Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Day I Lost My Temper.

So we've all (well most of us xD) agreed to type out our english paper 1 essays and post it on the blog. This one's mineeee.


My name is Mike. I am 45 years old. I am currently being held at the St. Peterson Prison in Maine under charges of public disturbance. You see, I have always been a patient man, but a string of unlucky events changed that. Do you want to know my story? It is about the day I lost my temper.

September 11, what a day. I still remember the events that happened on that very date, crystal clear and fresh in my mind. I am not talking about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. I am in fact, talking about the day I caught my wife cheating on me. To make matters worse, she did not cheat on me with another man, but another woman. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I was fired from my job earlier that day.

I used to work for a big company that specialised in producing computer software. I had been an employee for almost thirty years, pouring my heart and soul into the company. Even though there were times when other business advantages had popped up, I remained loyal to the company. i was working my way to the top, and earlier that week I was approached by one of the company's Board of Directors, offering me a position as the company's CEO. I accepted the offer. Things were going well for me.

However, in that same week the company had hired a new financial advisor, a Mr. Greggory Adams. He was required to check through all the company's employee accounts and the spending of the company's money. This didn't seem like a big deal to me as I had always kept a clean record. I couldn't say the same for my wife though.

On September 11, 2009 I was askked to meet with the Board of Directors and Mr. Greggory. I had no idea what it was about. Throughout the meeting I was shown evidence of misuse of the company's money. Apparently I had been using my employee account to purchase items like expensive lingerie, bouquets of flowers that costed hundreds of dollars, jewellary and plane trips to various locations. I was dumbfounded, as I had never purchased any of these things before. I pledged my innocence to the directors, but being the cheating and lying scumbags themselves, they didn't believe me. A few minutes after that, I was fired from my job. A few days after accepting one of the higest positions in the company, I was layed off.

Confused and upset, I drove home. On the way there I had managed to get rear-ended by another car, whose driver had conviniently drove away straight afterwards without leaving me his details. My patience was wearing out. I decided to just tough it out a little longer and return home to my caring and understanding wife.

As I attempted to park my car in the driveway, I noticed another car, a blue Ford Cosway. I didn't own that car nor did I know anyone who did. I parked at the side of the street and walked up to the house. I opened the door and announced my arrival, since I was returning home earlier than usual. Suddenly my wife emergerd from the top of the staircase, looking very dishevelled and untidy. She was only dressed in her robe and had a guilty expression on her face. I was about to ask her what's wrong when another woman, donning nothing but out bed's bed sheet walked out behind her. I turned to my wife expecting an explanation from her, but she only managed to mutter the words "I'm sorry".

Then, everything hit me. The records from the purchases made, my wife's trip with her "friends" which I used to always think were ridiculously timed, and the blue Ford Cosway parked in the driveway. My wife cheated on me, with another woman, and used my money to do so. I couldn't take it anymore. The stress and pressure got to me. I felt my blood boil with rage and the feelings of anger and betrayel overwhelmed me. As I grabbed a baseball bat from the coat closet and left the house, logic left me as well. I waled, or practically stomped my way to the blue Ford Cosway and swung the bat right into the headlights. I smashed the windows, the bonet, everything. I then proceeded to my garden and destroyed everything in it in an act of rage. I was screaming and yelling like a mad man about the unfairness of the world.

Minutes later the police arrived. One of my neighbours had called them saying that I was being a disturbance. I refused arrest and they pepper-sprayed me in the face. I was dragged to the police car, humiliated and in pain. Yes, I remember the details of the day, crystal clear. September 11, the day I lost my temper.

I agree that it isn't that much of a dramatic essay xD but teacher is a sensitive and innocent individual

who probably doesn't want to read about enraged men punching whores in the face.

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