Saturday, January 31, 2009


Going back to the time when we were playing with the CGL girls. We were talking about it at school.

One of us: Have you ever seen Kelly mad?
Kelly: *literally skipping happily towards us* Hello darlings! =D

Me: No.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy CNY!!... And happy hols to pochsta!! XDXDXDXD

Oh wow... Today is like, the first day of CNY and had to go out so so so early... For some reason I've had bad luck since the clock chimed 12 am.... First, my dad slammed the car door into my knee at 12.01. Then, when I got home, I was opening the gate when my dog leaped onto it, so it went 'Wham!' into my forehead. I'm lucky I didn't grow a carrot outta there... That's not all... Throughout the whole night, I had stomach cramps and couldn't sleep. When I finally got to sleep, my dad woke me up and told me it was time to leave. Ishhhhh...

Wanna know what's worse? Ang pau money has been reduced by nearly 50%.... HALF of what I got last year... People think I'm already working so I don't need so much money.... Its hard to explain to old people that you haven't finished school yet... :(..

Oh well... Hope u people are having better luck than me in terms of ang paus... As for u Poch... U chould get an ang pau ot two too... Ask ur mom to wrap money in red paper and give it to you... Hahahahah...

Cheers people! Happy new year! Enjoy the holidays!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm afraid you guys might get mad if I edit the whole blog, so one picture will be put here for the mean time.


Just wishing a Happy Chinese New Year to the gang, and anyone who celebrates. Happy holidays to those who don't too, btw.

I can't put up those pictures now, so...we'll see.

Holy crap, shortest blog post I've ever made. EVER. Lol.


Damn... This year's new year ain't gonna be as happy. There're piles of homework to complete before the holiday ends. With all these retrench (sp??) and recession.. Our ang pau money is SURE to menurun. Me gawd. TT_TT

I've soooo gotta complete everything by Wednesday. MELIAAA!!! I forgot to get that physics homework from ya. =____= CRRRAAAAPPPPP...

Lets stop talking about homework. It's making me feel guilty.. Sitting here, typing this when I'm supposed to finish my I.T assignments, school homework, tuition homework, practice piano and violin.. Me gawd.. Thats lots to do...

Last friday... I passed up my graph book.. Without any name or class on it. I hope Pn. Muminah knows it's mine. I totally forgot to write my name on it. Forgot to pass it up too. Had to chase after teacher just to give it to her. I'm most probably the last in class to hand it in.. D= Hope she doesn't blacklist me.. TT_TT Miss K would kill me.. TT_TT

I need the list of homework that ahs to be done.. TT_TT It was REALLY hard for me to pay attention in class last Friday and Thursday *too sleepy..*. (Can't get the amount of homework I have out of my head. D=)

The drama is over. My toy is thrown away. T_T Why Sabs, WHHYYY?? Kim Mei was like "And I just thought of a lot of insults" Hahahahahhha... Oh well. They'll most probably start again anyway. =D I wanna see how things are in tuition on Thursdays. =D Would they ignore me or talk about me? Hmm.. Whatev.. =D FARAHHH!! SORRRY!! I forgot to return your pens to you... Sorrryyy. I'll return it on Monday.

Happy holidays to those who don't celebrate CNY..
Thats the whole point of this post. =D Just to wish all me friends (everybody I know, including the CGLs.. =D) HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
I'm really really sleepy right now. So I'm just gonna leave.. =D Happy Chinese New Year again. =D

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Do pardon the unrelated content below btw xD :

We're already dropping this whole drama anyway but I'm wondering why are we being accused for spamming their cbox xD Seriously. I've never really bothered about their blogs and probably only cared to comment like, twice? Even when we did comment in their blogs, we won't use the "asterisk" language unless for quoting purposes xD For all you know it's just people taking advantage of the 'conflict' going on (talking bout someone's bro's blog). From what I can see, he was already spammed before this whole drama anyway. Poor guy's not really liked o_O

However if you really kept to your words of not coming back to this blog anymore you wouldn't be reading this xD


Happy Chinese New Year people! xD Or happy holidays to those not celebrating it. The realization of how much holiday homework we've gotten from teachers hasn't kicked in yet so I shall talk about how my first day of holiday was spent.

