Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The good thing about being in an all girls school...

1. No tricking each other when it comes to tips
*stares at a certain all boys school*

2. Sharing of exam tips ~

Eventhough some classes get tips earlier, it somehow passes around in time just before an exam starts xDD Recess time is a long time to get the word passed around hehe

I know that we should all be like Renee Lim and not listen to all these tips, but for someone who barely studied, it is like a wahyu to me @_@ Damnit. Must not procrastinate anymore. Next exam coming along is already SPM

..But thinking of it, sometimes the tips don't really help much.. haha....

3. Turning your body to side indicating your back is a universal language xP

it's ok if u don't get this one xP

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