Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is gonna be another LONG LONG post by mua~ =DDD

When I reached there, I felt so... Janggal.. I don't wear skirts or dresses.. When I put it on in Eunice's house, I was like, Oh my god. I felt so weird. I was like.. Oh my goddd... My friends are so gonna scream... o.o It was around 6.20 when I left my cousin's house... =___= I wanted to reach there by like, 6.30, but I reached there at 6.40 or something like that. So late... D= Texted Sher Maine to come wait for me in the lobby.. But I didn't see herrr.. D= Not till she called my name from the balcony thing.. DDD= I felt so janggal la.. D= I don't like dresses.. D=

We went up to the ballroom, and I didn't want to take pictures with anyone AT ALL. Not even Hime-chan.. I feel stupid in my dress.. Thats why I didn't want to take any pictures. I still do think I look stupid in my dress. Anyway, I didn't take any picture then. I was hiding behind Sher Maine the whole time. Su was nice enough to ask the rest not to stalk me. o_o My god.. So many cameras. I've never seen so many cameras aimed at me before.. DDDDD= And Mei Shan was like, I'll DEFINITELY get a picture of you BY TONIGHT. Hahahahha.. I'm not sure if I did or not. I'm sorry Mei Shan, if I didn't. D= Sher Maine was so cuteeee~ =DDDD If only she didn't wear that long sleeve shirt she wore.. If only she didn't button it up. T_T I felt so stupid in that dress.. T_T I don't like wearing dresses but I like seeing people in dresses. No matter how much people say I look OK and stuff, I still think I look stupid. I feel stupid..=___= Hime-chan came with Krystal and they both look so PRETTY!!! =DDDDDDDDD Hime-chan was so cute in her dresss!!!!!! I didn't take picture with her when she wanted to. Gomen, hime-chan. Most of the time, all I did was crouch down in some corner.. Or look down.. Standing next to Sher Maine.. I realised, I spent lotsa time standing around Sher Maine. She was dragging me to take pictures, at first but let me have my way in the end anyway. Hahahahah.. OH OH OH!!!

THANK YOU SHER MAINE!!! FOR GETTING MY CAMERA BACK TO MEEE!!! And thanks to Kim Mei and Tara for helping me look for my cameraaa!

After the prefects said we could go in to the ballroom, I ran right in. Hahahahahahah.. So happy to be able to get away from the cameras.. T_T Sudahlah I look so stupid, wanna take picture to commemorate this stupidity.. =____= What la you people. Sheesh. Sinister and that other dude, I don't know his name, was like, taking pictures of my the whole day. So mean. D= Oh well~ =D When I was in there, I was like, sitting like how I usually sit.. And I realised I was wearing a dress.. And I was thinking to myself, Aiyo, how la these people wear these things and SIT? =___= I can't sit properly in a dress/skirt. =_= I was like, walking around, following Sher Maine around, talking to people, avoiding the camera.. And Sher Maine was like, pleading and pleading me to take a picture with her.. D= Finally agreed to it anyway. That was the first picture I took for the night. Hahahahah.. We went out to take the picture~ =DD Sher Maineee~ So cuteee~~

OOOOOO!! I met this PFS dude whom I met in RC duty a few months ago!! =DDDDD Zi Hua or something like that! =D I feel bad.. For not talking to him longer.. And forgetting his name.. I saw him outside the ballroom earlier, but I couldn't recall where I saw him. When we were inside, he came up to me and I was like, hi. *think think* He was like, "you're.... Sara? O_o" Hahahahaha.. I was like, "*laugh laugh* No, I'm Kelly. Who are you again? You look familiar. Where did we meet? O_o" He was like, "Waaa.. At least I remembered where we met. We were in RC duty.. The temple one. My name is Zi Hua *dunno wrong or right spelling.. If you do, tell me please, thanks* You're form 5 now right?". And I was like, "Yeah, you're form 6?! O_O" I said that cause I know most of the form 5 PFS people. Swt. There comes the awkward silence.... Then I was like, talk talk talk, then bye~ And he was like, bye. Hahahahha.. Awkward!!!

The food there.. Oh mai gawd!!! EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE VEGGIE!!! The only thing that doesn't taste or smell like veg is the fish thingy. Of course, the desserts too.. Omg.. The chocolate cake was REALLY REALLY NICE!! I had only so lil bit of it. T_T Oh welll... Sorry, Su. For taking your chocolate cake.. D= Sorry.. D= When I was taking pictures with Sher Maine outside she was like, "Go eat la.." I was like, "Dowan.. Line so long. Waiting for it to shorten.." And when I finally did, IT TASTED SOOO HORRIBLE!! DDDD= Tara called me an aneroxic bitch. D= But that was before she knew I already ate and the waiter behind her was carrying my plate. Swt. Hahhahaha.. Then Sher Maine comes along, saying "Go eat la.." And I was like, "everything tastes like VEGGIE.. EVERYTHING.. Including the CHICKEN... You wanna try? I'll bring for you. It REALLY does taste like veg.. o_o" Sher Maine was thirsty, so I was like, "Drink.." When she drank the thing, she was like, *cough cough* What the hell was that? Hahahahahhahahaha.. I was like, "See, even the drink is like that, imagine the food! D=" Had to drink the juice thingy anyway, can't not drink water the whole 5 hours. o_o She laughed and walked away after that. I felt so awkward, in a dress. I haven't wore a dress since 6!! DDDD= Thats like, more than 10 years ago? Swt.. I was like, sinking lower and lower in my seat and Sinister and his friend just had to come and serbu my table just to take pictures.. D= I let them anyway, half way through the night. Hahahahah..

