Saturday, November 29, 2008

Meepo's Typical Morning When She Decides To Wake Up Late

8.30 am
Father knocks bedroom door.

Meepo: whaaaaaaaaaat........
Dad: Wanna go out for breakfast?
Meepo: ... dun wan laaaaaaa

Mom knocks bedroom door even louder and repeatedly. Meepo walks to door and unlocks door.

Meepo: whaa?
Mom: Eh dun wanna eat char hor fan ah?
Meepo:... dun wan la. stomach ache also

Meepo walks back to bed and lies face down.

Around 9-11.30 am, not sure what time
Someone opened the door and turned off the fan. Probably as a (somewhat successful) attempt to wake Meepo up. However, Meepo just walks to the door, closes it, turns on the fan, and sleeps. In this time frame, family probably came in few times to try to wake Meepo up but Meepo can't remember coz she's too busy sleeping xD

11.30 am
Meepo's bro comes in (for once waking up earlier than Meepo o_O).

Bro: Eh almost 12 d, dun wanna wake up ah.
Meepo: Mmmph...

And Meepo wakes up at 11.45 am xDDDD. Btw all dialogs translated from hokkien xD

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilightttttt... Sucks..=___=

Pochi was talking to me about this friday. *we're going to watch Twilight*. This is what she said:
Alisa says:
ah I just watched the trailer to get all "excited"'
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
its so lame..
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
but it's not working
Alisa says:
yeah it IS lame

ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
and tht sounds so wrong btw
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
dude, james looks better than edward
Alisa says:

ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
Alisa says:
shut up kelly ;lo
Alisa says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
especially with the " "
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:
ĶĚĽĽŶ - It doesn't mean that I'm givin you up. I'll wait for you to change your opinion. I won't fight for petty things. says:

Alisa says:
Alisa says:
don't you dare put that in the group blog
Alisa says:
damn you

Hahahahhahh... Pochiiiii... Why can't you ever phrase stuff properly???
Oh btw, its 2.30 pm, Gurney, RM6. =D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The world and it's sexism

DAMN ITTT!!!! My brother gets to go for this survey thing which he gets paid 60 buck for!!! All he has to do is to SMS!!!! My god!!!

It all started today. Just now. While I was going back from school. My mom told me, "Tell your brother to call Eunice back about E&O's job offer. They are looking for a GUY for it. They want him to SMS dunno for what." I was like, "Does it HAVE to be a guy? Never mind. I'll just ask Eunice." And THAT is when my phone dies.

When I reached home, I got to the phone and called my cousin. "Eunice, that E&O thing right-". "Not you la. Your brother la.". "-does it have to be a guy?? Cannot be girl ka?? Can't they have 2 people instead of one?". My mom asked me to ask for info right after that. So I did.

And when they called again =.=. They looked for my brother. Urgh......


A few weeks ago, when I was job hunting, I went to ask in Manhattan's. When we, Tara, Eunice and I, went to ask them about it, they were like, sure sure, you can work. Eunice asked them the age limit they were like, oh 16 years and above. He was like, why?? Then we were like, 15 15 16. And the worst part is that he thought Tara was the 16 and Eunice and I the 15. =.=

The we were like, 15 really cannot ar?? "Cannot. Manager said cannot. If boys, 15 can la."

WHAT THE HELLL!?!!?!?!? Why is it that guys are always exceptional??!?!? Its not like they work harder than us!!! Bloody sexist world!!!! I don't see why they'll accept 15 year old boys and not girls... =.=

So my brother is getting paid RM60 to jsut sit there and rot on his ass and text people.=.= Though its just for one day. But still!! RM60 per hour?! *they said it'll take about an hour only their survey, so they're paying him RM60* What the hell..

I hate sexism.

Have I told you I hate sexism??

Yeah, I hate sexism..

Quantum of Solace

Pochi's blog reminded me of by far the worst James Bond movie ever made. Even that actor(I can't remember his name, the one who only managed to get one JB contract) didn't make the movie suck so much....Daniel Craig is the total killer of this fantastic story...and the previous one...He's so damn emotional and reckless...JB should NOT behave like that.....

My experience watching Quantum of Solace(sorry if I spoil it too much for you ppl)

The car comes on first, and damn if it isn't a nice car.

Then the viewers are treated to Daniel Craig's "handsome" face....*Pukes*

If that isn't enough, he totally kantoi s the car within the first ten minutes of the show.

After that, boring conversations, torture scenes and etc...*Yawn*(I seriously fell asleep for 15 minutes...I only woke up cuz my mom jabbed me in the ribs and reminded me that she was paying 10 bucks for me to get in, so I had better watch or else)

Then I had to endure all the boring conversations, the flirting with Russian girls and etc..All of which I didn't really understand, because more effort was put into keeping my eyes open than listening to the ugly fella talk.

