Friday, May 29, 2009

Celebrities.. hmmm

Kelly and Sabs are crazy of Adam Lambert as we can all see =/

Pochi's talking bout Miley being the next Britney or something D:

Sabs likes Jonas Brothers ==;

So uh.. Yea.

And eventhough I'm not such a broadcaster like Kelly and her love for Adam Lambert, I like Hugh Jackman after watching X-men Origins xP Although that's probably coz I'm not as crazy as her obviously

Why do ppl always assume that "favourite actor" automatically means that actor is viewed as an ideal lover? =/

Some ppl's response over me liking Hugh Jackman: But he's 40+ years old...

Some ppl's response over me liking Kris Allen: He's married. Hah!

Like why would I care D: It's like saying I'm a lesbian and I love old ladies coz I like Julie Andrews or something D: Am I not allowed to just admire them? Or think that they are real good looking? xD

Something random. Yeaaaa

Monday, May 25, 2009

Funny Chendol Moment (Dispel the Adam Depression)

I was having lunch yesterday with parents and bro. And dad orders 2 chendol for dessert. 1 was for my bro and 1 (kinda assumed it was for me but already guessed it's for my dad) was for my dad

*Waiter comes in with chendol*
*pushes chendol to dad's side of the table*
Dad : Have some
Me : No thanks
Dad : *takes up spoon and starts chipping away at the ice* *has a coughing fit* (he's been sick for 2 weeks plus...first flu then just a cold)
Me : Pa, you're sick! You shouldn't be eating chendol!
Dad : *silence*
Me : AND you're a doctor
Dad : *silence* *guilty smile* *continues eating chendol*

I love my dad xD He's such a great example. I totally mean it.

My first ever (permanent) blog post. Dedicated to my dad

To Kelly : Doesn't this sound kinda familiar?? =PP

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Adam, again..

I still can't believe he didn't win. Oh well~

Makes no difference really. I don't like the fact that people are voting for Kris just cause they think Adam might be gay.. What does it matter in a singing competition!? Sheeeessshh.. Americans.. I don't see people hating Elton John. Or Clay Aiken. Tak mengapalah sekarang~ Apa yang terjadi sudah pun jadi~ =D

I can't wait for his albummm!! =DDD If only he'll come to Malaysia for a tourr.. DDD= If the Malaysian goverment doesn't allow him in, Sabs and I are soooooooo gonna lead the protest. Would they ban a might-be-gay dude from coming here for a concert? They did make.. Uh.. Madonna? Or was it Mariah? Or Avril? Can't remember who.. Not so obscene. They wanted to cancel her concert or something.. o_o Can't remember. I hope they aren't that mean. DDDD=

I wonder if there's actually any posibility of Sabs or I ever knowing Adam.. o_o I'm not trying to be pessimistic or anything. I'm just thinking about how impossible it is for us, people from Malaysia, fans from a totally different continent, people who aren't even TRYING to get into the entertainment industry, to meet someone who is in AMERICA, a FAMOUS STAR, have been trying to get in and now, in the entertainment industry. It really does seem impossible to know stars. Unless one of our friends do make it BIG.. But the only person I know of who could actually make it BIG here in MALAYSIA, not even HOLLYWOOD, is Bern.. =____= And thats only cause she's gonna do music. Thats like, 1 out of 10000000000 chances.. =_= When I actually start learning deeper probabiblity, I'll count that.

It's not possible for me to know him even if I'm in US is it? D= The only reason why I'm going is to study actuarial science. =_= and there isnt any college in California or LA that has actuarial science. Not like I'll actually get to go there without a scholarship *which is actually, looking really impossible to get right now, based on how badly I did for my exam, including math*. If I want to go there, the closest I could get is Ontario, Canada.. =___= Thats REALLY FAR away.. D= ADAMMMMM!!!

