Sunday, March 15, 2009


Thanks, Rachel~ *as in, Rachel Yee.. Not you, Rach* For inviting me~

It was fun~~~ =D Except.. The part where they wanted us to jump.. o_o That pastor is funny~ Service would be so fun if he's the one preachin~ I like the game~ So cute!!! =DDD

Oh and swt.. I didn't bloody expect to get an MP4.. o_o I was like.. Ah.. Won't get it anyway~ And when it was the last one. 004.. I was like.. Oh... Close.. But there's only a possibility of like.. 1/10 *yes, I'm a math freak =.=* And they were like.. one? No. Two? No. And I was like.. Oh gawd.. Cepatla tu.. And when they said 9, I was like... oh.. Eh? Oh.. Okie.. Gotta pick the paper up~ Slowly lift my heavy heavy ass off the floor, walked to Sue Lyn, got the thing, shook that dude's hand, got off. =D *was really blur.. o_o* Why can't I actually feel excited or anything? =___= Mei Chern was like.. Why you don't seemed shock or anything wan? I was like.. I dunno.. =D *smilesmile* Oh well~ And Krystal was like, So unfairrrr... =___= Darlin, I took it cause my mom would kill me if I didn't.. And yeah.. She said she would if I didn't~ Asked her just now.

I wanted to give it to Amelia, or sell it. But my mom wants an MP4 too.. So I was like, if you want, take la. If you don't, I'm giving it to Amelia.. So she took it~ The first time I get something, its something I already have.. Oh well.. I guess its better than not getting anything in my life.. =D I hope I'm lucky in prom though. I want the borders gift card~ Or something I don't have but want.. Or money would be good too~Oh well.. I doubt I'll be this lucky again.

Thanks Rachel~~ If you didn't like, ask me to go at like, 8.47 in the morning, I think I wouldn't have gone~ Love you sooo much~!! And is it weird that I like pink? o_o I guess what you said is true. People who like pink are those weird girly girly people.. o_o They're so show-offy.. =___= I like pink cause its so.. o_o I dunno. It's also the colour for piggies!! =DDD

You still haven't answered my question though. The "why don't you wanna be a prefect?" question.. DDD= Oh well~ Its ok I guess, even if you don't answer~ WAAAAAA.. Thanks for inviting. *can't stop thanking.. o_o* Sorry for making you wait so long just now.. o_o Thanks for waiting too~! *I know she might not be here but heck, tulis je la kan. Maybe she does read blogs linked to this~*

*All my posts are all so long la. Why ar? o_o Oh well~*
PS: The words in italic are all what I thought in me head just now~

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