Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Do pardon the unrelated content below btw xD :

We're already dropping this whole drama anyway but I'm wondering why are we being accused for spamming their cbox xD Seriously. I've never really bothered about their blogs and probably only cared to comment like, twice? Even when we did comment in their blogs, we won't use the "asterisk" language unless for quoting purposes xD For all you know it's just people taking advantage of the 'conflict' going on (talking bout someone's bro's blog). From what I can see, he was already spammed before this whole drama anyway. Poor guy's not really liked o_O

However if you really kept to your words of not coming back to this blog anymore you wouldn't be reading this xD


Happy Chinese New Year people! xD Or happy holidays to those not celebrating it. The realization of how much holiday homework we've gotten from teachers hasn't kicked in yet so I shall talk about how my first day of holiday was spent.

Went to Kelly's house with Krystie to watch them learn violin. Or rather, listen. Carpooled with Krystie there. Reduce global warming people xD She lives considerably close to me anyway. They kicked me out of the room before they started so I used that time to finish my theory homework anyway xD Yea I admit, my primary reason of going to Kelly's house was to fiddle around with her violin xD Kelly's officially a fiddler xD

I really want learn how to play one string instrument. It's really too bad Pn Audrey's planning to get the guzheng, cello and double bass a few years later. By then we'll be out of school a long time ago D:

We ended up watching Twilight after their lesson too, even though I'm the only one among us three who hasn't watched it yet. Wasn't planning to from all the negative reviews and not so appealing trailer but since Krystie has the dvd because her sis wanted to watch it, what the heck. Just watched it to satisfy my curiosity about all the negative reviews xD Sorry Rach, I've just made you the only one in our group who hasn't watched it yet xD;

Not much to comment because everyone else already did long ago with much more details. All of us laughed at the obvious use of lipstick during the cat walk into the cafeteria scene though lol xD He doesn't look too bad when the lipstick ain't obvious I guess. But overall the movie felt too "choppy". It feels like they introduced the characters just for the heck of it and then moved them aside the rest of the movie for EdwardxBella chemistry. Which looked forced as well xD;

We didn't stay long though. Went back after the movie before lunch and helped family to clean up place. Too bad I forgot all about taking pictures for moral folio D: My room's used by aunt's family again so I guess it's the sleeping bag for me again xDD

Btw my fellow friends here who are in the school gamelan team, I have decided I shall stick to my faithful old gambang xD reasons below:

1. There's just no point learning a whole different score for a different instrument. If everyone from the music camp sticks to their original instruments I will be dragging everyone down because I'm the only one still learning while others already know the songs in a way >.>

2. Why should I deny my own wishes when my fave instrument in gamelan is the gambang xD

3. Who cares if ppl think I am pro when I'm not actually pro. I'll just continue my old method of memorizing the score. Yea! I shall not drag others down! xD

4. The student playing the saron baron will hate me to death if she was planning to continue playing it. The gambang doesn't receive enough love :(

But if Emily is going to change her instrument then maybe I will though xD *get shot for saying this after the whole list*

So people, how was your first day of holiday spent? xD


Killah said...

yes. gambang good for you.

Jelly said...

HHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Yeah... Gambang is gooooddd... Hahahahhahhahhaa.. =D

Amelia said...

Lol weird... xDD