Went to Kelly's house with Krystie to watch them learn violin. Or rather, listen. Carpooled with Krystie there. Reduce global warming people xD She lives considerably close to me anyway. They kicked me out of the room before they started so I used that time to finish my theory homework anyway xD Yea I admit, my primary reason of going to Kelly's house was to fiddle around with her violin xD Kelly's officially a fiddler xD

I really want learn how to play one string instrument. It's really too bad Pn Audrey's planning to get the guzheng, cello and double bass a few years later. By then we'll be out of school a long time ago D:

We ended up watching Twilight after their lesson too, even though I'm the only one among us three who hasn't watched it yet. Wasn't planning to from all the negative reviews and not so appealing trailer but since Krystie has the dvd because her sis wanted to watch it, what the heck. Just watched it to satisfy my curiosity about all the negative reviews xD Sorry Rach, I've just made you the only one in our group who hasn't watched it yet xD;

Not much to comment because everyone else already did long ago with much more details. All of us laughed at the obvious use of lipstick during the cat walk into the cafeteria scene though lol xD He doesn't look too bad when the lipstick ain't obvious I guess. But overall the movie felt too "choppy". It feels like they introduced the characters just for the heck of it and then moved them aside the rest of the movie for EdwardxBella chemistry. Which looked forced as well xD;

We didn't stay long though. Went back after the movie before lunch and helped family to clean up place. Too bad I forgot all about taking pictures for moral folio D: My room's used by aunt's family again so I guess it's the sleeping bag for me again xDD

Btw my fellow friends here who are in the school gamelan team, I have decided I shall stick to my faithful old gambang xD reasons below:

1. There's just no point learning a whole different score for a different instrument. If everyone from the music camp sticks to their original instruments I will be dragging everyone down because I'm the only one still learning while others already know the songs in a way >.>

2. Why should I deny my own wishes when my fave instrument in gamelan is the gambang xD

3. Who cares if ppl think I am pro when I'm not actually pro. I'll just continue my old method of memorizing the score. Yea! I shall not drag others down! xD

4. The student playing the saron baron will hate me to death if she was planning to continue playing it. The gambang doesn't receive enough love :(

But if Emily is going to change her instrument then maybe I will though xD *get shot for saying this after the whole list*

So people, how was your first day of holiday spent? xD

Friday, January 23, 2009

To Us All....


I've lost interest. I have better things to do......
To all the CGL girls I was rude to, I'm sorry. Sincerely.
But please don't insult my friends anymore. It isn't nice either. If we can never be friends, lets not be enemies. Lets not be connected to each other in any way.

It really isn't fun anymore... My god... For that moment in time, we acted like a bunch of 6-year-olds, and I admit, I made mistakes too.... But its enough, and we should GROW UP.

That's all I have to say.

I'm sorry, Meep, Sabs, Rach, Su, Pochi and everybody else who's an author here.

Yeah, I know I'm like, posting a lot recently. Hahahhahahha.. Me gawd, the PFS guys asked me to not fight with this bunch of retards... Hahahahhahahahahahah. Like I would. Sorry, guys (PFS guys). You should know I wouldn't by now. =D Let me play with them till I'm bored of them then I'll just not bother about them anymore. =D

This, is for the CGL people who've missed my messages. There's this Von who interrupted everything. I doubt you know how to read older messages so I'm just posting it here for your convenience. =D (It's read from the bottom up.. If you couldn't figure it out by now. D=)

