Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Choral Fest~ Really long post. Don't have to read if you don't want to.

I'll post a post about this first. Su is too lazy to.. =___=

OMG.. It was the FUNNEST thing ever!! It's kinda like last year, except, rather.. Rushed, this year. Since its only 3 days and we didn't have practices before the actual camp date (well, we did, but its not like last year where we go every Monday and Thursday, and I didn't go on my days cause I went out with friends~). Anyway, we had to like, finish 4 songs, with 3 hours on eac song together with everyone from every part. =D The longest song my group took was the contemporary one, seeing as how the piece didn't actually have notes in it except B flat, A, A flat, G, G flat, F, E, E flat, D. =DD And the rest are jsut random notes you want to sing~ =DDDD That was cool.. =D

I love our Early Music piece, "Pastime With Good Company" by King Henry VIII. Though my part is monotonous, it was really nice when everybody sings their part. It's like, totally grand! Except, we didn't win. Sabs and I-Lyn's group did~ Congrats! Speaking of their group, they won like, 3 out of 4 categories.. o_o I'll get to that later. Anyway, that was the one song I could actuallt just sing without much practise. I think everybody felt the same. =D While the other groups' Early Music piece from the Renaissance are for angel-like choirs, our piece is for the court callings. =D So it sounded a bit "rough". When we actually sang it on the performance day, we made quite alot of mistakes. The timing was out, Amelia noticed, obviously.. And I don't know what the recorder was doing, their part is kinda hard~ And the drums were like, OK la~ Choir pun macam mahu mati.. =___= And the Crum Horns were funny! Hahahahah!! =DDD Overall, all of us in our group had fun doing that piece. =DDDD. Thanks for teaching us, Ms. Lisa Ho. Glad to have you teaching us~ *if you actually see this*!!

Next, would be our Jazz piece. Mr Ian was the best!! He is soooo cheerful!! He's always so smiley!! Really smiley!! He always say we don't smile and when he smiles, its so cute!!! =DD It makes us all smile when he smiles~ =DD He goes really really fast with the piece. The altos were, for nearly the whole piece, lost. Well, I suppose not every single alto singer. It might have just been me. o_o I couldn't get this one part.. o_o But I guess there was this alto girl who was worse than me. She kept on singing the Soprano part to the point that Kim Mei got annoyed and I offered to switch place with her cause she was standing next to alto-but-singing-soprano girl. o_o I'll talk about the girl later too.. o_o I don't hate Jazz as much as I did before this anymore. But I still wouldn't like playing a Jazz piece. Singing it wouldn't be as bad, but PLAYING it.. Where I have to COUNT more carefully, now that, I don't like. Mr Ian was really really fun~ =D But, no offence to him and not that I'm trying to imply anything, he's kinda the softie type.. o_o I wouldn't be surprise if he's another Adam~ (I'll post another post about Adam~ I guess you'd have seen the Adam post before this one anyway) He's really friendly. I like him~ =D Love his gold streaks on his hair.. o_o I LOVE YOU MR IANNN!!!! =DDDDD

Contemporary. Scherzo. Hahahahaha.. That was a very fun piece to sing. =DDDD Our score is the only score that has no notes nor proper words in it. It's all just random syllables or jsut letters to be pronounced and stuff like that. There're staffs and stuff alright, but there're no notes on them. Not many at least. What I liked about Dr. Chan is that he's so... Relaxed about everything for our piece. He's not as.. Pressured? I don't know the word for it. o_o Can't describe it either, unless you've been for the thing. He said this and it's really funny, since he's a contemp tutor and all.. "I don't really know how they want us to sing this piece. Just follow the score la." Hahahahahaha.. Cute~ =D He's so mellow~ I like the way how he sings it for all of us~ =D Well, not much singing, but um, pronounces it for us. Hahaha. =D He was like *to the sopranos*, you didn't shht me enough! Hahahahahahahhaahha! There is this one part where the sopranos got ssssss with a cresendo and at the end its an integration sign (ʃ) where its pronounced like a H.. But in a rougher tone.. o_o Something like that. For those of you who heard us sing, its the tʃi tʃa tʃo thing... o_o I'll pronounce it for you if you ask me to whenever you see me. It's hillarious, Scherzo. We had so much fun. There's also this part where we go monemanemine again and again till it sounds like we're like, chanting or something. Hahahahah.. We had to like, chant that while going higher and higher and higher till we reach the highest we can and we all go UA! all together~! Vern Lim was like, "Aiyo.. We'll all be crazy by the end of this piece. We're chanting too much.. *monemanemine monemanemine* Hahhahha.. We put our palms together as if we're chanting and went monemanemine... Hahahahaha.. Vern is such a funny person~ =D I like how we had to just sing random notes that we like, at any range~ Except, some are directed. Some parts in the piece, they want the singers to go as high as they can or as low as they can or in the range of the crossed notes. =D Its funn~ =D There's this part where the altos sounded like Tarzan going for tree to tree except Tarzan is screaming at least 2 octaves higher. =DDDD Glad to have known you, Dr. Chan~~!!! =DDDDD

