Friday, January 8, 2010

The Next Alma Mater After High School

College is as previously mentioned...Overrated

(Maybe it's my depression on missing everyone talking)

Anyway, as mentioned by Rachie (who has in easier in some counts) Pros, Privileges and Profits are indeed myriad...while Disadvantages, Deprivations and Drawbacks rival them (again the missing everyone talking)

Pros, Privileges and Profits

1. As stated, the dress code is slightly more flexible. Why the choice of words? This is because the Pre U students in KDU are to wear FORMAL clothes.
Reason being, the School of Pre U Studies (that's not the real name btw) is breaking away from KDU...they're gonna have their own Board of Governors and be run on an International School (like the amohs) basis.

2. Then again, we have a real nice department head who tells us the only requirement is not to dress sloppily. The formal clothes only come in when governors visit (which will be pre-warned)

3. The hours we keep for lectures is better than rachel's..limits are 9am and 5pm, no earlier no later (doesn't count kk though)

4. As also stated, gadgets can be brought in at your own discretion, there's free Wi-Fi, they give you free 150 pages to print at the internet lab in a 6-month semester (4-month semesters get 100 free pages)

5. It's WAY CHEAP here..well..they have the full tuition waiver..originally I applied with my trial results and got the scholarship, 9A1s and above being the sole requirement.

Originally i was told the tuition waiver is only for 3 subjects, but the nice dept head told us later on that when SPM results come out and are good (9A1s or was it 9A+s), the full tuition waiver will apply to every single subject i take

After serious calculation, I realised it's 12k off with 3 subjects and 21k off with the 5 subjects i'm taking..O.O that's A LOT of money (disted is only 40% off which is like..6k? that is..if they DON"T do the 3 subjects thing)

Not to mention if you register on these two promo days you don't need to pay RM300 of registration and application fees (not a surprise people say KDU loses money in the pre u department)

Well whatever, that only applies for Jan intake, they got different scholarships for other intakes xD

6. The lecturers seem pretty good o.O well, haven't met all yet..Bio left xD they boast a lot bout their Pure Maths teacher, seeing as they guarantee 1 out of 3 people will get an A (hmm....) I find it strange though, there was this KDU student that got top in the WORLD for Accounting (check the papers recently and you might see whoever it was - I don't read papers much), however there seems to be fewer A Levels Arts students here compared to Science o.O PJ campus maybe?

7. As for KDU being a party college, that doesn't apply to MY class at least -.- they're all so QUIET..the words they say in class can be counted with my fingers (and a few toes maybe o.O)

8. They have real good kk stuff here o.O partly why I pick here instead of Disted (which has next to nothing) Like for example, they send you to do service at Adventist Hospital, clock 20 hours and you get a nice looking letter of appreciation for your CV xD and there's lots of community service organised by the many clubs and the Student Council

Gosh, I sound like a marketing person out to promote KDU -.-

Disadvantages, Deprivations and Drawbacks

1. NO ONE I KNOW IS HERE!! In my course at least...unless you consider Scott from lit -.-
That really sucks actually..and during orientation i somehow made friends with people who are from different courses and not mine..sheesh..had to make more during class (they're all so QUIET i dunno whether that helps or doesn't o.O)

2. I miss everyone (guess meep is coming in march so it helps u_u)


3. Formal dress code? Not so fun..good thing I have a sister to inherit TONS of formal stuff from..(there goes part of my new year clothes too) I have a variation fo rachel's's like..if you wear most of your clothes in college, there's not much difference in the clothes you wear when going out..(the cliche being: you can totally say you have nothing to wear and it would be partially true)

4. Takes a bit getting used to lecture hours AND eating lunch out everyday u_u (then again, it's not like I've never eaten lunch out since had to stay back at school so much) they give 1 hour lunch break only so no worries bout whiling away extra time..I have Fridays off but lectures on Saturday mornings o.O

5. A Levels is the most-textbook based course in Pre-U. I have one pile of books MORE than the length from my elbow to the tips of my fingers (if you're kelly, add a few extra inches too xD) -.- and THAT'S NOT EVEN TEXTBOOKS!! That's just the pile past year papers they give to us...(they give us a college diary too o.O [had to catch myself from saying school diary xD])

Everyday carry batu in my bag d -.- good thing i rented a joint locker with 3 other people..(the locker is pretty big but not exactly cheap..RM20 AND another RM20 for deposit and to ensure you take care of your locker hence the 3 other people sharing thing)

6. A Levels isn't exactly an easy course..haih..studeh studeh..after only 3 weeks of recuperating from SPM u_u AND is it SO UNUSUAL to take 5 subjects? makes me nervous wondering how hard can it be..seeing as I signed up my subjects on the 1st day and the lady who registers us (she's Malay and she speaks better Hokkien than me IN A BETTER ACCENT! no trace of Malay accent AT ALL [makes me feel so ashamed u_u])

Well..she didn't register me cause she wanted to know whether I was really serious or not o.O there's where i got a late invoice, paid late and didn't get any old textbooks u_u the older students leave their textbooks and we get to pick them up..sadly..they said this year's intake is a real big one so all I got was a measly Physics textbook which my lecturer told me is not a real textbook but can be used for reference cause it's been changed into a newer one...GAH!

7. Homework on the first day..not exactly fun..LOL the lecturer walked in, started teaching (no self introduction), made us laugh cause he asked a good question everyone answered stupidly, some on purpose (he was SO OBVIOUSLY hiding his laughter), and when requested for a self introduction, asked someone to take out their timetable (where his name is stated) and told us his name (in a way that makes me think he's saying Well...DUH! in his head)

Oh, and he gave us 20 questions of maths in a textbook none of us had at that time o.O good thing my bro had it and passed it down to me xD

Strangely, i kinda like him o.O

AND THE PURE MATHS TEACHER REMINDS ME OF MR OOI! He's those geniusy kind of people who are kinda cute and funny...he's taller though o.O he's the one KDU is so proud of..then again, I'd say our school has reason to be proud of Mr Ooi (or should I say had since he's at Union now u_u)

LOL..when he came in he explained Maths in such a way i understand WHY they complete the square to get maximum or minimum value in quadratic graphs o.O

Wait..this is a Pro not a Disadvantage..ah whatever

The End. i talk too much.

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