Sunday, January 25, 2009


Damn... This year's new year ain't gonna be as happy. There're piles of homework to complete before the holiday ends. With all these retrench (sp??) and recession.. Our ang pau money is SURE to menurun. Me gawd. TT_TT

I've soooo gotta complete everything by Wednesday. MELIAAA!!! I forgot to get that physics homework from ya. =____= CRRRAAAAPPPPP...

Lets stop talking about homework. It's making me feel guilty.. Sitting here, typing this when I'm supposed to finish my I.T assignments, school homework, tuition homework, practice piano and violin.. Me gawd.. Thats lots to do...

Last friday... I passed up my graph book.. Without any name or class on it. I hope Pn. Muminah knows it's mine. I totally forgot to write my name on it. Forgot to pass it up too. Had to chase after teacher just to give it to her. I'm most probably the last in class to hand it in.. D= Hope she doesn't blacklist me.. TT_TT Miss K would kill me.. TT_TT

I need the list of homework that ahs to be done.. TT_TT It was REALLY hard for me to pay attention in class last Friday and Thursday *too sleepy..*. (Can't get the amount of homework I have out of my head. D=)

The drama is over. My toy is thrown away. T_T Why Sabs, WHHYYY?? Kim Mei was like "And I just thought of a lot of insults" Hahahahahhha... Oh well. They'll most probably start again anyway. =D I wanna see how things are in tuition on Thursdays. =D Would they ignore me or talk about me? Hmm.. Whatev.. =D FARAHHH!! SORRRY!! I forgot to return your pens to you... Sorrryyy. I'll return it on Monday.

Happy holidays to those who don't celebrate CNY..
Thats the whole point of this post. =D Just to wish all me friends (everybody I know, including the CGLs.. =D) HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
I'm really really sleepy right now. So I'm just gonna leave.. =D Happy Chinese New Year again. =D

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