Last piece we sang for the performance was... SHOW CHOIR!!! That was the best piece EVER!!!!!! Everybody sings the melody line, and its like Broadway-ish!!!! Oh my god!! That was SOOO MUCH FUNNN!!!!! My piece is about fashion. Mannequins are singing the piece so we had to be expressionless and sometimes, when we're singing the part where it goes "Have you seen the well to do? Up and down Park Avenue?" we had to have this sneer on our faces, which is my usual expression, but I kinda forgot that I had to sneer, so I didn't. It was this piece that I made the most mistakes. D= There was this one part where we had to move our right legs front and back, I got it all wrong.. DDDD= Oh well~ I had fun anyway. We got to use umbrellas!!! Was sooo cool.. =DDDD We didn't do the dimenuendo we had to do at the end where we're supposed to go "If you're blue, And you don't know, Where to go to, Why don't you go, Where fashion sits? Puttin' on the Ritz!!" Thats how its supposed to go, but I suppose we forgot.. Or did we do it? I can't remember.. But it was fun.. All, and I really do mean all, of us were having A BLAST!!! =DDDDDDDDD We had to dress up really fashionably, but in the end, everybody just wore shades and some extra stuff on our choir costumes anyway. Only a few of us changed~ Obviously, I was one of the few~ =D Su danced in a skirt!! My god.. o_o Because of PESSOC, I got to buy that wonderful vest I wated from ESPRIT and the boots that I'll be wearing to prom. =DDD I don't like the one inch heels though. I didn't feel it while I was having fun, but after that, ma god... o_o Tapak kaki macam mahu patah la..=___= I love Ms Leong!!! She's so fun!! She has all our dance moves in her head!!! Even when she had to change it, she took only like, MINUTES to figure out a new dance routine for us!!! AMAZINGGG!!! Head of the Music Department in Uplands. *Hats off to you, Ms Leong* She is Amelia's mom's friend~! =DDD Cool~! We had s much fun. She's sooo... Gracious? It should have been us who are glad and honoured to have been working with/under her but she's like "I'm honoured to have worked under you guy." Awwww... =DDD We love you Ms Leong!! =D We feel the same way too~! At least, I do~! I know lots of us feel that way too~! =D

I love all our tutors~~!!! I really do!! =DDDD

Lemme explain how this group thing works for those of you who don't already know. I totally forgot to explain. =___= All the 175 participants are seperated into 4 groups, Arioso, Brilliante, Cantabile and Dolce. Meaning for these words, if you don't know *there are non-music people reading this right?? O_o Sorry if I'm being offensive.. DDD= I'll take this off if you don't like it.*
Arioso - In the style of an Aria.(solo opera singer. Jonathan took sooo long to tell me cause he
was singing in that style and stuff.. I'll tell you about all these people in a while)
Brilliante - Obiously means Brilliant. Hahahahahaha.. =D
Cantabile - Like, in Nodame Cantabile, means in a singing style~ =D
Dolce - means sweetly~ =D *it does mean sweetly right? O_o thats how I'm supposed to play
my piece apparently...*
A, B, and C are SATB (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) while Dolce is SA (soprano and alto). The audience are supposed to vote for the choir they like in each category which are Early Music, Jazz, Contemporary and Show Choir. There're 2 intervals of which the audience are supposed to put their votes into ballots outside the hall.

The Choral Fest started on Friday, 5th June, till Sunday which is the performance day. There're 4 tutors, 1 for each genre of music. I've already mention who is for what already, up there so... Each group has only 3 hours with each tutors in the span of 3 days. We not only have to sing those 4 songs for the competition, but there are 3 songs for the finale too~ Thats kinda like a sing-a-long with the audience. Some participants had to go down and mingle with the audience~! Some stayed up on stage cause they had to dance~ Hahahah.. Was hillarious. Thats about it la.. =D

Sabrena and I-Lyn's group won like, all the categories except Show Choir. Congrats to them!!! I don't know what they sang though. All I know is that they sang "Come Again" by John Dowland and apparently, its about sex. You've gotta ask either I-Lyn or Sabs to know more.. o_o And they sang "Bim Bom" for Jazz, "The Hat Don't Talk (body percussion)" for Contemporary and "Macavity: The Mystery Cat (From Cats the Musical)" by Andrew Lloyd(??) Webber~! I love their show choir song. Thats the only one that I know.. I don't know the rest. Dolce~ =D I'm in Arioso btw. Brilliante won Show Choir with their performance of "New York New York". It was really nice. I like the way they stomp their feet on the stage~! =DDD