Kelly: Jamie, you do realise I meet you everyweek in tuition right? *You ARE that Jamie right?*
Kelly: ..., your sentence make no sense at all.. D=
Kelly: HAHAHAHHAHAHA.. Oh my gawd Joey. You're practically insulting yourself!!!!!
Kelly: Pfft.. I'd rather be fat than you. =D Gosh... Really..
Pochi: Lol you people wrote so many messages you exceeded the limit. Way to go on proving that you have a life.
Kelly: Quoted from ... " you can't see that GOING words..." I don't understand. I don't understand bad grammar.
Kelly: And hey.. if you were THAT huge, you'll just explode. Even the fattest man on Earth can't stomp on us.
Kelly: I never did prioritize beauty. I prioritize my friends, family, music and studies.
Kelly: YOU'RE A BEAUTICIAN?! OH MY GOD!!!!!! Remind me never to go to you for help on these things.
Kelly: And yeah. I have. How sure are you I haven't got pictures of you that I can show my friends?
Kelly: I spammed her blog?? Like wha?? I jsut wrote like.. 5-6 messages...? Can you people count? As it is, your messages fill mine more than mine does hers. Need math classes? I can help..
Kelly: Nawww.. I've seen some o your friends who aren't that small.. =D
Kelly: We never did say you insulted me directly. I just wanted to have some fun with you people. =D
Kelly: You mess with Kelly, you mess with the whole SGGS.
Kelly: And Joey.. It's just lame to shoo people out of their own blog. What nonsense..
Kelly: Oh.. So now I know how all your friends are. Quote Joey "A man is known by the company he keeps"...
My, my how childish can certain 'people' be...We're in form five...unlike SOME others whose minds are still in their early standard 5 days...(-.-)

This is me, stirring up more trouble.

Damnnn!! I missed everything!!! Why do I have piano classes and tuitions at all the wrong times? I wouldn't let the fact that you insulted our parents, go. If you've missed what I said, I'm pasting it all here....(it's to be read from the bottom up):

00:03unknown: instead of trying to differenciate from that so they would know that your superior

unknown: It's true that Kelly did nothing to them,but,from what I see,even the words Kelly uses screams hate.No offence,if your smart,great.Why being such a show off?You should try to get along with all ppl

ze yin: kelly, start swt ing really. small issue now become like what only thanks to some ppl. =.= lets just see what else they can do other than throwing insults at us

ze yin: and we

pukima xD: o0o

ze yin: if you're in kelly's position, will you tolerate with that? if someone were to insult your friend like how they did, would you not stand up for your friend? ask yourself that before saying anything

ze yin: hey unknown, you might want to know the whole story before voicing out your opinion. kelly did nothing to them. they started all that. they started calling our friends dogs.

Kelly: Swt... I really thought P.S was just exaggerating.. But apparently he's nt.. And if there really is a person who lost his parents, I;m really sorry

ze yin: i kinda like cgl ppl at first. seriously. i have friends there but then now i agree that cgl is a slubie school. slut + *****es =D learned from my junior. haha. =D

unknown: Since your so 'intelligent'

unknown: True you might be smarter than they are,but that's no way to act.What you guys are,is just pathetic.Kelly,if you wonder why the hate you,just look into the mirror,you'll find the answer.

ze yin: ohhh ahh haha. they all funny la. if they don't care they wouldn't reply pochi and meep. i read the whole thing. don't they learn moral in school? wait, are they in the last class or something?

unknown: And I thought you guys were nice.Taking people as toys?The might be out of line but you guys are no better?You guys are just too arrogant to realize why they hate you...notice the arrogant?

meep: I think they don't deserve knowing my name xD lets see how many "creative" names they can come up with la

Pochi: *faces. Sorreh.

Pochi: I read some of their blogs, they turn out to be quite nice, but after today and the comments about my parents I really just wish to stab their face.

meep: uhm I tot she ended up ganging up with them too? o_O oh well good point, if u guys wanna play go ahead la. I'm horribly bored of this d xD

Kelly: I like other students from their school.. I thought Joey or whatever your name is *Sorry, I really don't know you guys* was nice.

Kelly: Me gawd.. They're like our toy.. =D like.. A toy to 4 different classes.. Hahahhaha.. =D

meep: and uh dun ask them to come coz we should just stop this xD we are much busier than them anyway so we should just let them waste their time la xD

Kelly: I know.. Hahahahah..I read.. =D And I dunno!! Teacher laaa!! Next week we don't have class.. =D can come kacau them too. =D

meep: man kelly y must ur piano lesson end so late xD u just practically missed the whole thing. not that there's much to see. they just basically repeated same stuffs xD

Pochi: I still love my post title.

