Sunday, January 18, 2009


You know, I love you people for being so nice.. =D *I mean it...*

Recent "developments" about me, just proves how much the people involved knows me. =D Like, dude, I don't care if you bitch about me.. I know you were doing it, I just couldn't give a damn. A total waste of my time if I actually do care to retort... =____= Bitch all ya want people!!! I couldn't care less.. =D

If you really do dislike me, why don't you just say it right to my face? Rather than being the coward the bunch of you are. Oh well, its as expected of lesser beings. =D You have my sympathy.. u_u

If you don't know me, lemme tell you some facts about me which you should know before you start bitching.. =D You need these.. Or you'll go NO WHERE with your bitching about me:-
I don't care for direct or indirect insults.
I understand them. I just don't really bother about other's, who aren't my friends', opinions. You can insult me all you want, I wouldn't be affected. I'm insulted and bitched about *I think* everyday. I'm like, insulted and teased by everyday in Miss Lee's tuition.. Which, of course, has your school mates who are like, LEAGUESSSS *note the quadruple S* above you, who are my friends.

Nothing fazes me
I don't really care for what people around me who aren't my friends do to me, unless everything is getting out of control. Blow everything I've done out of proportion if you want. I don't care for rumours either. They're just what people who have too much free time on their hands do... =/

Me being annoyed? YOU people aren't worthy to see me like that.
Have you never seen an annoyed expression? Well, what you've seen, is DEFINITELY not me being annoyed. You're not Su Jen. You don't annoy me. You people are more like.... Entertainers, if you will.. To me.. By gosh! Even Pheng Sheng is a few levels higher than you in being a personal entertainer to me! Thats really saying something.

I'm ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS sleepy.
When you lead a busy life like mine, you'll be too. You people, who have THAT much free time, to gossip and open the door for me when I enter, won't EVER be able to handle my daily schedule. Your brains aren't.. Built.. To do what I do. My schedule might be too much to process for your brains. Gosh, you can't even differenciate between sleepiness and annoyance! And your grammar.. If you can't even handle GRAMMAR, which we've been learning since 7, how can you possibly handle my schedule. As I've said, lesser beings. =D *no offence*

I'm always BORED
I'm not only always sleepy, I'm also always BORED.. Which might be the expression that you mistaken.. There's nothing fun and exciting about going for tuition class which has a head count of about 25 people of which 3/4 I don't know. The only thing I'd most probably look forward to is to go back home to sleep then go for my piano class on Thursdays. That might be my usual expression, boredom. Do get my expressions right next time before you blog about it. Thanks. It'll just confuse people who knows me.

I NEVER get angry
I've never been angry in my life. I've been really patient and nonchalant my whole life. If you could really piss me off, *even Pheng Sheng couldn't and he's one of the people who tries to annoy me most of the time*, there must be something wrong somewhere. I don't get angry. Even when I'm lashing out at people, *which actually, to think back, never do happen* I'm not angry. I'm most probably just bored when I'm lashing at them. So if you manage to get me angry, well.. I don't think I'll be refering to a random group like that. I'll be going from one person to another to talk. =D I don't think I let people up easy when I get angry. Why don't you try? I want to know how I'll be when I am. You can be the first person I really go up against... =D

I have GREAT friends.
This is, after all, the point of my post. I've got great friends to watch my back. And some are from your school. I can bet with you, when you actually have me interrogating you, one by one, *that is provided, you get me angry at all*, you won't have friends like mine to back you up. As it is, this small tiny.. Glitch, for the lack of word, my friends are already waiting to blow you all..

And so, you can start bitching about me already. I'm putting this up for future reference. I'm only doing this for my own entertainment. I'd like to see how this would turn out. Life at school hasn't been all that fun. I need to entertain myself. Since you people came along, I'll just hang on to this.. Might turn out fun. =D If you don't hear from me anymore, I might have lost interest in my new toy. D=

Keep me entertained! You'll need luck for that. GOOD LUCK!!

Your whole gang who, according to you, dislike me, against me, who really don't give much shit about this. =D

Nice talking to ya'll!! Good Night!!

PS: Out of curiosity, why do you dislike me? I can't even remember your names and faces, much less talk to any of you! So why the sudden dislike? Or has it been a few years? O.o


Ze Yin said...

Good one Kelly!! We'll alwaysssss be here! =D

Jelly said...

=D I know you will. Thats why I'm confident enough to say I've got friends to always back me up and vice versa.. =D

Ze Yin said...

=D Glad that you know. Love you!

Jelly said...

Love ya toooo.. =D Finally... Holiday coming. Can finally sleep.. Everyday go to school in a half asleep state.

Tze Ni. said...

OWHHHH so this was wat u guys were taling abt. didn't really get a clear picture at that time, didn't know it was this serious also. ahahah so funny la, the way something so trivial be so heavily debated. ahah amusing. and yeah kelly, u totally have frens to back u up in this, including me. xDDDDD

and i just dont get why anyone can get angry with kelly at such an extent. pfft. cos it's nearly imposiible to stay mad at kelly. O_o

Jelly said...

Hahahhahahahah... Thanks Tze Ni.. =D Cool eh... That it's become such a huggeeee thing.. =D It's entertainment for everybody. =D From our school I mean.. =D Everybody, feel free to play with my new toy.. =D

They haven't answered me though. As to why they hate me and how long has it been. =___= Oh well.. Whatev. =D IT HAS BECOME SOOOO FUNNN!!!=D