Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I want your kemaafan, both Zahir AND Batin. =(

Meep said I have to post here or i'm not getting her kemaafan =( . Lmfao.

Anyway, as you all may or may not know, tomorrow's the LAST DAY OF PUASA :'D. When school reopens i'm so going to go eat Nasi Lemak xD

Just to let you guys know my schedule for the whole week (not like you need to know), i'm typing it out here:

Tuesday: Starting 'balik kampung' trip to Johor.
Wednesday: Raya'ing my ass off.
Thursday: Raya'ing at a minimum level.
Friday: Going to Genting- shopping first
Saturday: Theme park day :D
Sunday: Home

I'll get my brother to take pictures 'kay?

Oh and Rachel, i'm SO SO SORRY about Mr. you-know-who not bringing the folio on Friday. I have no idea why he's even keeping it at home he's supposed to put it in the freaking library! After Ramadhan is over i'm going to complain to Sabs and curse like mad :( mashaAllahhhh.

I don't feel like posting serious issues here. I have my own blog D:


Amelia and panda, sitting in a tree


I want to see Mamma Mia!.

Sabs, you know the other day when I came to your house to get my PJ folio? A few minutes before that my mom was chewing my ass because I couldn't remember where you lived xD She was like 'dekat dengan church ke?' and I said yeah. Then she went to the Trinity Church =_= so damn far from your house lmao. This is proof that I should come to your house more often 8D

A little note, I can still come online till Friday, because there's net connection at my grandparents' house. So, we can keep talking here xD

See you guys after raya! Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.

PS: Make sure to check MY blog for my Raya wish ;D Also, I have no idea how to change that little name thingy down there. So for now i'm also known as Sabs.


Monday, September 29, 2008

We really are using this as a chat space isn't it??

I know they do teach that chinese harp thingy, but... Swt... I want one of those things.

I really do wanna watch it. But it isn't downloading fast enough. I love you too, Amelia.
Yeah, I'm gonna learn it by myself. You better go ask your parents soon ya know... Cause its october already.

I wanna go work!!! In Baskin.. =D.. I wanted Borders but apparently they don't hire below 18. T_T.. Oh well. I've just got to wait for another 2 years. I don't get why they don't hire below 18. most 18 year olds couldn't care less for books. They should just hire book worms. Regardless of age.. Wait... Of course with that law thing of 16 and above. Speaking of law, why is it that its only our country which only allows 16 years olds to work? Countries like Australia and the States allows students at the age of 14 to have part time jobs. Why not Malaysia? Why can't we start having part time work at the age of 14? I want moneyyy.. TT_TT I wanna work... T_T

So anyway, to Sabby-san. I don't see why you complain so much. You're already leaving in a year... And its not like you got any demerits.. I chose it cause I like the uniform..=.= And at least I can tell you inside info no? The uniform is cause its special. I mean.. Like, its special to only our school. No other school has it. So its special-ish...

And you could say whatever you want.. Just not to their face...
Bah whatever laaaa...
November.. can't wait for it.. =D HOLIDAAAAYYYYY.. Hopefully I get to go to Genting... T_T It's so hot here. T_T
Oh btw, the mag is supposed to be arriving on the 10th. But I guess we'll give it out a few days later. Cause we've gotta sort stuff out and stuff.. Today gotta go to school.. T_T.. Before 9.. T_T Die laaa.. So early.. T_T Gotta wake up early again. T_T...

EXAMMMMSSSS!!! Have you all studied yet??? T_T.. Going to Sabby-san's to study later in the morning.. =D.. Malaslah...

Took me like.. A few hours to get this up.. Chatting so much more than I am typing this stupid thing. Why oh why am I even blogging? Its so pointless.. We're using this as a place to chat...=___=

Re:Music.. And other random stuff..

Just to annoy Sabs by treating this place as a chat place >D

Yea Kelly if you actually watched CG R2 I can be more detailed than just "T_T noooooooo" xDDDDDDDDD

Dun worry I ignore alot of msges too. You of all ppl should know that. Haha

WELL dun worry I dun think they'll pick a siao cha boh to become the editor >D

You can learn a guitar urself when we get it for u as a xmas present xDDDD.. Oh I want to learn that chinese instrument thing too. Looks so graceful (although if we play it, it'll no longer look graceful xD)

Didn't you say we were starting around November? Haven't asked my parents yet though.... And I don't think violin is that easy to learn lol. I think we'll just suck. Should've just started young if we wanted to. Too bad, too young to want these stuffs xD

Nooooooooooo T_T (*getshot* xD)


Music.. And other random stuff..

