Monday, March 23, 2009

To all Form 5s of SGGS 2009.

To those who still have their "I'm a Well-Mannered Georgian Badge", wear it in October~!
It would be fun~!! I know lots of you ar gonna bantah, but so far, we've got.. Um...
  • Ze Yin (Sorry!! I forgot.. DDDD= I know you suggested it.. Sorry!!)
  • Wei Yen
  • Kim Mei
  • Carmen
  • Myself (Kelly)
  • Tze Ni (if she finds hers)

Yeah.. So please~ Do wear them in October.. The whole month of October.

Those form 5s who see this post, please tell the others about it, or better yet, post it on your blog~!! I know most of you have your own blog!! Let's all be weirdoes together!!! =DDDD *I know prefect Ed-Boarders would have 4 badges but hey~! Its fun no? =D Rach, I know you'd only have 3 including this one* =DDD

Remember ya~!! Start digging for that badge!! Or if yo really can't find it, pinjam junior punya for like.. 2 months (2 months cause of SPM, October & November).. =D By the way, by junior, I meant only the form 4s. Cause anybody after the form4s, don't have the badge. We got ours in form 2. The whole school did. So either you get it from your juniors, or you get it from your seniors. =D

It'll be cool to see the whole of form 5, semangat lebih lebih, wear that badge again~!

Help me spread the news!! Thanks. =D

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