Wednesday, May 26, 2010


DDDDD: SGGS has changed alot.. DDD:

Change in rules
1. We're now allowed to untuck our uniforms. It's not a rule to tug our shirts into our pants anymore.
2. Some stupid rule about not being allowed to eat anywhere else apart from the canteen, and even if we do eat in the Laman Ko-op, we're only allowed to do so with certain criteria met.. >.>
3. When we dismiss from our daily assembly, its not by classes anymore. Everyone just goes their own way. DDDD: The lines are barely seen during assembly itseld.. DDDD:
4. Our hairstyles, aren't limited to just a pony tail or two. Apparently, we can make our hair up as much as we want, as long as its tied up.. @_@ You can have a million clips on it, making it look really fancy, and noone gives a damn, unless its let down.
5. Form 1s to 5s are not allowed to bring a laptop unless a permission slip is signed by Cik Rohaiza herself. That means the Ed Board has lotsa problems working now.. >.>
6. Students are allowed to paint their class ANY COLOUR they want or do any weird decorations they want, as long as it looks nice. They're also allowed to arrange tables however they want.
There're alot more, I just don't know them.. >.> I didn't attend the Form 6 orientation. DD:

New stuff~
1. The form 1 badges, instead o being purple, its not ORANGE. icky ORANGE...
2. There're like, 25 to 30 new teachers! >=[ Most of our awesome teachers are leavinggg.. DD:
3. @_@ There's so much red in our school!! @_@
4. SOOOOO many more notice boards around..
6. There's a new walk way being built from Laman Ko-op to the cafetaria.
7. The canteen is friggin renovated, I don't even know whats where!!!
8. They change the class's positions again. =.=
9. There're also teachers who rejected being Panitias of certain subjects or Ketua Bidang.. >.>

DDDD: I don't like our school now.. DD: Its like I don't even know whats what now!! T_T
It's like being a form one student ALL OVER AGAIN!! T_T Worse than a form one, seeing as how I don't recognise all the new teachers.. >.>

Our school has gotten kedekut. ._. Teachers' Day celebrations tarak jamuan makan for students. Apa ini.. Kesian form 1s.. @_@ I tak suka our school now.. T_T I want to leave... T_T
Mummmehhh.. Write that god forsaken letter now!!! T_T

I'm just so so bored, so I'm writing random stuffs and posting it up.. >.> I need a life... >.>

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