Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh yea, geez, emphasize on the "again" would ya

Just a pretty short post. Since I didn't originally wanna blog anyway.

So damn tired la. Eventhough all I've done today is march, cheer for Cavell and stand at a place where not many people fainted anyway. Oh and run under the rain with Felicia to the other side of the stadium to check if Joanne's waiting for us there, only to find out halfway through that the gate is already locked. After returning to the gate where teachers told us students not to use but heck in the end everyone has to use that gate anyway, I indirectly (or maybe directly) dirtied our school's white flag when Mr Tan asked us to help him carry stuffs to the school bus. Oops? xD; But that's a different story.

By the way, me coming late was my fault. Yea.

I'm kinda disappointed anyway. They friggin decided to award only the winner for perbarisan, not 2nd or 3rd this year. Obviously we didn't win then =/ It's quite surprising that Kadet Polis didn't win. I thought our school's supposed to be biased *shrugs* And the whole DZ winning AGAIN (a la Kelly and Krystal), while Cavell not even getting 2nd place. Actually I don't really mind if any house wins, except for DZ. Hey, you guys started it first. Besides, I'm getting real sick of seeing yellow win every single friggin year of my school life anyway.

The end.

Our last sports day~


Started off with me, going to Sabby's place, then going to the stadium then marching. =D Amelia came so freaking late..=___= Oh well.. Can't blame her. She has to carpool with 3 other people~ So anyway, yeah. Marched, then stopped. And I had to go for prefects' duty.. D= Sucks.. Rachel escaped doing duty.. D= Miss K allowed.. Since she's president and all *glare*

That duty was stupid. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. Like swt.. Stand there like some idiot. Like, who is so stupid to walk out of the main entrance to go home? =.= Stupiiiidddd.. Oh well.. Never mind that. Matrika and Sinister *still don't know his real name* came~ TARA WAS SO BLOODY CUTE!!! That head thing... T_T So cuteee~

Oh oh oh oh oh! While on duty, I SMSed a teacher. And he didn't reply!!!! Like whattttt...=___= And he was right in front of me. Gawd... SMSed him after the whole event, and he still hasn't replied. Hahahahahah.. =D Oh well~~ Pochi took a picture of Sabs and I!!

After all these boring stuff, its time for us to march~ The march pass was horrible. When it was time to like, hormat ke kanan, lots of people didn't hear Rachel say "Skuad pandang kanan". So that was a mess..=___= Rachel, SCREAM!!! Oh well~ Everything else was fine but that, I guess... I'm like, so tan now.. =D We didn't win though..D= The house mascots were so cute!!! Especially Tara-nyaan~ DZ's mascot damn weird la.. No wonder she didn't bother with the mascot..=___= Surprisingly, this year, the contingen which won was the contingen with the most people fainting, Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS).

They allowed an asthmatic girl to march!!! Fatihah! What the hell are you doing allowing them to march with their condition!? =.= Oh well~ Had to wait for so long before we (prefects from the squad) got to change.. D= Was so crowded in the RC room after the pebarisan(sp?). And the milo van.. D= He didn't wait till we finished the march pass.. TT_TT I didn't even get to drink a sip! T_T The only year which this happened.. TT_TT

All I did the whole day after my duty, marching and helping the RC out for awhile, was cheer and cheer and cheer~ So fun~ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZ DZZZ!!!! Sabs, Krystal, Rachel and I are in DZ and cheering for DZ and Amelia and Su Su, kesian, are the only ones among us, to be in Cavell cheering for Cavell.. =D Me gawd.. This year.. All the scores were SO CLOSE to each other! Last I saw from the board was:
Cavell - 163
Fry - 153
DZ - 171
I was like, oh mai gawd?! And Shembegem entered too many acaras, 3 individuals and 2 relay. Each athlete are allowed to join 3 individual events and 1 relay. So, teachers from other houses, complained. Ada had to go running around looking for runners. Swt.. Wei Yen wouldn't wanna run, Mei Shan isn't a sprinter. Hema wouldn't wanna run cause she said she hasn't been training. And finally, Ada found a girl to replace Shem~ its 4x 100m. =D We didn't win though. Like hell, how to win with Rachel Rajendran running as the last runner and this athlete from Union who runs so fast! Me gawd.. Rachel closed the really huge gap between Cavell and Fry.. o_o They were like.. So slow at the beginning.. And when it was Rachel.. Holy shit!! So fast!! o_o Rachel Heah and I were like.. Oh ma gawd? o_o standing next to the tracks.. o_o So much for not being a short distance sprinter, Rachel. =.=

