Sunday, March 29, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Setting is wrong. Actress is wrong. Flow of events are wrong. How the characters meet each other is wrong. Even the occupations of characters are wrong.

Why did they have to change so many things?! Luke Brandon in the novel, already had his business even before he met Rebecca Bloomwood. =.= I'll just list out the difference..

How did Rebecca meet Luke?
Movie: In a hotdog stand after she found that green Denny & George scarf
Novel: Press conference held by Brandon Communication. The Scarf is grayish blue.
The only thing similar in this is that in both the movie and novel, Luke gave her ₤20 knowing that she's gonna buy a scarf. But in different ways. In the novel, he passed it down the rows of press to get to her. In the movie, he just passed it to her while standing next to her, getting his hotdog.

Movie: Luke didn't know of her existance
Novel: He knows she's a journalist

Movie: No freaking idea what Brandon Comm. is suppose to be
Novel: Brandon Comm. is a financial PR company.

Movie: Luke met Alicia in a lift
Novel: Already his girlfriend

Movie: Bex started in some weirdo nameless company; Luke as an editor in Successful Savings
Novel: She started in Successful Savings; Luke in Brandon Communications obviously its owner

Movie: Susan got married to Tarquin who doesn't match his description in the novel
Novel: Suze got married only in Shopaholic Ties the Knot.

Movie: The one who posts the questions in the press conference is Luke but said by Bex
Novel: Eric Foreman from Daily World was posting the questions

Bah.. There's so many things which are wrong... Oh well~ Can't expect it to be perfect.. =] The main thing is already wrong. The setting was supposed to be in London, not New York. The only british thing in the whole movie is Luke. He's the only English man in the whole damn movie. Bex and family in the movie claims to be English, but obviously, they aren't. =___= They don't even have the accent! =___= Becky wasn't what I expected her to be. Somehow, I expected her to be like the woman on the back cover of the shopaholic books. o_o Oh well~

It wasn't a total waste of my money, but still.. Haih.. I wished they'd gotten everything right. I'll so buy the DVD... T_T Going with my parents was so.. =.= They expect me to laugh softly..=.= Like, thats so not me. Swt.. Whatev~ Anyway, yea.. Watch Shopaholic!! Supportin Sophie Kinsella~~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

I just got home from Queensbay like, 10 minutes ago. I'm surprised by the amount of shops supporting Earth Hour 2009. So few of them participated. So, kudos to those who did. *hats off and a bow to you*

Here's the list of shops, which I managed to walk pass before the movie, which participated:
  1. Baskin Robbins
  2. Biss
  3. Borders
  4. City Chain
  5. Central Park
  6. Coffee Bean
  7. Converse
  8. Digital Bay
  9. Digital Link
  10. Dragon-i
  11. Elements
  12. Elly & friends
  13. Everlast
  14. Extreme
  15. FireIce
  16. Gadza World
  17. Gamemonster
  18. GMG Timewear
  19. Goggles
  20. Golden Screen Cinema
  21. Golden Triangle
  22. Guess
  23. Haagendaz
  24. Hallmark
  25. Hanashi
  26. Holland Fries
  27. Hot Element
  28. i-Blues
  29. Jefferson
  30. K-Red
  31. Momo
  32. Moris
  33. Novacell
  34. Osh Kosh
  35. Paddington
  36. Photo Maker
  37. Photo President
  38. Primavera
  39. Qbiz
  40. Sawks
  41. Showroom
  42. Sony
  43. Sun Paradise
  44. Swensen's
  45. Trenone
  46. Tropicana Life
  47. The Face Shop
  48. The Natural Shop
  49. The UnderShop
  50. Unme
  51. Valentino
  52. Weekenders
  53. Yamaha

Kinda disappointing though. Jusco isnt in the list if you realise. Such a big chain and not supporting. I missed out some shops though. So if anybody knows more, please do tell me. both the eyewear shop next to Kentucky was supporting though. I'll find out it's name and edit this again. Its nice to see shops supporting Earth Hour.

Kentucky didn't even bother to switch off its totally unnecessary overhead lights..=.= There're over 200 shops in Queensbay, and only 55 shops made an effort. Oh well~ I hope more people would participate next year. =DD

Friday, March 27, 2009

Just a reminder

In case some people might forget (doubt it, with all the publicity xDD)...

Support Earth Hour 2009! Turn off your lights from 8.30-9.30 pm tmrw =P

And don't forget to sign up in the official website if you are planning to participate.. (thanks Rachie, wasn't aware bout this one xD;; )

Even if it's just one hour, if 24 ppl turn off their lights, we'll be saving one day's worth of energy. What more the whole nation? =D

I know what you are thinking, Panda. "haha, easily influenced people" or something along those lines. Shut up xDD U'd better turn off ur lights too D<

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photos for moral project.

