Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our last sports day~


Started off with me, going to Sabby's place, then going to the stadium then marching. =D Amelia came so freaking late..=___= Oh well.. Can't blame her. She has to carpool with 3 other people~ So anyway, yeah. Marched, then stopped. And I had to go for prefects' duty.. D= Sucks.. Rachel escaped doing duty.. D= Miss K allowed.. Since she's president and all *glare*

That duty was stupid. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. Like swt.. Stand there like some idiot. Like, who is so stupid to walk out of the main entrance to go home? =.= Stupiiiidddd.. Oh well.. Never mind that. Matrika and Sinister *still don't know his real name* came~ TARA WAS SO BLOODY CUTE!!! That head thing... T_T So cuteee~

Oh oh oh oh oh! While on duty, I SMSed a teacher. And he didn't reply!!!! Like whattttt...=___= And he was right in front of me. Gawd... SMSed him after the whole event, and he still hasn't replied. Hahahahahah.. =D Oh well~~ Pochi took a picture of Sabs and I!!

After all these boring stuff, its time for us to march~ The march pass was horrible. When it was time to like, hormat ke kanan, lots of people didn't hear Rachel say "Skuad pandang kanan". So that was a mess..=___= Rachel, SCREAM!!! Oh well~ Everything else was fine but that, I guess... I'm like, so tan now.. =D We didn't win though..D= The house mascots were so cute!!! Especially Tara-nyaan~ DZ's mascot damn weird la.. No wonder she didn't bother with the mascot..=___= Surprisingly, this year, the contingen which won was the contingen with the most people fainting, Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS).

They allowed an asthmatic girl to march!!! Fatihah! What the hell are you doing allowing them to march with their condition!? =.= Oh well~ Had to wait for so long before we (prefects from the squad) got to change.. D= Was so crowded in the RC room after the pebarisan(sp?). And the milo van.. D= He didn't wait till we finished the march pass.. TT_TT I didn't even get to drink a sip! T_T The only year which this happened.. TT_TT

All I did the whole day after my duty, marching and helping the RC out for awhile, was cheer and cheer and cheer~ So fun~ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZZZ!!!! Sabs, Krystal, Rachel and I are in DZ and cheering for DZ and Amelia and Su Su, kesian, are the only ones among us, to be in Cavell cheering for Cavell.. =D Me gawd.. This year.. All the scores were SO CLOSE to each other! Last I saw from the board was:
Cavell - 163
Fry - 153
DZ - 171
I was like, oh mai gawd?! And Shembegem entered too many acaras, 3 individuals and 2 relay. Each athlete are allowed to join 3 individual events and 1 relay. So, teachers from other houses, complained. Ada had to go running around looking for runners. Swt.. Wei Yen wouldn't wanna run, Mei Shan isn't a sprinter. Hema wouldn't wanna run cause she said she hasn't been training. And finally, Ada found a girl to replace Shem~ its 4x 100m. =D We didn't win though. Like hell, how to win with Rachel Rajendran running as the last runner and this athlete from Union who runs so fast! Me gawd.. Rachel closed the really huge gap between Cavell and Fry.. o_o They were like.. So slow at the beginning.. And when it was Rachel.. Holy shit!! So fast!! o_o Rachel Heah and I were like.. Oh ma gawd? o_o standing next to the tracks.. o_o So much for not being a short distance sprinter, Rachel. =.=

Suhaniya won everything she was in~ She won all the individual events she joined~ And if I'm not mistaken, her relay event as well.. o_o GO SUHANIYA!!!!! BE HOUSE CAPTAIN NEXT YEAR!!!! YOU FRIGGING ROCK!!!!! *I know she doesn't come here but still~* Its a pity that Rachel Rajendran didn't get to be Ketua Olahragawati this year.. D= No offence Thareni, Rachel should be saying the Ikrar.. Every year, the ketua olahragawati appears to be the Olaragawati Temasya Sukan.. Oh well~ Your ikrar still very shaky la dey.. What the heck are you doing la dey..=___=

Bern vely vely cute la~ *random statement* The band's uniform still looks really weird..=___= They played really nicely today though~ not like during the very first practice with the contingens..=___= Bennie~ Ze Yin looks funny.. Hahahahahahaahhaahah.. =D

After EVERYTHING, all the events and stuff.. Comes the time which EVERYBODY *nearly everybody I think.. This year's batch damn semangat* is waiting for. To announce all the miscellanous events' winner.
Marching - Intrahouse - Fry
Uniform bodies - Kadet Remaja Sekolah
Khemah berhias - Nightingale
Cheerleading - Fry
*notice there's no Cavell and DZ at all*
And there's also peserta kelas yang terbaik.
Kelas 1 - Obviously, Rachel Rajendran from Cavell *she's one of the reasons why Cavell is so liddat*
Kelas 2 - SUHANIYA~!!! She's one of the reason why we won!
Kelas 3 - Can't remember their names. Its a tie. One each from DZ and Mahsuri~
When that Kelas 3 girl's name was announced, DZ were like.. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! And when they announced kelas 2, we went WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! again.. Hahahhaha.. And when kelas 1 was announced.. My god.. EVERYBODY WAS CHEERING!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Rachel, you really really rock.. =D

Everytime the name DZ is said, we cheer.. Hahahahahhahahaha.. Tak kisahlah apa mereka cakap, jerit je la.. =D Hahahahahhaahaha.. =D

Olahragawati of the whole thing is, obviously, Rachel Rajendran. =D And!!!!!! They were like.. finally gonna announce the winner.. I was like.. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG... And when they said Naib Johan ialah Rumah FRY!!! I was like.. OMG!!! Then Yan Mei was like.. So are we winning are we winning?! I was like.. Not necessarily.. Cavell has got lots of marks too.. My fingers were crossed.. Praying and praying we would win..

And they were like... Johan, Temasya Sukan Tahunan kali ke 55 IALAH!! Rumah DATO' ZUBAIDAH DENGAN PUNGUTAN MATA SEBANYAK 190 MATA!!!! Pn. Shariafah Bahum can really scream into the mic..=___= And the whole DZ jumped and SCREAM at the top of their lungs, me included of course. After screaming our lungs out with no rhythm or melody or anything.. EVERYBODY.. Semangat looooo.. Sang Negaraku and Lagu Pulau Pinang SOOOOOOOO DAMNNNN LOUD!!! First time in my 5 years, Georgians are singing SOOOO LOUDLY!!! Of course, I was singing WAYYYY loudly too.. But a little out of tune though. But who cares?! Everybody wasn't even in tune most of the time~ So yeah.. Semangat la everyody~ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And thats the end of the day~

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!! DZ WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gonna go back there next year and cheer for DZ too!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Pochi said.. It took us 5 years, to love sports day. If I had love it anytime before this, I would be running for my house. But oh well.. I guess I missed me chance~~ Really.. Today was the awesomest sports day in my life!!!! =DDDD

GO DZ!!!!!!

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