cat out of the bag about our existence, I'll be executed," she exclaimed, wide-eyed and looking a bit crazy. "She could be lying," Kelly said. I looked at Bumble. The firecracker who cursed at me vigorously only minutes ago was now slumped at the bottom of her golden jail, looking every bit the perfect image of a broken doll.

"No. I don't think she is. Look at her," I said. Bumble was so forlorn and desolate, now she turned her pleading eyes on Kelly's unconvinced expression. "Please," she begged softly. Kelly still looked doubtful. My temper was beginning to run short. "We're letting her go and that's final," I burst out. "Wait," Kelly said softly. She looked Bumble in the eye. "If we let you go, how can we ever remember this meeting as reality with no proof even for ourselves?" Kelly murmured. Bumble contemplated this and spoke again. "I'll make something for you," she said. Kelly pondered this. I waited expectantly. Kelly nodded.

I clapped excitedly as Bumble danced happily in her little cage. Kelly smirked and opened the tiny door. I gently removed the cellophane tape tat restrained Bumble's hands as she stepped out. We looked at her expectantly. She smiled and turned to the golden cage. Her eyes closed and she began reciting some incantation that was too soft for us to hear.

The cage glowed as her chanting reached a feverish pitch. With one final word, Bumble leapt into the air and waved goodbye as the cage was enveloped in a blinding light. Kelly and I shielded our eyes and, by the time we looked up again, Bumble was gone. The cage had disappeared and in its place were two small pendants. We picked them up to have a closer look. They resembled Bumble perfectly and were made of solid gold. But, the most beautiful things about the pendants were the wings for if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, Bumble's whole life story, dancing across them gently.


Gawdy gawdy my neck D:


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