After taking the pictures with Sher Maine, went back inside. After that, I dunno who the hell was forcing me to take a picture, in the end, EVERYBODY came around to take a freaking picture with me.. Then, I was taking a picture with dunno which group, then one by one, they kept coming to join the group. Even Mr Phong joined us~! =DDD Sir, you came late!! D= In the end, we had to smile for like, 30 somethin pictures I think.. *I might have exaggerated this a bit* I still don't like taking pictures. After this weird biiiig group picture, I had to take over and over again with DIFFERENT people. T_T Sucks... T_T Most of the time, Sher Maine would be our photographer. T_T I would rather Sher Maine be in the picture too.. T_T When I didn't want to take, she'll make me take. DDDD= I was with Sher Maine most of the time. o_o Waaaa... Me took pictures with Faridahtul!!! =DDDDD I love my junior!!! =DDDDDD I wonder if I pissed her off by bringing the demerit forms. DDD= Pn Mashitah wasn't even there, was she? =_= I didn't see her. =.= Alyssa wasted the club's moneh for sponsoring her. Hahahahha.. Sorry, Faridahtul.. D= The multimedia presentation was AWESOME!!! =DDDDDDDD So many pictures of so many people!!! They're all so cool!! =DDD I love that presentation!! I didn't do much though. o_o It was really nice. Sher Maine was the only form 3 to have her picture SOOO obviously there. Hahahahah. =D I love youu~ =D

I talked to Ms Chu Len!! =DDD Her classes were really fun! =D I didn't mind getting scolded in her class! =D Took a few pictures with her. But I don't know with whose camera. o_o She said this year is the only year of which her students are talking to her. o_o I can't imagine who wouldn't wanna talk to teacher. D= She's so cute la!! =DDDDD I love you, teacher!!! =DDDD

Didn't watch much of the performance.. D= I liked Luvenia's the most!! =DDDD Though she was gorenging the thing apparently, when I said everybody liked it. Hhahahaha.. Pn. Pengetua isn't very happy.. Hahahahha.. I like hugging Sher Maine.. =DDDDDD Omg... The Belle of The Night... o_o There was this really plain one. D= I don't know why she was nominated.. D= Jing Min was nice too~ I love Mei Shan's dress.. D= Alyssa went back early. Right after Luvenia's performance. D= So early. D= There wasn't anything much anyway, after she left. All we did after she left was talk more, announce who won the awards.. The winners are:

Brain Coral - Yeoh Tze Ni
Octopus (multitasker) - Chan Wei Yen
Clown Fish (Class clown) - Ashley Leow
Abalone (most likely to be a millionaire) - Neoh Mei Shan
Dory (adventurous, sporty) - Ivy Joy Toh
Angel Fish(?) (angelic, kind) - Tabitha Teo
Great White Shark (fierce) - Joanne Tan
Titanic (drama qeen) - Eunice Lee
Belle of The Night - Sherilyn Ooi
Best Dressed - Yeoh Jing Min

That was kinda fun~ =D Swt.. So many cameras.. I've never had sooo many cameras on me. T_T After the awards, it was that theme song thing. Which we didn't sing to.. =___= After that it was free dancing~ So many people went to the dance floor.. Hahaha.. But not many actually danced. Hahahahha.. Sher Maine was like, *turn behind cause I was hugging her from the back* "Go there la.." I just stared at her.. Rachel was like, "We're not dancers... =D" The people there were dancing like gila.. They popped the balloons.. T_T I wanted one.. But someone called me to take a picture with her.. I ter-let go of the balloon Aida gave me.. T_T Aida looked so cute la!!! HAHAHAH.. Pink.. =D Cuteee!! =DDDD I wanted a balloon.. T_T Oh well~ =D Sher Maiinnneee.. =D We talked sooo much and stuff.. =D Then Kim Mei was like, lets go down. So we did. =D And all we did there was talk even more. =D Then Raz called Sher Maine.. T_T Oh well.. D= Went back up, found Hime-chan and Krystal.. Went to take a picture on stage. My god, they just HAD to make me stand in between them!! Sudahlah they're memang taller than me by alot, now they're wearing heels and I'm not.. Lebih obvious.. =D Took with Daphne, Jeslyn and Khaw Lin.. =D Then with Komathy and BOBO!!! =D OMG.. Bobo looks so PRETTY!!! =DDDDDD And also some totally random people.. o_o Finally, I went down.. Talked even more.. And Sher Maine came down to me again after her brother came but went to the toilet~ =D

Talked, took more pictures, freaked Cass and Sher Maine out, talked, laughed, sang.. =DD It was really fun, after all~ =D I had so much fun!! I still don't like cameras though. D= I was expecting it to suck and stuff, but I guess it was alright, although there were some missing elements.. D= I was expecting to hear who the head prefect would be, but its not announced. o_O Oh well.. Overall, it was really really fun and time passed so fast.. =DDD

I'd love to see Sher Maine in her prom dresss.. T_T I wouldn't be there.. T_T Oh well, I'll have to settle with pictures. D= I know I'm talking a whole lot about her.. o_o I love you, Sher Maine~ =D I don't know in what way though.. o_o

PROM WAS FUNNN!!!! =DDDDD I love it. =D

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