I'm gonna miss seeing him perform evey damn week before tuition and piano.. D= Oh well~~ I really hope he'll produce an album fast. I'll die waiting. D= Of all years to be addicted to a star again. SPM year.. DDDD= ADAMMMM!!! I said again cause I was obssessed over Daniel Radcliffe~ Still waiting for Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. D= Adaaammm.. DDD=

Would he reply letters? He obviously doesn't reply e-mails so.. o_o We're planning to like, send something to him.. o_o I wonder if he would reply to that.. *grins* Waaaaaa!! I hate living in Malaysiaaa!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD= If only I knew him before he went on Idollll!! DDD= I'm not the only one who feels like this huh.. D= I bet there are like, tens of thousands of people just like me.. For all I know, there might be one, typing in his/her blog with the same content, but not word for word. *I like to think I'm weird, and that nobody would think the way I do~ =DD* Adammm... T_T

If only this is one of the "work hard to achieve it" thing. I would work like MAD just to be his friend. =___= *I know I should menaruh as much semangat as I have for Adam into my exams but screw the damn exam la. I'm failing it already anyway* Why am I always so pessimistic when it comes to myself? =____= it might be because I actually do have some logic in me. After all~ Math is some stupid subject that needs "critical thinking" and "logic" *I'm just quoting Ms Lee, I don't agree though...*

Omg.. Allison gets to cling on to ADAMM!! Unfairrrr.. T_T Life is sooo unfair.. Why is it that people I like, are all unreachable?! Oh welll~~ I'll just see if I'll ever get to be his friend next time~! *trying to be positive*

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Wow, I haven't read the blog for only two days and you people (glares at Kel) have even managed to put up an homage to Mr. Phong... Ok, Its not exactly a homage (is it an homage or a homage? seeing as its pronounced o-maj) and I don't have a problem with a homage to Mr Phong, but it just proves that we crazy people think and talk about a LOT of weird stuff... Music for prom? Hahahahahaha...
But all in all, our blog is kinda nice, no?... We actually DO write what we think... Hahahaha.. Even though our thoughts are so bercelaru... I guess its true, we are a motley gang... And if you're wondering whether I'm going to make a point anytime soon, the answer is no... I'm only writing because I've got nothing to do and also because I don't want to study history yet. YET. I'll do it later. xD

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Under the sea~

Edit: It's too late d LOL

I'm sure by now every form 5/6 students already know that the prom theme for this year is under the sea (or paraphrasing it, enchantment under the sea or something, right? xD; ) Jeslyn should have already been prepared to get suggestions of the Disney song "Under the sea" since the day she chose this theme, but she seemed shocked/disgusted (up to interpretion I guess o_O) from that suggestion refused it anyway xDD

Here's what bored students in denial of how much they have to study for exam think of in class instead of using the valuable time to study..

Let us form 5 music students perform that song during prom night! We're making good use of our school's ... variety of valuable unused instruments xD And then we can get Aly to compose a score for every instrument (after exam that is, she probably won't even choi us right now xDD)

Like seriously... Even non music students can join if they want xDD (I mean, how hard is it to hit a triangle? xD)

Here's a rough list of instruments we can probably use from school xD :

1. xylophone (for the cute intro xDD)
2. recorders (school has alto, bass, tenor, why now xD)
3. keyboards (for instruments we definitely can't get, maybe xD)
4. maracas
5. tambourine
6. cow bell
7. triangle
8. bongo

Maybe we can drag in some band girls to play so that we can have some ppl playing the brass instruments *coughcough*zeyin*coughcough*

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mr. Phong

And so, he found out.