Suhaniya won everything she was in~ She won all the individual events she joined~ And if I'm not mistaken, her relay event as well.. o_o GO SUHANIYA!!!!! BE HOUSE CAPTAIN NEXT YEAR!!!! YOU FRIGGING ROCK!!!!! *I know she doesn't come here but still~* Its a pity that Rachel Rajendran didn't get to be Ketua Olahragawati this year.. D= No offence Thareni, Rachel should be saying the Ikrar.. Every year, the ketua olahragawati appears to be the Olaragawati Temasya Sukan.. Oh well~ Your ikrar still very shaky la dey.. What the heck are you doing la dey..=___=

Bern vely vely cute la~ *random statement* The band's uniform still looks really weird..=___= They played really nicely today though~ not like during the very first practice with the contingens..=___= Bennie~ Ze Yin looks funny.. Hahahahahahaahhaahah.. =D

After EVERYTHING, all the events and stuff.. Comes the time which EVERYBODY *nearly everybody I think.. This year's batch damn semangat* is waiting for. To announce all the miscellanous events' winner.
Marching - Intrahouse - Fry
Uniform bodies - Kadet Remaja Sekolah
Khemah berhias - Nightingale
Cheerleading - Fry
*notice there's no Cavell and DZ at all*
And there's also peserta kelas yang terbaik.
Kelas 1 - Obviously, Rachel Rajendran from Cavell *she's one of the reasons why Cavell is so liddat*
Kelas 2 - SUHANIYA~!!! She's one of the reason why we won!
Kelas 3 - Can't remember their names. Its a tie. One each from DZ and Mahsuri~
When that Kelas 3 girl's name was announced, DZ were like.. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! And when they announced kelas 2, we went WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! again.. Hahahhaha.. And when kelas 1 was announced.. My god.. EVERYBODY WAS CHEERING!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Rachel, you really really rock.. =D

Everytime the name DZ is said, we cheer.. Hahahahahhahahaha.. Tak kisahlah apa mereka cakap, jerit je la.. =D Hahahahahhaahaha.. =D

Olahragawati of the whole thing is, obviously, Rachel Rajendran. =D And!!!!!! They were like.. finally gonna announce the winner.. I was like.. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG... And when they said Naib Johan ialah Rumah FRY!!! I was like.. OMG!!! Then Yan Mei was like.. So are we winning are we winning?! I was like.. Not necessarily.. Cavell has got lots of marks too.. My fingers were crossed.. Praying and praying we would win..

And they were like... Johan, Temasya Sukan Tahunan kali ke 55 IALAH!! Rumah DATO' ZUBAIDAH DENGAN PUNGUTAN MATA SEBANYAK 190 MATA!!!! Pn. Shariafah Bahum can really scream into the mic..=___= And the whole DZ jumped and SCREAM at the top of their lungs, me included of course. After screaming our lungs out with no rhythm or melody or anything.. EVERYBODY.. Semangat looooo.. Sang Negaraku and Lagu Pulau Pinang SOOOOOOOO DAMNNNN LOUD!!! First time in my 5 years, Georgians are singing SOOOO LOUDLY!!! Of course, I was singing WAYYYY loudly too.. But a little out of tune though. But who cares?! Everybody wasn't even in tune most of the time~ So yeah.. Semangat la everyody~ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And thats the end of the day~

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!!!!!! DZ WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gonna go back there next year and cheer for DZ too!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Pochi said.. It took us 5 years, to love sports day. If I had love it anytime before this, I would be running for my house. But oh well.. I guess I missed me chance~~ Really.. Today was the awesomest sports day in my life!!!! =DDDD

GO DZ!!!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Guinea pig

Krystal borrowed my camera to take pics of her guinea pig since her camera has problems... Here's a short video she took xDD

I realize there's nothing in that video except for her guinea pig moving around her legs but who cares, he sounds cute xDDD

The quality kinda sucks though. I think. Previously set it to the lowest quality last time I used it~

Krystal's such an animal lover. Can see how calm the guinea pig is with her. I think xD

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is a very short message dedicated to a certain someone.....

