Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentines Day

Something random ahaha...

As usual our school is trying to suck money out of us by taking orders for some overpriced sweets or something for your friends during valentines day, which they usually deliver ages after the day itself. This year it's cookies (or was it muffins? o_O can't remember)

Just now, Su announced to the class "Class, I'm helping them bake the cookies!"

So just to tease her I announced "Class, the last time Su fried eggs she messed up the kitchen!"

Which got her kinda annoyed and she insulted Sab's custard cake (I can't cook anything besides rice and instant noodles so naturally I'm already lower than all you guys. nothing to insult me with xDDD) Sorry Su, chill, was just playing around xD Besides nobody can hear me when I 'announce' stuffs xDDDD

Oh and it kinda sucks that we have school on valentines day. Not like I want to go on a date or anything, but c'mon, don't take our Saturdaaaaay DDDD: I wanna sleep!

Edit: Ok fine this time it's for charity xD hey i just didn't like it when they sold some 20 sens lollipop for way more than that -_-;

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