Kelly: Pochi, thanks. =D Tomorrow, there'll be a different batch of people coming to disturb. =D Kah Mei, Ze Yin, Phing and dunno who else.. =D

Kelly: =D Like honestly man... Stooping to a level so low that I never thought they would. Bringing in parents?! My god. I'm not joking now.. Thats really low..

Kelly: I'm leaving for them to read

Kelly: Trying to read like us pros are quite hard for your poor brain to comprehend. Tsk tsk...

Kelly: Didn't I say specifically YOUR SCHOOL MATES are leagues above you?? Have you gone blind? You might need to get your eyes checked... Or maybe try to read slower.

Pochi: I think they all went to bed already. Hm.

Kelly: My FRIENDS can actually score a point with them at a loosing end of the ratio of 2:5. This further strenghtens my point of your level of intelligence.

Kelly: All parents are. Its just THEIR CHILDREN which might not be nice.

Kelly: These people you call "dogs" are actually REALLY REALLY good friends. Get off their backs. You wanna disturb, just me. Their parents are really pleasant people too. I bet yours are too.

Kelly: Haven't I told you? My schedule is beyond your comprehension.. I've got different activity to go for on different days. Simple minds like yours would never ever be able to think theres such a schedul

Kelly: CGL duh.. ahhahahahahhahaha.. Sabs.. YOU DARN ROCK!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Oh.. Thanks for lettin me stay for a while.. Hahahhahah... =D

Killah: what school are they from anyway?

Kelly: Your spending time here just further prove my point of you being toooo free.. having SOOO much time in your hands.. haih... Why don't you run along and go study?? Memanfaatkan masa... Masa itu emas..

Kelly: Haih... Neeed me to list out the names of schools which are better than yours?? Me gawd... Only the cream of your school could get into mine. Unfortunately, you're not part of the cream.. Awwwww...

Kelly: As for our level of intelligence... Me GAWD.. Do I have to point out the obvious to you? Doesn't our school status already show that we're obviously of a higher level??

Kelly: Maine, whoever you are, Me gawd.. bringing in parents, of all people, is really low. I didn't know you stoop to that level.

Killah: i think they're just jealous of you la. i can't think of any other reasons..

Kelly: And the greatly missed Kelly-sama is back!!! From pianooo.. =D

Kelly: Yeah.. i didn't see that one either...

Kelly: I always thought you people were kinda nice, but this is really funny la.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Pochi: No not really. They're pretty repetitive. I kinda lost interest halfway.

Killah: hey. just got home. did i miss the part where they stated why they would actually hate kelly?

Pochi: Is that really all that matters to you? Who's the winner in this? There's no argument here. Your whole group insulted kelly because you thought it was fun, and she defended herself.

Yeah... Thats about it. The rest would most probably still be around.. =D

The next georgian who's gonna come spam our cbox, please do save the whole convo.. I'll be in tuition.. U_U Sadly..

To the CGLs, if you don't wanna believe my friends, then don't bother asking where am I. My friends wouldn't lie. It's a waste of their time to do so. I'll be in tuition until 10.15 and most probably be home at around 10.40.. If you really don't believe, you could try calling Pheng Sheng or Pang or Daniel or Ong or whoever it is just to speak to me. I'm in the same tuition. =.= You could always try.. =D... tuition starts at 8.30 if you must know. And before that, I'm not going to be home to layan all your nonsense. And before that, I'll be in tuition with your school mates whom I like.. =D

Tata.. =D I'm really sorry I missed everything today... U_U

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sylar's eyebrows deserve my attention more than you guys.

I am quoting myself because that sentence just screams awesomeness.

Earlier I was just going to explain the difference between caring and what Kelly is doing, but I don't think you'll get it.

Okay okay, enough. Look, you guys really have to stop spamming our cbox. We have much more important matters to discuss here. Anything is more important than what you guys have to say. And i'm only saying this because WE DON'T CARE. Your insults mean nothing. They suck compared to what i've seen before.