*Glares at Jen Jen* =.=

In order for new messages to appear, you have to press the REFRESH button.... please do so immediately cuz I've been waiting 5 mins for your reply.

Thank You. =D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Of Saiyuki and SKBG

I found an old exercise book while digging through some drawers. It turned out to be something we (Krys, Meep, Sabs and Jelly) wrote during standard 6.

Let me just clarify this: We've known each other way back in primary school. On one morning somewhere along early February 2005, Amelia had the idea of forming an anime fanclub. Tadaa! So we had one. It was fun although there were only 5 members :the usual 4 plus a guy(yes, Yaone). He overheard our conversation and decided to join us.

During primary school, the only animes that we know are Ranma 1/2, Gensomaden Saiyuki, Detective Conan, and Rave. Those were on AXN on Astro, so we knew them (except for poor Amelia who was the only one without Astro back then). I miss the good subtitles on AXN...

Anyway, there was the club: AFC. One day, somebody had an idea of making our own version of Saiyuki (anime version of Journey to the West but with cooler and better looking characters) Hence, the exercise book. Here's a 'chapter' of our 'wonderful' work.

Gensomaden Saiyuki: Female Version starring:
Amelia Sanzo
Sha Kelly
Cho Krystal
Son Sabrena
*Adrian was our classmate who gets on everyone's nerves (my nerves) and had a crush on Amelia*

Chapter 1: Go to the East
*At the Sunset Palace*
Buddha 1: Amelia Sanzo.
Amelia: Yes.
Buddha 2: We need your help to go to Tijenku which is situated in the
east. Do you know about Adrian's revival test?
Amelia: Yes.
Buddha 3: You have to go to the east to find out who's behind Adrian's revival test and prevent it from happening. You know what will happen if that forever disgusting egg is revived.
Amelia: Yes.
Buddha 1: The Goddess of Mercy said you will bring Sha Kelly, Cho Krystal, Hakuryu and Son Sabrena with you on your journey. Go.
Amelia: Yes!
Sabrena: Oh, Amelia! Welcome back
Amelia: You're loud, monkey. Let's go.
Sabrena: Huh? To where? Tell me! Where're we going?
Amelia: Stupid monkey! Get dressed now or I'll leave you behind!
Sabrena: Ouch!

*On the way...*
Sabrena: Hey, hey! Where're we going? Don't be mean, Amelia! Tell me!
Amelia: We will meet Amelia, Hakuryu and Kelly on our way to the east.
Sabrena: Why the east?
Amelia: To stop Adrian's revival test and to find out who's behind it.
Sabrena: What's an Adrian revival test?
Amelia: Stop asking and shut up!
--------( Skipped the parts where Hakkai was driving in the forest and Gojyo was gambling in town to where they finally met)

Amelia: Sabrena.
Sabrena: What?
Amelia: Kelly.
Kelly: Huh?
Amelia: Krystal.
Krystal: Yes?
Amelia: Let's go to the east! (points to the east)

There were alot of pages more....Oh well, Pangone did not make an appearance in this one. Haha, good memories...5 years had passed (T.T)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sayonara Zetsubou Gakusei

The dreaded moment of the month has come again *sighs*

.... My handphone credit is expiring again tmrw!!!! DD:

I bet some of you thought of something else didn't u, guys xD *getshot*

So anyway, if I don't reply any of ur smses tmrw you guys know why. Unless I'm suddenly terlebih rajin and actually reload instantly for once. But we all know that won't happen =D

I wanted to type out the "chicken named robert" essay we (Sabs, onion and muaa) wrote in form 3. But I reached home later than expected =/ So I'll type later when I'm free. Which would be around 7-8pm, or 10pm+ xDD Ta~


So here it is. Our group essay with gay dialogues and meant to be just for fun but somehow got 29/30 xDDDDDDD Just felt like typing it out xDDD Eventhough I posted a picture of it before. But nobody's gonna read that would they xDD Mua comments in yellow xD

One day, Hafiz met Jeff outside school. Jeff has been absent from school very often. Hafiz voiced his worries about Jeff's absence.

