Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gatecrashing ~

Wanted to post this last night actually but suddenly electricity got cut so... *shrugs*

Yesterday we went to Kelly's house for CNY bbq. While watching Ze Yin and Wilson bbq-ing the chicken I suddenly remembered about Pn Ooi living near Kelly's house and asked Kelly if she wanted to visit her. Of course, knowing Kelly, the answer is pretty obvious.

So we walked walked walked, past the playground, just turned at the end of the road and suddenly remembered that we're not supposed to visit someone empty handed. Patah balik, took 8 oranges (all Kelly's, sorry xDDD) and walked there again.

Su is probably jinxed too. The following events are the proves (of course I have horrible memory so sorry if I got some details wrong xD especially what you guys said. I can't remember word by word haha xD) :

Rachel: You guys realize that we're walking at the middle of the road right?
Su: Well there's no car around.

*Few seconds later a car turns in*


Su: For all you know teacher might offer us food and we'll be too full to finish Kelly's food.
Me: She might not even be at home.

*Teacher was having an open house that exact same night o_O*

In front of teacher's house

Rachel: We're standing at the middle of the road again
Su: Well, there's no cars around

*Another car appeared few secs later .......*

Well when we reached teacher's house and realized she was having an open house, we pestered Kelly to call teacher. Someone said "Whoever suggested to come here should call her la". (That moment I was hoping no one would realize it was me xDDDDD hey what can I do, I doubt teacher even remembers me. I was even thinking of the wrong teacher o_O.... She taught me 4 years ago after all and I don't leave lasting impressions either xD)

Fortunately some guy came and said "You are visiting your teacher right? Come in come in!" (or at least I think that's what he said o_O)

Saved xD

She made cream puuufffs. Yummy ones =D and many other yummy food (well duh, ERT teacher after all =/) It's pretty awkward though, coming uninvited and all but she's feeding us o_O of course we didn't take much laaa. Pretty rude if we don't take any either.

Well I'm sure others can write much more interesting posts bout yesterday than yours truly here so I'll stop here~ xD

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