Main point in this whole incident: Your whole group insulted Kelly, and she defended herself.

The end.

And like you said, all we did is support our friend. I agree that what we did was wrong, insulting your school in general. We apologize, and make sure that we only insult you guys personally in the future.

But you shouldn't have involved parents in this. You are stooping to a seriously low level. Shows how much you care about your own reputation. I still apologize about talking about your parents, even though I didn't actually say anything bad. But that doesn't justify the fact that I went along with you.

1) The person you are defending doesn't actually have to be there while you are defending her.

2) Repetitive insults lose effect after 10 seconds.

3) You can't detect sarcasm on the internet.

4) Internet insults do not hurt.

5) Internet arguments do not hurt.


7) Making money out of your blog is not relevant to the topic of discussion.

8) You do not shoo someone out of their own blog. It's like shooing someone out of their own house, it's stupid.

Think about it, you say we should've just let Kelly defended herself, but you guys ganged up on her, and not to mention on me and Meep. Let's be rational here, and stop arguing in our cbox.

We can always use msn.

To: The neanderthals who like to disturb Kelly

You most definitely do not know me, but I am one of the people who would back Kelly up no matter what crap she puts me through. In reference to her being 'annoyed' by your extremely childish and not well thought out antics, I feel it is my duty to inform you that people of your social status have not even a sliver of a hope of seeing Kelly annoyed. Only 4 people in the world can annoy Kelly. One of them is yours truly. Please cease and desist from carrying out your so-called 'annoying' pranks as conducting them on a premise which is near to my area of residence really just taints the land. People who are as petty and small-minded as yourself are undeserving of the drops of non-existent perspiration from Kelly's forehead let alone her casual attention. Also, if I may, when the words in a blog post are underlined in red, it usually means the spelling is wrong. I hope you have noticed such an occurrence and take steps to rectify your grammar as well as expand your somewhat limited vocabulary. I mean, seriously, if you can't think of any other profanities other than b**** and f***, an Oxford dictionary will come in handy. Maybe Kelly can start a fund to buy dictionaries for linguistically-challenged people such as yourselves. I would write more but I would be accused, no doubt, of being obsessed with such a trivial matter. And, as for raising the number of readers for your friend's little blog, which is aptly named Simplicity (probably after the state of her mind), it is an undeniable consequence of this little drama that you have stirred up. However, I would like to thank you as well for raising the number of readers of our blog. It is an honour to make your insignificant acquaintance.


Sabrena Arosh

PS: Gang Gila-gila is a rather original name and is the brainchild of me, myself and I. I do not care for your slander as the name of your blog was probably plagiarised from some sad, non-descript notebook cover. Highly unimaginative. Good day to you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


You know, I love you people for being so nice.. =D *I mean it...*

Recent "developments" about me, just proves how much the people involved knows me. =D Like, dude, I don't care if you bitch about me.. I know you were doing it, I just couldn't give a damn. A total waste of my time if I actually do care to retort... =____= Bitch all ya want people!!! I couldn't care less.. =D

If you really do dislike me, why don't you just say it right to my face? Rather than being the coward the bunch of you are. Oh well, its as expected of lesser beings. =D You have my sympathy.. u_u

If you don't know me, lemme tell you some facts about me which you should know before you start bitching.. =D You need these.. Or you'll go NO WHERE with your bitching about me:-
I don't care for direct or indirect insults.
I understand them. I just don't really bother about other's, who aren't my friends', opinions. You can insult me all you want, I wouldn't be affected. I'm insulted and bitched about *I think* everyday. I'm like, insulted and teased by everyday in Miss Lee's tuition.. Which, of course, has your school mates who are like, LEAGUESSSS *note the quadruple S* above you, who are my friends.