And now, the erm.. Annoying girl. That girl. My god.. She keeps on bugging people. I thought she was OK at first. But I don't know why, but she just bugs me. Kim Mei thinks that she's just SOOOOOOOO annoying. o_o Nearly the whole choir thinks so.. o_o Even the other groups can't stand her. o_o I thought she was in form 3 or something.. But when I asked her, she was like, I'm form 1. Oh ma gawd.. o_o All her seniors gave up on her. o_o Apparently, her whole school hates her. o_o I can see why though. o_o I'm trying to tahan her, but she's making it soooo hardd!!! DDDDDD= Really really hard!!! DDDDD= I don't want to think people as annoying or whatever.. DDDDD= On the last day, I think she got the message that Kim Mei and the rest of us didn't exactly want her hanging around, so she stopped bugging us. I pity her though. o_o
Jonatha is our group leader and Vern Lim is just this guy from PESSOC whom I suppose lotsa poeple already know anyway~ =D

My god.. We were having SOOO MUCH FUN!!!! =DDDDDDDDDD One song after another! I'm kinda sad it ended so fast. I thought last year was fast, but this year is EVEN FASTER considering that its only 3 days and last year was like, two weeks including all the extra practices.. B9 had more people to watch us too.. D= and B9 was longer *the score was longer* and we were all in the same choir, not different groups. =D But this year was fun too. =DDDDD I met lotsa great people. Met people from last year again. New people like Chaw Siang, this guy whose arms are SUPER FLEXIBLE. I'm too lazy to post the video.. o_o sorry. I'll show you guys next time la *right.. =___=*. Don't have a picture with him either though. Sorry. And show choir makes all of us want to join Broadway.. Except, we can't since... Broadway is only in.. Well.. Broadway, US.. D= Show choir is really fun. =D All of us enjoyed it. Cantabile sang Double Trouble from Harry Potter!!! =DDDDDD Love that song!!! =DDD The finale was AWESOME!!! We sang "Thank You For The Music" by ABBA.. OMG!!! AWESOMENESSSS!!! John, some guy from the choir, had to sing a duet-ish thing with Ms Leong spontaneously.. Kudos to him~! I would've freaked if I were him. Hahahah.. They were singing the verses, and everybody sang the chorus. Mr Ian was sooo cool!!! He came out singing this paragraph:
I've been so lucky, I am the girl* with gold blond hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
what a joy, what a life, what a chaaaannnceeee

*he changed it to boy, though.

It was hillarious!!! It was so funn!!! =DDDDDD I tried to make the audience stand and sing, but they're so... ._. "dead" Uncle Tajul did stand and sing though!!!=DDD Couldn't make Aunty Lean Sim stand.. DDDD= She didn't want to.. Oh well... After Thank You For The Music, we sang "Dancing Queen" also by ABBA. We had to sing this one in parts.. This is where the participants on stage had to dance with their partners! Hahahahaha.. The alto part is kinda monotonous actually. =___= It's monotonous in the chorus but follows the melody line in the verses. Oh well~ Whatever~ This time, more people stood up with us! Hahahahahha.. Victor, some friend of mine who I didn't know was going, finally stood up!! Hahahahaha. Both Sab's parents stood up and sang this time~! =DDDD Had to dance on the spot.. But obviously, I didn't know how to.. o_o so like, whatever, only moved from side to side following the tempo~! =D Then after that, we sang... Rasa Sayang~ With a twist~ We had this BM, English, Mandarin and Hokkien soloist. The English and Hokkien was the funniest. Hahahahahah.. English was cause the dude who was singing it like, added a bit of melody to it~ Not just the usual Rasa Sayang verse... =DDD And Hokkien.. Waaaa.. He kinda rapped it.. Hahhahaha.. Jonathan~ It's something about being hungry, looking for something to eat, ordered Char Koay Teow and Laksa and one bak chang *dumpling* and is very full after that. =DDDD Really funny. Hahahaahah.. After singing those songs, we had to walk up on stage again and end the song on some high note~ =D then results were announced~ Then PIZZA PARTTTYYY!!! PizzaHut though.. D= Not Domino's.. But whatever~! It was nice! I had 2 pieces of peperoni pizza~ I wanted the other one, but I can't find the other one.. =___= We took like, 5 pictures only.. DDDDD= I took 2 with Vern and I-Lyn and the others with the tutors and I-Lyn and Kim Mei and Su~! =DDDD It was funn. T_T I want more pizza.. T_T

Anyway, this is the end of my long long long long LONG LONG post. =DDD We had lotsa fun. If only we could join it again this December, but its during SPM so, no. I'm not joining it. DDDD= Oh well~ there's always next year!!

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