He has finally gotten the correct person. Hahahahha.. He kinda began suspecting it was me during sports day cause I texted him near him. DDDD= Oh well~ Hahahahahah.. It was fun anyway~ =DDDDD

I asked him just now, whether he was selling last year's school diaries cause I found this web that sells it and it was his number on the web, and he said yes with this additional message: "N nice laughing." His exact message. Hahahah

Asked him when did I laugh and he said he always hear me laugh. So I was like, who am I? How'd you know I'm always laughing? He was like, I always hear you laugh so loudly. I was like, how'd you know?? who am I? Any guesses? He was like, got la. But don't need to know la. Somethings are nice to left blur blur. So I was like, I wanna know. So he was like, one girl from Intan. So I was like, who am I?? Why do you think I'm from Intan?? So he was like, your name is ky...e. So I was like, no such person~ =DD So he was like, okok, your name is tung kyle. So I was like, But I dunno any such person in that class~ I know of Tung Kye Li la~ Still waiting for his reply~ =DDD He replies really slow. o_o

He's not replying anymore.. DDD= Hahhahaha.. Oh welll~ =D

HAHHAHAAHAHAHAH!!! Hi sir~~ Why didn't you leave a comment~? Hahhaahhahahaha... Was fun texting you without you knowing who the hell I am~ =D Oh well~ Was planning to tell you after SPM actually, but oh well~ =D How'd you find the blog anyway? Hahahahahahahahahahah..

Friday, May 15, 2009

An entry dedicated to my dearest pals

Lolness... Yesterday my dad bought me a packet of nasi tomato for lunch. Then he was like, " this has got to be the best nasi tomato in Penang, try it, try it!" (yes, i know ur thinking how is food related to friendship, but read on).

So I open the packet of Nasi Tomato and the moment I see it, I'm reminded of all the times at camps, and courses and etc where they serve Nasi Tomato(they always serve Nasi Tomato for some reason). And as I eat it, feel like the Nasi Tomato tastes quite bland, the curry isn't even spicy(but for some reason my dad is drinking water by the cup) and I find that the rice is, as I told my dad, "Not bad la... " (Read : Not very good, but don't wanna disappoint my dad)

Then my dad says, " If you like, it then next time we'll eat more of Nasi Tomato and less Nasi Lemak, ok?" At the mention of Nasi Lemak, i remember all the days in school where we eat Nasi Lemak and though its just school Nasi Lemak, i feel it tastes better than what my dad supposedly calls the 'best Nasi Tomato in Penang'. This is (I think) because when you eat with friends, i guess the food seems tastier and although in reality it maybe over-salty or over-spicy you will still think it tastes great. And somehow, eating Nasi Lemak anywhere else seems to remind me of the moments at school. So I tell my dad " no thanks dad, I'll stick to Nasi Lemak, if you don't mind".

Hey, I'd rather be reminded of my friends than days of camps and courses. XD

Love u people!

Okay, thats it. *Getshot*

Thursday, May 14, 2009

About music, yet again.

I shall start out with American Idol, just for the heck of it xD

Adam's huuuge lolol. And he's pretty cute *getshot*

I like Kris singing Heartless xD (or at least I think that's the title o_O)

End of random American idol moment xD

Went for piano lesson just now where teacher told me bout my practical exam...

Teacher: So ur exam is on 16th July.
Me: Phew!
Teacher: Why? o_O
Me: Oh, Kelly said her exam is in June so I was worried.
Teacher: Huh? June? Oh. No la, I told her that so that she'll practice more


Teacher: So after that you'll be free huh?
Me: Yeaaaaaaaa~
Teacher: You really don't want to continue to diploma?
Me: Uh... most likely no...
Teacher: Why? Is it because you don't like it? Or no time?
Me: Uh... dunno....?
Teacher: I gave you two choices wad, at least choose one

(brain thinking: dad wants me to finish grade 8 quickly so he won't have to fetch me for lessons, spm spm, wait not even spm, mid term also din study yet ahhh!)

Me: Um.... a mixture of both I guess.....
Teacher: Hah? You really don't like it ah?
Me: Well no la, but I don't like the exams
Teacher: Who does?

*very brief pause*

Me and teacher, almost simultaneously: Except you/me.

Ah, teacher can be so amusing sometimes xDD I'm kinda sad that it's ending though (that is if I pass anyway). Won't see teacher that often anymore, and still suck at playing the piano D=

Aw crap, I should be studying. Distractions distractions~