Hafiz: Good afternoon, Jeff. How are you? I noticed that you have been absent very often lately. Just yesterday, you were absent from English class and you missed the important presentation on "How to Score A's For Our PMR". This is not the first time that you've been absent for an important event. Is everything alright? [poor Sabs and her attempt to make this a normal essay at first xD]

Jeff: Whoa! Calm down! Hi, by the way, because of the long-winded speech, I didn't get the chance to say hi to you. Unlike you, a lucky person, I actually have to help my brother at his burger stall everyday until late at night.

Hafiz: I'm so sorry, Jeff. I didn't know. But, why are you working at your brother's burger stall? I thought that your father was helping him.

Jeff: Apology accepted. I'm sorry I lost my temper. Actually, my father just passed away. He committed suicide after my mum left him for a younger and more handsome man. As angry as I may be, I have to work and earn my own money or else I wouldn't be able to pay my exam fees.

Hafiz: Jeff, I'm very sorry to hear that. Please accept my sincere condolences. However, you don't have to work at your brother's stall late into the night just to earn money, you know. There are many alternatives for a solution to your dilemma.

Jeff: I don't believe you! What can I do in this situation? There is no hope for me left. I am deep in the dark pit of despair! No one can help me! NOT EVEN YOU! Don't butt your face into somewhere it doesn't belong!

Hafiz: Jeff! Jeff! Get a hold of yourself! Never say die until the bayonet has run you through! Of course there's a solution. Why don't you only help your brother out in the evening? That will leave your nights free for studying. You will also have time to sleep. Then you will show up in school bright and perky. Now isn't it better than wasting away your nights flipping meat patties and adding cheese? [dude good job at stating the obvious xDDDD]

Jeff: I'm sorry Hafiz. You are my savior. I never thought of that before. [lolol we made him look pretty dumb xDDD ] Your solution to my problem is ingenious. Actually I have a secret to tell you. I'm suffering from a split personality disorder. Sometimes, I think I'm a chicken named Robert. But now that I've met you, I think I'll eventually be cured if I meet you on a daily basis. (blush blush) [teacher's comment in red pen: This part not really necessary] xDDD

Hafiz: Errr.... right. Well, Jeff I'll be happy to help you anytime with the homework you've been missing. You can count on me. Oh, look at the time. I believe I have to go now. Goodbye, Jeff. I'll see you tomorrow.

Jeff: Alright, goodbye then.

(Hafiz quickly runs away)

Monday, February 16, 2009


I did the tag from Sabs' blog. Doesn't really make sense...Here goes:

Dear Meep,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I dislike you. I think I realised it when I threw up in your camping car and I saw you carve your initials into Manchester United's goalkeeper. I'm sure you're middle class enough to understand that we're cousins. I'm returning your ring but I'll keep your best friend as a memory. You should also know that I will tell the authorities about your new life as a clone.
Greetings to your freaky family,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Drama llama.

Sorry tis' a bit small.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Of being the "3rd" class

Somehow after Mr Lee returned to SGGS from Chung Ling, he has this misconception that our school still has the shuffling system. From someone in Akik's blog (sorry I can't remember, I read too many blogs and memory's flawed =_=;; ), it seems that he is stricter and says things like "you girls are the first class students, you should do better!" or something like that. On the other hand, our class is treated like kindergarden kids. "Do you all know how to draw the line of best fit?" "Do you know how to light the bunsen burner?"

He probably hasn't realized yet that our class houses the girl who is consistently among the top 5 in the form (or first if she studies *glares*), the student who received the chemistry prize itself, students with add math/math prizes, and geniuses in add math/math. These alone are only for the science and math subjects.

Of course, naturally all the above aren't me, ehe

I don't really mind him speaking to us like we're lil kids, unlike everyone else actually. He is a good teacher after all (and truthfully I don't really concentrate in class so he has every right to be annoyed if it's only me in particular xP besides if he's already so demanding with us, imagine the treatment Akik students receive). But the latest incident is pretty funny. Yesterday, he told us to draw the graph in a particular shape and today he tells us we did it wrongly, and how we're not supposed to say that the temperature is directly proportional to the time etc etc. He proceeded to explain to us what "directly proportional" means, although I'm pretty positive everyone knows already anyway.

After explaining he asked if we understood what he explained, which we immediately answered yes. But something like this this happened instead.

Mr Lee: So class do you understand?
Class : Yeeesss.
Mr Lee:.....No.. you don't understand

*Class most likely had the "o_O" look on their face that moment. I know I did*

Mr Lee: Ok I'll explain again
Kelly: Noo, teacher! We understand! It is not proportional because the y axis does not start from zero!!