Uh, Krystal and Melia want photos of Sports day (PBSM marching) for moral folio. I figured it's easier if I put the links here xD This post will be removed after they've taken the photos.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ok, so me, Rachel, Su Jen and Kelly are stuck in the frikkin Boolean Lab trying to log onto the damn Penerangan government website to do teh damned quiz. I've been killing waiting time by reading Millenium Snow (so far: 5 stars!!! 8D) and Kelly's been reading Iono the Fanatics. She says its awesome. Su Jen has gone to the Bio lab to grab our test papers and Kelly's gone to follow Renee to the toilet. We've been trying to log on since 11 am and its now lik 1.40 pm. Bloody website. Before Su left she asked us to write:

I love you guys and this sucks!!!

Yea. I agree totally. This sucks. Rachel is next to me now. Leaning her BIG head on my shoulder. Ahaha. She says its sounds gay now. Ahaha. Oh.

Rachel: It doesn't sound gay now, it will always sound gay.

Whatever xD Ahhhh I've tried to log on like 50000 times. Tze Ni just invited Rachel to race chairs. Earlier, we were spinning on chairs then we -tried- to play Pepsi Cola. If you don't know what Pepsi Cola is, you suck. Omg the chair races are so lame. They're like engsot-ing to the finish line. Oh Tze Ni won. Hahaha. Tze Ni says YAY! I just tried to log in again. It takes forever to frikkin load. This sucks so much. Kelly's gone to the toilet for over 10 minutes now. The juniors have returned~~ Rammya and Ker Linn(sp?). Muahahaha. Pn Loke just came back too. She went to inform her class something something. But now she's back. But she won't stop us from like random surfing. She knows how boring it is to just keep trying to log in. Tze Ni is 'scared' of racing chairs in front of Pn Loke.


Stupid girl hit the caps lock button xD Oh she just called me stupid. And apparently it was 'on purpose'. Righhhht. Kelly's been gone for ages. Maybe she died in the toilet? In our school it might just be possible. Tze Ni says maybe Moaning Myrtle attacked her. Also possible. Wtv la. Ok. Just wanted to post how boring this was. Ta~


Monday, March 23, 2009

To all Form 5s of SGGS 2009.

To those who still have their "I'm a Well-Mannered Georgian Badge", wear it in October~!
It would be fun~!! I know lots of you ar gonna bantah, but so far, we've got.. Um...
  • Ze Yin (Sorry!! I forgot.. DDDD= I know you suggested it.. Sorry!!)
  • Wei Yen
  • Kim Mei
  • Carmen
  • Myself (Kelly)
  • Tze Ni (if she finds hers)

Yeah.. So please~ Do wear them in October.. The whole month of October.

Those form 5s who see this post, please tell the others about it, or better yet, post it on your blog~!! I know most of you have your own blog!! Let's all be weirdoes together!!! =DDDD *I know prefect Ed-Boarders would have 4 badges but hey~! Its fun no? =D Rach, I know you'd only have 3 including this one* =DDD

Remember ya~!! Start digging for that badge!! Or if yo really can't find it, pinjam junior punya for like.. 2 months (2 months cause of SPM, October & November).. =D By the way, by junior, I meant only the form 4s. Cause anybody after the form4s, don't have the badge. We got ours in form 2. The whole school did. So either you get it from your juniors, or you get it from your seniors. =D

It'll be cool to see the whole of form 5, semangat lebih lebih, wear that badge again~!

Help me spread the news!! Thanks. =D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sleepover, number 2~

We actually slept this time~!!
Su: Cause we realised there's no sunrise to look at.
Meep: Cause everybody's tired. It was a demanding day.
Kelly: I just wanted to.
Krystal: Everyday is a demanding day, whether its a holiday or not.
Pochi: Because we were tired~
Rachel: Because we were tired, jeez.
Sabs: Cause we didn't have enough ovaltine (Meep: You do realise we have 20 packets right?)

Didn't do nothing much this time.. o_o PS bawa tak tahu buat apa. Tak main banyak pun.. =___= They're (Meep and Sabs) quarelling about how to cook Maggie Mee, and about me, being infertile. =___= That blank blank thing.. o_o last question was weird... By Sabs of course.. Weird questions are always from her.. o_o "How big?" =___= How big a kidney stone do you want your blank blank to have.. O_O Why would we want our blank blank to have a kidney stone??

*Su: type slower. You keep having typos.*

=DDD Can't... =DD I like typing the speed I do~ Took a whole lot of pictures~~! Of lots of people sleeping. *stare at Sabbeh, and hime-chan* >=[ But we're not posting those pictures~ (Random: Su says, I'm bored. Sabs says, Shut up. Su says, I brought a dance mat for nothing. Pochi says, It'll be better if we have 2) We're now playing um.. Are you smarter than a 5th grader. =D Sabs says she can't update her blog cause her internet KOed but something something something.

Hime-chan's playing the violin~ Hime-chan is so obsessed over my violin.. o_o She's playing jingle bells~ Nosferatu can pawn Azure's ass.. o_o *Nosferatu-Sab's noseless dog, Azure-Su's teddy* Swtttt...