The comes the EXPLOSIONS!!!!! And I love watching scenes where things blow up(pls do not try to psycho-analyze me) but this time it was like....Why is the building in the middle of nowhere blowing up??? Huh??? What??? Whateverla.....

I have to say, the highlight of the movie(in my opinion) was when the Russian girl(I'm not even sure if she's Russian) shot the fat man...Or did she beat him to death?? Something like that la..

But wait...After KILLING someone, taking a life, she cowers in the corner because she's afraid of fire. Then Daniel Craig gets to act macho and save her ass...I mean...WTH????

Last but not least...THE END....And I still don't understand the story. Total waste of ten ringgit.

I know some people will strongly oppose this comment, but.....

Bring back PIERCE BROSNAN!!!!!!! Suave, charming, calm, cool.... Best Bond eva!!!( Okay, maybe not THE best, but a million times better than Daniel Craig)......

I've finished ranting...

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is no "action figure".

I was walking around Parkson at the toy section (t'was bored, The Mall is just another KL version of Bukit Jambul xD) and I came to the Mattel toy rack. Lo and behold! A HSM3 TROY DOLL.

To prove to you people of my rare finding (i'm only calling it rare because I don't know who would actually look at any HSM products) I took pictures of the extremely gay-ified doll. We all thought he wears make-up in real life, I think they applied that on his doll too.

Full-scale of the doll. Omg checkered pants lolol.


Man, look at that dude's hair. xD

Yeah, they have all the other characters too. People were staring at me thinking I was a die hard fan of HSM but can't afford the dolls. D: NOOO.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are we gonna even be in the same class? YES WE ARE

Uh this is random because I feel bad that I've been updating my own blog quite a lot but not here at all xD (well doh who wants to read my rants filled with pictures of gundam or any other anime xDD)

Anyway this post is just because of Kelly's post some time ago; Are we gonna even be in the same class?


Just that Krystal isn't gonna be in the same class DD:

So, I shall be under everyone's care again next year ~ xDDD (english version of yoroshiku onegaishimasu lol xD)

And I won't have to worry bout not remembering my classmate's names! Woot! *getshot*

So far I think 4 Intan has been the best class I've ever been in my secondary school life xD We had so few students. Almost everyone in our gang's in the same class too. It has been rather relaxed (except the whole getting used to the busyness at the start of the year) and fun xD.

Memorable times:

We skipped many lessons to do Science exhibition crap (me and Sabbo anyway).

We skipped even more lessons to practice for many Gamelan performances lolol >D

The bads:

Chemistry. And pj.

So um yea. Happy hols peeps xD;

Oh something random again, I just saw Rachie at Sunshine during lunch. Gahaha xD

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random Mac and Cheese

D: Long time din post here d. It's so sad that my kesianed kawans aren't having fun at the music course lately. Oh well. Enjoy, over-achievers >D I miss my nasi lemak with Pochi. I wonder what Pak Ali does during the holis. Pochi, we should like get his name card and ask him to make sambal for us D: Today I saw an amoh wearing a sarung. It was kinda weird coz it's this curly-haired, blonde amoh guy with this gay fisherman-type hat in a t-shirt and a sarung with a backpack on. Amohs who try to fit in are always so weird. But, we should still be nice to them coz we're Penangites D: (HINT HINT RACHEL HEAH!!!!) Uuuuuuuh. Not much to say. Wish I had some lasagna right now. Aaaaaah. Lunch soon though. This morning had tosai for breakfast. Lame lame. My lame lame life D: Ah I shall not bore you with my lame-nesses much longer.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Alasan Alasan Alasan.

Alasan. I hate that word. It's like the swear version of sebab. The favourite word used by teachers. Even though alasan means the same, it's normally used in a different way.

Student: Teacher, I had to go help Mr. So-and-so do some work...
Teacher: ALASAN
Student: D:

Oh but if the teacher comes in late to the class, his/her reason suddenly becomes valid lol. I don't get how teachers can FORGET they have a class when it's clearly stated on their schedule. Us students follow the schedule (that changes like 3-4 times a year) and you don't see us forgetting. If that was the case, we can just go out of class to lepak in the canteen or something then when we come back and see a teacher in class, we can just say 'sorry, I forgot we had a class right now'.

But of course, the teacher will just say that's an ALASAN. D:<

Ah. Still, i'm kinda sad that a lot of teachers are transferring to other schools. I hate the fact that we'll be getting new teachers 'fresh' out of uni to come teach us. I'm hoping they don't play around with the Form 5's, I don't want no mucking about before SPM. Seriously. Please don't keep changing our chem teacher.

Sabs, Kelly, Rachel and Alyssa totally kacang lupakan kulit'd me, Susu and Melia on the last day of school D: evil peanuts.