*Mr Lee ignores her protests and explains everything. Again.*

Followed by Kelly being seriously annoyed, Sabrena listening intently while supposedly being annoyed internally, and me constantly glancing at Mei Shan and Krystie outside wondering if teacher realized that the bell for recess already rang some time ago.

The end xD because I'm pressed for time. Haha.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Can't you give a normal load of homework? We can't handle so much you know. Especially people with tonnes and tonnes of tuitions.. And music/dance classes. Really.. If you'd give us less, we'll have time to actually study for our tests and exams. Really, please, if you're reading this, please give less homework, Teacher-san(s). It's impossible for us to finish so much in a day. Some of us have to stay back everyday, for various reasons. Not all of them for KK. Most for classes which can't fit into our timetable.

So please, if you're reading this, *which I highly doubt*, tolonglahhh, kurangkan our beban. We're humans too you know. Teachers have only one subject to mark, we have at least 12 subjects' worth of homework.

Thanks. =D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Twilight Parody

Watch watch watch! Makes the already lame twilight even more lame but funnier xDD

Honestly I'm kinda disappointed with their new videos lately but this one is funny imo xD

Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentines Day

Something random ahaha...

As usual our school is trying to suck money out of us by taking orders for some overpriced sweets or something for your friends during valentines day, which they usually deliver ages after the day itself. This year it's cookies (or was it muffins? o_O can't remember)

Just now, Su announced to the class "Class, I'm helping them bake the cookies!"

So just to tease her I announced "Class, the last time Su fried eggs she messed up the kitchen!"

Which got her kinda annoyed and she insulted Sab's custard cake (I can't cook anything besides rice and instant noodles so naturally I'm already lower than all you guys. nothing to insult me with xDDD) Sorry Su, chill, was just playing around xD Besides nobody can hear me when I 'announce' stuffs xDDDD

Oh and it kinda sucks that we have school on valentines day. Not like I want to go on a date or anything, but c'mon, don't take our Saturdaaaaay DDDD: I wanna sleep!

Edit: Ok fine this time it's for charity xD hey i just didn't like it when they sold some 20 sens lollipop for way more than that -_-;

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gatecrashing ~

Wanted to post this last night actually but suddenly electricity got cut so... *shrugs*

Yesterday we went to Kelly's house for CNY bbq. While watching Ze Yin and Wilson bbq-ing the chicken I suddenly remembered about Pn Ooi living near Kelly's house and asked Kelly if she wanted to visit her. Of course, knowing Kelly, the answer is pretty obvious.

So we walked walked walked, past the playground, just turned at the end of the road and suddenly remembered that we're not supposed to visit someone empty handed. Patah balik, took 8 oranges (all Kelly's, sorry xDDD) and walked there again.

Su is probably jinxed too. The following events are the proves (of course I have horrible memory so sorry if I got some details wrong xD especially what you guys said. I can't remember word by word haha xD) :

Rachel: You guys realize that we're walking at the middle of the road right?
Su: Well there's no car around.

*Few seconds later a car turns in*


Su: For all you know teacher might offer us food and we'll be too full to finish Kelly's food.
Me: She might not even be at home.

*Teacher was having an open house that exact same night o_O*

In front of teacher's house

Rachel: We're standing at the middle of the road again
Su: Well, there's no cars around

*Another car appeared few secs later .......*

Well when we reached teacher's house and realized she was having an open house, we pestered Kelly to call teacher. Someone said "Whoever suggested to come here should call her la". (That moment I was hoping no one would realize it was me xDDDDD hey what can I do, I doubt teacher even remembers me. I was even thinking of the wrong teacher o_O.... She taught me 4 years ago after all and I don't leave lasting impressions either xD)

Fortunately some guy came and said "You are visiting your teacher right? Come in come in!" (or at least I think that's what he said o_O)

Saved xD

She made cream puuufffs. Yummy ones =D and many other yummy food (well duh, ERT teacher after all =/) It's pretty awkward though, coming uninvited and all but she's feeding us o_O of course we didn't take much laaa. Pretty rude if we don't take any either.

Well I'm sure others can write much more interesting posts bout yesterday than yours truly here so I'll stop here~ xD