Nah... I'm too lazy to put it back. I don't even knw what was there.

I'm online in some restaurant!!!=D
Darn... Downloading here in faster than when I'm downloading at home!! Me god.. I should've just offed my computer at home just to download Code Geass R2.. Why didn't I do that? Then I would've been able to talk about it with that psycho person.

I should really stop ignoring people's messages when I'm watching anime. Wei Yen just messaged me asking whether I have MS Word 2007, and I just ignored, and when I asked why after like.. 20 minutes, it was to open some file for some society for Ed Board. Wei Yen, if you do read this, I'm so very sorry.

Wonder who's gonna be the next editor....... It's either Rachel, Wei Yen, or some other form 4 this year.. As long as its not meh... =D So much work to do. I tengok Sue Lyn I feel kesian..=___=

I wanted to learn guitars. My mom was like, you wanna learn everything la. I want to learn flute too. Its not something everybody learns but a flute is really expensive. I want that chinese harp table instrument thingy. The one where all the female characters in chinese dramas know how to play. Looks kinda cool. And graceful, not like I do graceful. Do they even teach those things in Penang? I know they do sell but do they teach?

Violin lessons. When are we starting btw? I wonder if that dude still remember us.. He should... How much is the violin anyway? Is violin that easy to learn? What if it isn't? I'd just suck as usual... I suck at mostly everything anyway. Why is Amelia even complaining? She started the same time as me, and she's grades ahead. And those little kids are called PRODIGIES. Don't compare us with prodigies... You're already better than me. Stop complaining. I should b complaining.

"Awwww" I realise, can mean anything. From, "awww, its so cute!" to "awww, thats just so sad" or "awww, I got it wrong!". Its such a multi usage word... Why is it used in every sense ar?

Oh.. I've got to go. I'm in this restaurant, Tao, in eGate. Hahahaha... =D... First blog outta my house.


U guys are such spammers. Spam spam spam. That's all I ever see. Anymore spam and we can have a frikkin spam sub sandwich! I want SUBSTANCE D:

Which is totally not the point of my post. I am gonna talk about why I detest the school.

I hate the school. Apathetic students, inflexible discipline system, tyrannical teachers and gawd forsaken infrastructure.

Let me begin with my first point : Apathetic students

The student body of SGGS consists of a flock of simple-minded sheep. We take the famed 'tidak apa' attitude of Msia to a whole new level. If a shooting occurred in our school, the teachers and students would probably push each other into the path of the shooter to save themselves. It seems as though no matter how much the administration acts to invade and violate our personal rights that they will never stand up to the man. But, who am I to criticize, when in most instances, I am the same. HOWEVER, there is a BIG difference between you yourself choosing to and trying to change the circumstances around you and simply lying down and giving in because, quote unquote, 'It's too much hassle to try'. Now we are all descended from people who had the guts to go out into the world and forge their own way, discover and start their own communities in a strange place etc SO WHY-THE-HELL-WON'T-WE-STAND-UP-TO-FRIKKIN-SCHOOL-ADMIN?!

Second point : Inflexible discipline system

I swear, it is a violation to my freedom of speech to be unable to picket if I want to. And the demerit-merit system is so bogus and, to put it plainly, bloody useless. I mean, you give students demerits on trumped up charges to make them work hard to earn merit points. So say they earn 6 merit points and 3 demerit points are cancelled out. So there are 3 merit points left. Those 3 merit points aren't carried forward to the next year so if the same student gets another 3 demerits, her Behaviour (Kelakuan) is immediately a B. Bloody injustice. Not to mention unfair to the students. Which brings me to the enforcers of this frikkin skewed martial law practiced in SGGS : Prefects. Prefects. Prefects. Dogs. Lackeys. Henchmen. All serve the same bloody damn purpose: to carry out Hitler's orders with absolute zero sense of compassion, sympathy and empathy. Nazis. Can't bloody think for themselves. Liars. Never take into consideration the explanations given. Why, Kelly?! Why choose the dark side??? The uniform is ugly shit anyway.

