Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ok, so me, Rachel, Su Jen and Kelly are stuck in the frikkin Boolean Lab trying to log onto the damn Penerangan government website to do teh damned quiz. I've been killing waiting time by reading Millenium Snow (so far: 5 stars!!! 8D) and Kelly's been reading Iono the Fanatics. She says its awesome. Su Jen has gone to the Bio lab to grab our test papers and Kelly's gone to follow Renee to the toilet. We've been trying to log on since 11 am and its now lik 1.40 pm. Bloody website. Before Su left she asked us to write:

I love you guys and this sucks!!!

Yea. I agree totally. This sucks. Rachel is next to me now. Leaning her BIG head on my shoulder. Ahaha. She says its sounds gay now. Ahaha. Oh.

Rachel: It doesn't sound gay now, it will always sound gay.

Whatever xD Ahhhh I've tried to log on like 50000 times. Tze Ni just invited Rachel to race chairs. Earlier, we were spinning on chairs then we -tried- to play Pepsi Cola. If you don't know what Pepsi Cola is, you suck. Omg the chair races are so lame. They're like engsot-ing to the finish line. Oh Tze Ni won. Hahaha. Tze Ni says YAY! I just tried to log in again. It takes forever to frikkin load. This sucks so much. Kelly's gone to the toilet for over 10 minutes now. The juniors have returned~~ Rammya and Ker Linn(sp?). Muahahaha. Pn Loke just came back too. She went to inform her class something something. But now she's back. But she won't stop us from like random surfing. She knows how boring it is to just keep trying to log in. Tze Ni is 'scared' of racing chairs in front of Pn Loke.


Stupid girl hit the caps lock button xD Oh she just called me stupid. And apparently it was 'on purpose'. Righhhht. Kelly's been gone for ages. Maybe she died in the toilet? In our school it might just be possible. Tze Ni says maybe Moaning Myrtle attacked her. Also possible. Wtv la. Ok. Just wanted to post how boring this was. Ta~


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