Friday, January 23, 2009

This is me, stirring up more trouble.

Damnnn!! I missed everything!!! Why do I have piano classes and tuitions at all the wrong times? I wouldn't let the fact that you insulted our parents, go. If you've missed what I said, I'm pasting it all here....(it's to be read from the bottom up):

00:03unknown: instead of trying to differenciate from that so they would know that your superior

unknown: It's true that Kelly did nothing to them,but,from what I see,even the words Kelly uses screams hate.No offence,if your smart,great.Why being such a show off?You should try to get along with all ppl

ze yin: kelly, start swt ing really. small issue now become like what only thanks to some ppl. =.= lets just see what else they can do other than throwing insults at us

ze yin: and we

pukima xD: o0o

ze yin: if you're in kelly's position, will you tolerate with that? if someone were to insult your friend like how they did, would you not stand up for your friend? ask yourself that before saying anything

ze yin: hey unknown, you might want to know the whole story before voicing out your opinion. kelly did nothing to them. they started all that. they started calling our friends dogs.

Kelly: Swt... I really thought P.S was just exaggerating.. But apparently he's nt.. And if there really is a person who lost his parents, I;m really sorry

ze yin: i kinda like cgl ppl at first. seriously. i have friends there but then now i agree that cgl is a slubie school. slut + *****es =D learned from my junior. haha. =D

unknown: Since your so 'intelligent'

unknown: True you might be smarter than they are,but that's no way to act.What you guys are,is just pathetic.Kelly,if you wonder why the hate you,just look into the mirror,you'll find the answer.

ze yin: ohhh ahh haha. they all funny la. if they don't care they wouldn't reply pochi and meep. i read the whole thing. don't they learn moral in school? wait, are they in the last class or something?

unknown: And I thought you guys were nice.Taking people as toys?The might be out of line but you guys are no better?You guys are just too arrogant to realize why they hate you...notice the arrogant?

meep: I think they don't deserve knowing my name xD lets see how many "creative" names they can come up with la

Pochi: *faces. Sorreh.

Pochi: I read some of their blogs, they turn out to be quite nice, but after today and the comments about my parents I really just wish to stab their face.

meep: uhm I tot she ended up ganging up with them too? o_O oh well good point, if u guys wanna play go ahead la. I'm horribly bored of this d xD

Kelly: I like other students from their school.. I thought Joey or whatever your name is *Sorry, I really don't know you guys* was nice.

Kelly: Me gawd.. They're like our toy.. =D like.. A toy to 4 different classes.. Hahahhaha.. =D

meep: and uh dun ask them to come coz we should just stop this xD we are much busier than them anyway so we should just let them waste their time la xD

Kelly: I know.. Hahahahah..I read.. =D And I dunno!! Teacher laaa!! Next week we don't have class.. =D can come kacau them too. =D

meep: man kelly y must ur piano lesson end so late xD u just practically missed the whole thing. not that there's much to see. they just basically repeated same stuffs xD

Pochi: I still love my post title.

Kelly: Pochi, thanks. =D Tomorrow, there'll be a different batch of people coming to disturb. =D Kah Mei, Ze Yin, Phing and dunno who else.. =D

Kelly: =D Like honestly man... Stooping to a level so low that I never thought they would. Bringing in parents?! My god. I'm not joking now.. Thats really low..

Kelly: I'm leaving for them to read

Kelly: Trying to read like us pros are quite hard for your poor brain to comprehend. Tsk tsk...

Kelly: Didn't I say specifically YOUR SCHOOL MATES are leagues above you?? Have you gone blind? You might need to get your eyes checked... Or maybe try to read slower.

Pochi: I think they all went to bed already. Hm.

Kelly: My FRIENDS can actually score a point with them at a loosing end of the ratio of 2:5. This further strenghtens my point of your level of intelligence.

Kelly: All parents are. Its just THEIR CHILDREN which might not be nice.

Kelly: These people you call "dogs" are actually REALLY REALLY good friends. Get off their backs. You wanna disturb, just me. Their parents are really pleasant people too. I bet yours are too.

Kelly: Haven't I told you? My schedule is beyond your comprehension.. I've got different activity to go for on different days. Simple minds like yours would never ever be able to think theres such a schedul

Kelly: CGL duh.. ahhahahahahhahaha.. Sabs.. YOU DARN ROCK!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Oh.. Thanks for lettin me stay for a while.. Hahahhahah... =D

Killah: what school are they from anyway?

Kelly: Your spending time here just further prove my point of you being toooo free.. having SOOO much time in your hands.. haih... Why don't you run along and go study?? Memanfaatkan masa... Masa itu emas..

Kelly: Haih... Neeed me to list out the names of schools which are better than yours?? Me gawd... Only the cream of your school could get into mine. Unfortunately, you're not part of the cream.. Awwwww...

Kelly: As for our level of intelligence... Me GAWD.. Do I have to point out the obvious to you? Doesn't our school status already show that we're obviously of a higher level??

Kelly: Maine, whoever you are, Me gawd.. bringing in parents, of all people, is really low. I didn't know you stoop to that level.

Killah: i think they're just jealous of you la. i can't think of any other reasons..

Kelly: And the greatly missed Kelly-sama is back!!! From pianooo.. =D

Kelly: Yeah.. i didn't see that one either...

Kelly: I always thought you people were kinda nice, but this is really funny la.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Pochi: No not really. They're pretty repetitive. I kinda lost interest halfway.

Killah: hey. just got home. did i miss the part where they stated why they would actually hate kelly?

Pochi: Is that really all that matters to you? Who's the winner in this? There's no argument here. Your whole group insulted kelly because you thought it was fun, and she defended herself.

Yeah... Thats about it. The rest would most probably still be around.. =D

The next georgian who's gonna come spam our cbox, please do save the whole convo.. I'll be in tuition.. U_U Sadly..

To the CGLs, if you don't wanna believe my friends, then don't bother asking where am I. My friends wouldn't lie. It's a waste of their time to do so. I'll be in tuition until 10.15 and most probably be home at around 10.40.. If you really don't believe, you could try calling Pheng Sheng or Pang or Daniel or Ong or whoever it is just to speak to me. I'm in the same tuition. =.= You could always try.. =D... tuition starts at 8.30 if you must know. And before that, I'm not going to be home to layan all your nonsense. And before that, I'll be in tuition with your school mates whom I like.. =D

Tata.. =D I'm really sorry I missed everything today... U_U

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