Third point : Tyrannical teachers

Frikkin teachers who want things their way for their convenience without a thought to the welfare of the students. Tyrants. Dictators. Reincarnations of Nero, Julius Caesar, Hitler. They don't care about us. All they care about is image and showing off their 'assets' (school wise, I mean) to the world. Cameras at every major and minor event, pressure to do well and increase school statistical excellence, extortion for 'school upkeep', pointless monuments, wastage of funds, to name a few. All by our beloved school admin.

Fourth but never the final point : Gawd forsaken infrastructure

Freak la. The extension to the canteen and the laman ko-op is so hot in the afternoons because the architects or whoever had the most brilliant idea. "What should we use for roofing?" "Oh, I know! Let's use zinc! Coz Msia is such a cool country. And it's so cheap anyway"
So. Saving costs->1 Using zinc->2
1 + 2 = 3. Students die on hot days (figuratively not literally) because -surprise, surprise- METALS CONDUCT HEAT!!!

=_= I rest my case.



Note that I'll most likely bore every single reader in this blog so you guys can really ignore my posts, really.

Oh mi gaaaaaawd once again I'm restless from my fave anime series ending.

I'm so depressed for the ending T_T nuuuu... Both from it ending and the ending itself. More of the ending though. It was bitter sweet. But more on the bitter side for me T_T

Tis has been a long journey of suffering when it gets released on Monday mornings and sometimes I have to wait till I get back from school to download. Or stuffs like that.

T___________T I r saaaad

And Kelly, go put back something into the description. Haha.

I so want this OST now. Especially after the final episode. "Continued Story" was so sad T_T even if some ppl say it sounds like a happy song. Bittersweet. Yea.

And sorry guys I'm so spamming this blog man xD Have the most blog posts right now xDDDDDD


Piano grades....

So I read someone's blog bout how she finished her grade 8 and is offering lessons. Which got me to think.

So many people are learning piano. It's just like, how stereotype. Parents all think the same: kids should learn musical instrument, piano the best. Stuffs like that. (I mean, I dun think many parents will think of guitars when they want their kids to learn an instrument. Besides, like I already told panda, guitar lessons are for weeabos. Ppl should learn guitars the macho way; self teach by internet!!! *getshot*)


So what's the point of us working hard to get all these grades actually? I mean it's not like half the number of students passing grade 8 are actually considering music for their future career. So what's the point? In the end it's more of quantity than quality already. So many people passed grade 8 already. It's not all that great, really. Even some lil kids can play better.

The grading system is so over rated. Really. Because of exams most students lose interest. It's no longer enjoying music. It's practice practice practice to get grades. And for what? To show off? Even though u'll end up being an engineer or something?

*yea yea some of you can also argue that I'm only bitter from the fact that most ppl already took grade 8 this year, or even earlier on. Or that I'm even in the same grade as someone two years younger than me. Yes Kelly I know, I shouldn't complain xDDD*

Whats the purpose of this blog, really?

Swt.. It's not that I said its not strong... =___= Oh never mind, dear... You're not really missing much by not seeing the butterflies. It's getting annoying. This blog thing is like turning into our own place to chat more than blogging.

You know, I forgot whats Terminator till you described it. =D You were cooking? No wonder it took you long to reply.

I so suck at piano. I jsut repeated the same mistakes I did the last lesson. Teacher was like, do this this this. And 2 seconds later when I play that part again, I just play it as how I usually do. Even if I try to play how teacher wants it to be, I stil can't get it like how teacher wants it to be. T_T.. She said she was getting me a new book, but apparently she didn't... Theory was stupid. So confusing. But I still got it in the end anyway. Its like, compare this to the harmonic minor. Then I was like.. "Huh?" Really, how DO people actually get to grade 8 for theory? *Yes I'm questioning you both, Amelia and Alyssa*. I feel stupid. I wish I had longer fingers. And better hand eye coordination. And faster sight-reading skills. It's gonna take me YEARS to actually finish Gopak..
Not really true cause next year I might be taking this grade.
Oh... How coincidential. I'm talking about Gopak, and now WMP just plays it.. ^^

Hey, do you people think I should keep the money or spend the money I have now?? Amelia should understand what I'm talking about.

You could always ask me to take it away or just take it away yourself ya know...=___= I didn't even know its a joke... Does she...? Shoulda told me, then I'll just leave it blankkk..