Omg.. I forgot to bring my toothbrush. O_O First, I forgot my towel. Then I forgot my toothbrush. o_o Oh welll~ I'll just go home and brush moi teeth~ I'm sleepy~ Su: Someone's cat is dying!! Hime-chan is playing moi violin.. o_o

Oooo.. They're playing um.. Are you smarter than a fifth grader~ The spelling one~ Sabs is winning of course. Krystal keeps on pressing the wrong button.. o_o I'm sleepy... T_T Mom would be so proud I woke up at 9 o'clock. Homework... T_T Pn. Kheng gave us so muchhhhh.. TT_TT I haven't even finish the last chapter's crap yet.. T_T Sleepyyy~~

What do we call something that blocks light?
Opaque~ (player one)
Opaque~ (player two)
Babi.. Dua dua pun salah. o_o Translucent. o_O Like whaaa.. Oh, they got saved by a fifth grader.. o_o

We're not doing much now.. o_o Oh well~ I shall update again later~

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Thanks, Rachel~ *as in, Rachel Yee.. Not you, Rach* For inviting me~

It was fun~~~ =D Except.. The part where they wanted us to jump.. o_o That pastor is funny~ Service would be so fun if he's the one preachin~ I like the game~ So cute!!! =DDD

Oh and swt.. I didn't bloody expect to get an MP4.. o_o I was like.. Ah.. Won't get it anyway~ And when it was the last one. 004.. I was like.. Oh... Close.. But there's only a possibility of like.. 1/10 *yes, I'm a math freak =.=* And they were like.. one? No. Two? No. And I was like.. Oh gawd.. Cepatla tu.. And when they said 9, I was like... oh.. Eh? Oh.. Okie.. Gotta pick the paper up~ Slowly lift my heavy heavy ass off the floor, walked to Sue Lyn, got the thing, shook that dude's hand, got off. =D *was really blur.. o_o* Why can't I actually feel excited or anything? =___= Mei Chern was like.. Why you don't seemed shock or anything wan? I was like.. I dunno.. =D *smilesmile* Oh well~ And Krystal was like, So unfairrrr... =___= Darlin, I took it cause my mom would kill me if I didn't.. And yeah.. She said she would if I didn't~ Asked her just now.

I wanted to give it to Amelia, or sell it. But my mom wants an MP4 too.. So I was like, if you want, take la. If you don't, I'm giving it to Amelia.. So she took it~ The first time I get something, its something I already have.. Oh well.. I guess its better than not getting anything in my life.. =D I hope I'm lucky in prom though. I want the borders gift card~ Or something I don't have but want.. Or money would be good too~Oh well.. I doubt I'll be this lucky again.

Thanks Rachel~~ If you didn't like, ask me to go at like, 8.47 in the morning, I think I wouldn't have gone~ Love you sooo much~!! And is it weird that I like pink? o_o I guess what you said is true. People who like pink are those weird girly girly people.. o_o They're so show-offy.. =___= I like pink cause its so.. o_o I dunno. It's also the colour for piggies!! =DDD

You still haven't answered my question though. The "why don't you wanna be a prefect?" question.. DDD= Oh well~ Its ok I guess, even if you don't answer~ WAAAAAA.. Thanks for inviting. *can't stop thanking.. o_o* Sorry for making you wait so long just now.. o_o Thanks for waiting too~! *I know she might not be here but heck, tulis je la kan. Maybe she does read blogs linked to this~*

*All my posts are all so long la. Why ar? o_o Oh well~*
PS: The words in italic are all what I thought in me head just now~

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Turkish March

I love this variation of Mozart's Turkish March by Volodos~ gives it a pretty interesting and different feel from the original xD Yuja Wang's amazing too, even if some ppl say she sounds too robotic or emotionless here. But if u ask me I think mastering the notes for this is already a feat so... D: Well anyway I still think she's amazing D:

She also plays amazingly for the flight of the bumble-bee xD if you are interested it's in the related videos oh geez like who would be, who am I kidding -_-

Anyway there are a lot of amazing Chinese pianists eh xD like Yuja Wang and Yundi Li. Woot! Go Asian power xD *getshot*

Monday, March 2, 2009

Things I notice about our group xD

After roughly 4 years of knowing you guys, there are a few things I've noticed about each of you xD I shall list them down here because i'm such a noob when it comes to burning files onto CD and I have nothing else to do with the free time D:

Rachel: Likes to say 'yo peeps' a lot xD
Alyssa: Eats lunch with us like 3 times a year D:
Krystal: Talks really softly xD rushed when excited though, but still soft.
Meep: Voice shakes when she's excited/nervous xD
Kelly: Runs with both arms in air most of the time.
Su Jen: Says 'yikes' or 'dong dong' a lot.
Sabrena: Favourite word: HA-CHAAAA

Lololol. xD