Monday, January 4, 2010

Driving incidents

Since I am kinda bored and this blog is so unattended and sad..I shall speak on driving incidents that befell me (NOTABLE driving incidents that I actually remember xD)

Kelly knows some of these but not all..and most people don't know these at's not exactly a great topic of conversation xD

Incident 1

Not long after I passed my dad suggested a test drive on the roads outside the house with him sitting next to since I actually like driving I agree (not knowing the horror I'm subjecting myself to)

Imagine the scene..this is me the P a car considerably bigger than the normal kancil (then again..WHICH car isn't bigger than Kancil) it's a Peugeot 206 (WHICH BELONGS TO ME EVEN THOUGH IT'S MY DAD'S NAME IN PAPER WAHAHAHHAHHA)...and this is the more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad trying to give advice and what I'd like to think as constructive criticism without end..I even wonder when he stops for breath -.-

The fruit of his labours: This tensed P driver, me bashes of the side mirror..well..the whole thing didn't fall off..the frame stayed intact..the glass mirror fell off and was hanging rather comically off the frame obviously having those spider cracks on it..

Here's the details:
1. Tensed P driver passes Indahwater Konsortium building.
2. Indahwater Konsortium building just happens to have a wooden sign standing outside saying INDAHWATER TURN IN HERE (something like that)
3. Tensed P driver does not see the sign
4. Tensed P driver's side mirror bashed the wooden sign and neatly breaks it into pieces (it's wood..probably can't stand all the steel from the admittedly small mirror)
5. After a stunned silence, more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad immediately raises the already considerably high volume of his voiceebox
6. Tensed P driver decides firmly that
a) it was kinda cool (especially when the board smashed into pieces..yea shut up on the destructive tendencies please)
b) driving with more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad is highly inadvisable

1. To replace the glass mirror in caused RM50
2. The mechanism which controls the mirror (the kind you can move the mirror from inside the car with those knob thingys near the hand brake)..well..that was irreversably damaged..the mirror could only move side to side and not up and down..not to mention the ONLY way to move the mirror is said mechanism
3. After a repeat incident at which the glass mirror again comically fell off when mum was driving (or so I'm told), dad decided to replace the whole mirror
4. It costed RM 800 (according to dad, THAT was old stock..newer stock will cost RM1000 @@)
5. I had to take driving lessons with a driving instructor (it's pretty expensive..RM80 for two hours u_u better than another mirror i guess)

Incident 2

Incident 2 was considerably less mellow than incident 1, my first ever 'accident'..

Again, the details:
1. P driver, with driving instructor sitting at the passenger seat (this is the one next to the driver's seat obviously), with sister sitting at the back cause taking lessons together is learning how to reverse park
2. Side plot: On my FIRST test drive, more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad makes me do reverse parking which I have never done before and naturally did not do well in -.-
3. Back to incident 2, we were in this empty parking lot near the Turf Club where it looks like cars aren't the only things that had been parked here
4. Clue : there was horse manure scattered at intervals (they actually look like patches of mud...seems to have been there long enough to not stink AND/OR attract flies)
5. Instructor places 2 rocks at which I am supposed to park in between
6. It just HAPPENED to be right in front of a flattened patch of manure (slightly more peace of mind for me)
7. After successfully reversing in xDDDDDD, I reverse too much and..(no sound effect [couldn't be heard])
Sis: You reversed into the horse manure
(AND she HAD to tell my more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad)

Incident 3

Well here was considerably more serious.

Similar to incident 1, more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad was sitting at the passenger I said to my mum, things just SEEM to happen when he's sitting next to me -.-

Not having learned much from the disastrous fiasco involving the side mirror and the Indah water sign, more-than-10-years-mature-driver-dad does not desist from giving advice and constructive criticism...although he DID stop for breath this time xD I like to think he learned a little..

1. Less tensed P driver drives to Penang Club for this dinner we're supposed to be going to
2. Everything goes pretty well until we reach the parking lot
3. Dad is screamin bout the speed at which I drive (can't remember how fast it was, then again he complains I drive too slow at times)
4. Two people are standing more than 10 metres in front
5. Dad screams louder bout those people (WHO ARE MORE 10 METRES IN FRONT -.-), saying I'm gonna bang them
6. Tensed P driver steps hard on the pedal, the WRONG one..accelerating in front and stops in time
7. Two people are about 5 metres in front and not displaying any signs of panic (just shows how paranoid my dad was)
8. Park safely inside the club
9. Dad gets out of the car and gets screamed at by tensed P driver
11. I still wonder seeing as he forbids me to drive at night anymore (does he blame the night? Or did he actually realise it's partly his fault?)
12. Anyways, he shut up about the whole incident (he usually likes to cerita all my driving exploits to my mum IN FRONT OF ME MUCH TO MY DISGUST)

To all the learning drivers: No pressure xD

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