Speaking of peanuts, the other day when I was watching Quantum of Solace at Gurney, there was this guy sitting next to my brother. Now, this is no ordinary guy. He is the father of all worst-person-to-sit-next-to-during-a-movie. Let's make a list of what he did, shall we?

1) The ultimate rule in the cinema. SHUT OFF YOUR HANDPHONE. This guy not only didn't shut off his handphone, he answered it and started talking too, and not bothering to be discreet.

2) He wouldn't shut up after done with the phone either. He kept explaining to his wife what was happening blah blah blah. Making a lot of hand gestures along the way too. How hard is it to understand that there are currently a few things blowing up in pieces?

3) He put his foot up so that his slipper was rubbing on my brother's knee. So geli man. What if he stepped on dog shite earlier?

4) Of all the disallowed peanuts to bring into the theater, he brought Cap Ibu Jari nuts, the ones where you have to break open the shell. Which you know, kinda makes this post kacang-themed. Anyway, it was damn noisy because of the crunching sound when he crushed the peanut AND chewed them ;|

5) After done with the nuts, he decided to clean his teeth in a very obscene and loud way. That awful sucking noise when you try to clean your teeth with your tongue. Eugh D: That suction sound.

So my brother got fed up with him and threw the drink over his lap. Yeah.

Friday, November 7, 2008



I realize this may be the first time I'm blogging here...If i did blog anytime before this post, the post probably reput already and no longer exists, so this is still my first post....Wakakakaka...And u ppl wanna know sth else?? This may well be the 3rd time I've visited this blog since we set it up...Hehe...

Kelly, y u take picture of me playin gutar hero??? I look so lame....

Moving on....Talking about classes and etc, I think I may well go to 5 Topaz... Seeing as my chem marks are sooooo bloody low, pulling my percentage down as well.... Unless, of course, Topaz is a non-EST class....And contradictory to what kelster said, I DID study for this exam, but fate has it that I'm so stupid I couldn't remember anything.. This is sooo sad rite? I can't do Add Math, I can't do Chemistry, I can't do Physics, I can't do PJ, Bio also soo bad....Haiz.....Cham liau lo...

But wait...I don't think we set up this blog to lament about our marks...I'm gonna talk about meep-san's parents apartment..

Lol meep-san, ur parents rock at renovating man..If it had been my parents, they would have just put like one sofa, one table, a few chairs and deem it okay to live in...

Sorry... That seems to be all I can say, seeing as I'm STILL thinking about the damned marks. I wanna go out with u ppl on Sunday... Can I? Is anyone gonna invite me or do I have to be thick-skinned and invite myself? And, is pochi going? Pochi no go, me no go.

Think that's all la

P.S. Sorry me blog so long...And boring.. I think.. And long-winded.. Haha

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Are we gonna be in the same class?

Finally, gonna update it... =D

Why la why laaaa...
Oh my god. This exam sucks right?? TT_TT
Hopefully can get into the same class. There's supposed to be streaming, according to Mr. Ang. Like, OMG? Our percentage are so far apart! Especially from Su Jen. For now, our percentage are (all these are without the chem marks):

Pochi 79.3 (I need your Arts and history marks)
Amelia 80.08
Su Jen 90.31
Rachel 81.17
Sabby 83
Me 81.15
Krystal 79.83

Aly, yours isn't here cause I don't know how to count yours.. I'm sorry..

How the heck are we gonna be in the same class? T_T Then again, Aly won't be with us anyway. Who ask her to drop EST. =.= I wanna know what class we're going to la. I want us all to be in the same class. Except, Su would be in like.. Some FAR FAR FAR FAAAAARRR away class, and the rest of us most probably in the same class.. =D..

Why oh WHY didn't I do that question?!?!?!?!?!? So menyesal la..=.= And I.T.! Music is high this time, but then, IT just HASSSS to come and pull my percentage down. Why didn't I study?? Bah.. Whatever. Its not like any of us studied much anyway. Except Alyssa and maybe Su Jen. Right?? Haih... Oh well.. We'll study next year. This year isn't important. Is it?? O.o
I so hope not. If it is, we're SOOOOO dead. =____=

OUR PJ MARKSSS!!!! How.. Fair?? Swt. Really mannn.. Like.. 3 people getting A's only?! Thats RIDICULOUS!!! The athlete doesn't get highest? Thats just weird..=.= Bobo, I pity you. U_U At least 2 out of 3 are from our group.. =D

Urgh, I'll never forgive myself for forgetting to do ANOTHER question. =.= it's becoming a habit. I keep forgetting questions. Even in tuition! I'll NEVER, N-E-V-E-R, forgive myself for forgetting..=.=

I want our chemistry marks. Wanna count percentage and hopefully position. Hahahahah.. =D

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The apartment, before xDD

I just found the pics of the apartment we had the sleepover at, which I took the first time I went there. No renovations or anything done yet xD

.... The point of this post? I'm just bored and this blog needs more updates, peeps D: