Monday, May 25, 2009

Funny Chendol Moment (Dispel the Adam Depression)

I was having lunch yesterday with parents and bro. And dad orders 2 chendol for dessert. 1 was for my bro and 1 (kinda assumed it was for me but already guessed it's for my dad) was for my dad

*Waiter comes in with chendol*
*pushes chendol to dad's side of the table*
Dad : Have some
Me : No thanks
Dad : *takes up spoon and starts chipping away at the ice* *has a coughing fit* (he's been sick for 2 weeks plus...first flu then just a cold)
Me : Pa, you're sick! You shouldn't be eating chendol!
Dad : *silence*
Me : AND you're a doctor
Dad : *silence* *guilty smile* *continues eating chendol*

I love my dad xD He's such a great example. I totally mean it.

My first ever (permanent) blog post. Dedicated to my dad

To Kelly : Doesn't this sound kinda familiar?? =PP

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