Saturday, May 22, 2010

Picturesss~!! =DD

Long overdue pictures from my phone~! =D Sabs made me upload it.. >.> Just transfered it from my phone.. DDDD: Its in chronological order.. ._. The first one is from... Before SPM? After SPM? Ahhhh.. After~ =D I'll upload the rest in the next post.. >.>

Sabs, Pochi, Rachel and I went for that Heritage Walk thing in town... I don't know which part of town it was.. ._. Probably near Masjid Negeri.. Is it? >.> Sabs, correct this, please. Thanks.

The day before Starwalk 2009. Buncha retards "serbu-ing" Nichi at 9.30pm when they were about to close already. ._. We look pretty retarded~ =D

Wheeee~ The.. Uh... Stay in.. @_@ Where was this? @_@ Some hotel.. @_@ Which.. Doesn't look like a hotel.. But.. Oh well~ =D

The service apartment thing~ =DDD We look so @_@ in the first picture.. ._. This one should be above the Twister one.. ._. Sorry. ._.

We're still missing one person, though. Dx Alysssaaa!!! >=[

This is... The one we went out with Kyla before she left for UK.. DDDD: We miss yooohhh.. I'll see you in London, hopefully~ =D

>.> This is just... Retarded.. ._. The bear is cute.. >.> Its big and fluffy~!!! ^^

This is the International Aids Memorial Day~ =D Its the same one as the previous post, but still~ =D Tak kisah laaahhh.. =D

I still hate this picture.. >.> I don't care what you say, Kyo *some friend online*. It's still weird.. =.=
THIS IS TODAY!! Well, technically, yesterday, seeing as how I finish uploading it after 12.. >.>

Retard... When did you use my phone?! O_o
>.> I was confused.. @_@ Why is Sabs taking the photo? @_@

Inilah yang penuh~ =D Thank you, ice cream boy~ =D

There~ All the pictures from... December 2009 to 22nd May 2010~ =D
I still hate taking pictures even though there're so many.. >.> Dah lah muka macam babi.. >.>
*I don't care what anyone says, I still think I look stupid.. >=[ -staaaares-*
I'll upload the rest later/tomorrow.. I'll probably procrastinate, then upload it a week or a few months later~ =D

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