Nothing fazes me
I don't really care for what people around me who aren't my friends do to me, unless everything is getting out of control. Blow everything I've done out of proportion if you want. I don't care for rumours either. They're just what people who have too much free time on their hands do... =/

Me being annoyed? YOU people aren't worthy to see me like that.
Have you never seen an annoyed expression? Well, what you've seen, is DEFINITELY not me being annoyed. You're not Su Jen. You don't annoy me. You people are more like.... Entertainers, if you will.. To me.. By gosh! Even Pheng Sheng is a few levels higher than you in being a personal entertainer to me! Thats really saying something.

I'm ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS sleepy.
When you lead a busy life like mine, you'll be too. You people, who have THAT much free time, to gossip and open the door for me when I enter, won't EVER be able to handle my daily schedule. Your brains aren't.. Built.. To do what I do. My schedule might be too much to process for your brains. Gosh, you can't even differenciate between sleepiness and annoyance! And your grammar.. If you can't even handle GRAMMAR, which we've been learning since 7, how can you possibly handle my schedule. As I've said, lesser beings. =D *no offence*

I'm always BORED
I'm not only always sleepy, I'm also always BORED.. Which might be the expression that you mistaken.. There's nothing fun and exciting about going for tuition class which has a head count of about 25 people of which 3/4 I don't know. The only thing I'd most probably look forward to is to go back home to sleep then go for my piano class on Thursdays. That might be my usual expression, boredom. Do get my expressions right next time before you blog about it. Thanks. It'll just confuse people who knows me.

I NEVER get angry
I've never been angry in my life. I've been really patient and nonchalant my whole life. If you could really piss me off, *even Pheng Sheng couldn't and he's one of the people who tries to annoy me most of the time*, there must be something wrong somewhere. I don't get angry. Even when I'm lashing out at people, *which actually, to think back, never do happen* I'm not angry. I'm most probably just bored when I'm lashing at them. So if you manage to get me angry, well.. I don't think I'll be refering to a random group like that. I'll be going from one person to another to talk. =D I don't think I let people up easy when I get angry. Why don't you try? I want to know how I'll be when I am. You can be the first person I really go up against... =D

I have GREAT friends.
This is, after all, the point of my post. I've got great friends to watch my back. And some are from your school. I can bet with you, when you actually have me interrogating you, one by one, *that is provided, you get me angry at all*, you won't have friends like mine to back you up. As it is, this small tiny.. Glitch, for the lack of word, my friends are already waiting to blow you all..

And so, you can start bitching about me already. I'm putting this up for future reference. I'm only doing this for my own entertainment. I'd like to see how this would turn out. Life at school hasn't been all that fun. I need to entertain myself. Since you people came along, I'll just hang on to this.. Might turn out fun. =D If you don't hear from me anymore, I might have lost interest in my new toy. D=

Keep me entertained! You'll need luck for that. GOOD LUCK!!

Your whole gang who, according to you, dislike me, against me, who really don't give much shit about this. =D

Nice talking to ya'll!! Good Night!!

PS: Out of curiosity, why do you dislike me? I can't even remember your names and faces, much less talk to any of you! So why the sudden dislike? Or has it been a few years? O.o

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Ppl......

Ooh... Its 2009.... SPM year... I already Sedia Pergi Mati already.... =(

There's nothing to look forward to this year, actually....

Except SPM, cuz after SPM we'll be kinda free.... And can leave school already... And can go to college..... Hahahahahahaha... Can't wait for after SPM... Can drive also... Can work to get money..... Perfect!

Actually, I can't wait to drive so i don't need to ask my dad to drive me around... If its jammed, he gets in a real bad mood, then starts grumbling, which is totally un-fun... Okay, too much information.....

And I don't believe we're actually getting ppl funny weird stuff for X'mas.... But, if they like it, whatever..... And kelly, the post about music camp is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooooong i gave up halfway through......

Anyways, Happy New Year peeps.. CNY is coming up and I hope to get a lot of ang pau s....... Me need money....

Also.... remind me to buy Chinese New Year cards to give out to you all... If not, I'll just send e-cards... Save the trees ppl!! I know, I know.... Kelly is saying "When did u turn into a tree hugger????" Okay.... i didn't... but e-cards are FREE.... XD... New year cardsz are expensive.... =(