Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm sorry, Meep, Sabs, Rach, Su, Pochi and everybody else who's an author here.

Yeah, I know I'm like, posting a lot recently. Hahahhahahha.. Me gawd, the PFS guys asked me to not fight with this bunch of retards... Hahahahhahahahahahah. Like I would. Sorry, guys (PFS guys). You should know I wouldn't by now. =D Let me play with them till I'm bored of them then I'll just not bother about them anymore. =D

This, is for the CGL people who've missed my messages. There's this Von who interrupted everything. I doubt you know how to read older messages so I'm just posting it here for your convenience. =D (It's read from the bottom up.. If you couldn't figure it out by now. D=)

Kelly: Jamie, you do realise I meet you everyweek in tuition right? *You ARE that Jamie right?*
Kelly: ..., your sentence make no sense at all.. D=
Kelly: HAHAHAHHAHAHA.. Oh my gawd Joey. You're practically insulting yourself!!!!!
Kelly: Pfft.. I'd rather be fat than you. =D Gosh... Really..
Pochi: Lol you people wrote so many messages you exceeded the limit. Way to go on proving that you have a life.
Kelly: Quoted from ... " you can't see that GOING words..." I don't understand. I don't understand bad grammar.
Kelly: And hey.. if you were THAT huge, you'll just explode. Even the fattest man on Earth can't stomp on us.
Kelly: I never did prioritize beauty. I prioritize my friends, family, music and studies.
Kelly: YOU'RE A BEAUTICIAN?! OH MY GOD!!!!!! Remind me never to go to you for help on these things.
Kelly: And yeah. I have. How sure are you I haven't got pictures of you that I can show my friends?
Kelly: I spammed her blog?? Like wha?? I jsut wrote like.. 5-6 messages...? Can you people count? As it is, your messages fill mine more than mine does hers. Need math classes? I can help..
Kelly: Nawww.. I've seen some o your friends who aren't that small.. =D
Kelly: We never did say you insulted me directly. I just wanted to have some fun with you people. =D
Kelly: You mess with Kelly, you mess with the whole SGGS.
Kelly: And Joey.. It's just lame to shoo people out of their own blog. What nonsense..
Kelly: Oh.. So now I know how all your friends are. Quote Joey "A man is known by the company he keeps"...

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