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Aw Rachie don't be so uptight, it's funny to see nerds crapping xDDDD And it's Kelly's fault for implying that our friendship isn't that strong DDD=

Somehow I can't see the butterflies T_T ah well...

I have a lot of things I want to blog about but, 1) I'm too lazy coz it requires uploading pictures etc, 2) I might as well just post it in my own blog xD.. So I shall talk about random things.

My parents weren't around so I ended up cooking cintan curry instant noodles. Like what I told my bro, when I cook instant noodles, it's no longer instant =D

Then later we watched Terminator on star movies. Well technically, it was only me watching it coz my bro thought it was boring and scrammed few minutes later. Yes I haven't watched terminator before. Yes yes how lame xD..

Anyway the movie was so old lol xDD I have a lot of patience when it comes to shows unlike my bro so I thought it was pretty interesting xD... It's predictable though. About how the guy from the future was so gonna be the father of the future resistance leader thingy. Too bad he died lol xD Lolol one night stand then xDDD

Oh and the terminator looked like a rozen maiden doll reject when some parts of his skin came off xDDDD

I think I'll go watch the other terminators someday. Haha.

Btw Kelly u so totally ruined the joke in the description. Part of the reason why I wanted it to be short was to mock Sab's long description up there. (another reason was coz I really didn't know what to put either *getshot*)


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will Sabbo-san and whoever it is just stop it about whether or not concrete is strong? We'll just settle for 'our friendship is stronger than whatever the strongest thing on Earth is'...OK? Tq..

Moving on...I totally do not feel the urge to write anything, probably because I don't have much inspiration...Well, not today at least...On the contrary, I do feel the urge to post all manner of 'cute' stuff(to me its cute) on our page. If any of you have a problem with that...Keep it to urselves...

Haha..just kidding..If u have a problem with what i add, just delete it.

I'm also trying out some other cool stuff, so if any of u have cute pics(of urselves or ur pets or etc,) please send it to me. Thankies....

Holy shit xD

Lol. Only one day the blog was up and u guys already posted so much stuff. Lolol. Lemme know if u wanna change the template and to what colour.


Friday, September 26, 2008

One thing bout this group blog thing

I thought those additional stuffs right at the bottom were added by blogspot itself and deleted the two things down there by accident ... Sorry Rach!! T____T Gomen gomen gomen gomen

*yea I didn't really needed to post this here did I xD;;;;*


My first post!!!

And even then its the fourth post in this group :( Oh well...Nvm...Anyway, uni-minded and lunatics so don't go well together.. Random-random: My parents are watching a horror movie and my mum is screaming her head off even though technically she's shielded her eyes and hasn't seen anything icky..She claims the background music is scary... My dad is going " Oh my gawd that blood spatter was so realistic!!! You should watch it!!!!Ey, why u closing your eyes? No fun!!" And I'm upstairs just chillin... Nearly dropped my laptop when my mum screamed just now....

Wha...? First post ever.. Hopefully not the last...

What am I supposed to say?? Swt... I thought we were just joking about this joined blog thing. But apparently not. Oh well. The people who would most probably update lots would be Sabby and Amelia and Pochi only but they have their own blog to blog on and its not like I'm all that rajin to come and update..(Thats why I don't have my own blog). Alyssa would most probably not ever come online to update. The rest, I dunno laaaaaaa..

Btw, Sabs, concrete isn't all that hard actually.. If it is, houses wouldn't runtuh when hurricanes come along...

Le randomness....

I don't really see the point of this group blog actually. Coz most of us already have our own individual blogs. So, where do we update now? o_O ...Heck what do we update!?

Oh well to promote friendship maybeh *looooooool laaame gaaaaaaaay*

So here's a picture filled with gayness. Look especially at Suzaku's (brown hair) legs.

My posts will maintain an unhealthy excessive fix of uh... anime pictures in this blog. Yea.

Nooooo code geass is ending next week/this Sunday T_T

Oh and Lulu teh bisheh


Wa-cha-cha wa-cha-cha

Dum-tara-DUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!! And so begins the dawn of a new era in our everlasting friendship. With this new GROUP BLOG, I, King-sama Si Arosh Hebat Sabrena, hereby declare that our psychotic relationship with each other is as solid as CONCRETE!!! And so concludes the first post in a blog that shall be filled with random-nesssssssssss
