Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I feel wrongly accused u_u

Yesterday after Sabs party, my dad fetched me home. He appears outside sabs house out of the blue..i check's on Loud mode..did anyone in party hear it ringing cause I didn't! but then digi comes and sends msg saying i have a miss call..does this for 4 times..meaning dad called 4 times -.-

Guess what..i got scolded once entering the car..because he says I purposely didn't answer his calls

The part which IS my fault
I shut up at first but i hate being accused of things that were not my fault..he doesn't believe me when i say I didn't get the calls..I open my Calendar to check for things. NOW he accuses me of msging people..says if my phone can't accept calls why am i msging ppl..I lose it this time and start screaming (THIS is the part where it's my fault)..ESPECIALLY after he said I sms tak berhenti

I count my outbox and tell him yesterday I only sent TWO msgs..i ask him whether he wants to see proof..he says no..he asks me to count the day before..14 msgs..that's when he get happier..and says he'll get my mum to look at the proof..he's buta IT (all I can think is: WOW..YOU TRUST ME A LOT)

I forgot to mention..I demanded an apology which he refused to give (must've been the last straw for him)

1. I'm not having my allowance this month
2. No money for phone (reason being i didn't listen to his calls [Note: I already explained])
3. A feeling of extreme anger, bitterness and unforgiveness (this one here's the problem)

Lesson learned
1. It is indeed to man's glory to overlook an offense
2. Prepare to have cartloads of patience when being a parent OR being a child

Totally unrelated
The title of this post should be Dad instead of parents, but I'm not happy with mum cause she didn't say a single thing (she wasn't in the car but she was definitely there when he gave the verdict on punishment, WHICH HE TOLD ME BY WRITING ON A NOTE AND LEAVING IT FOR ME TO READ)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thanks so much pochi u_u i'm sorry for the extreme extreme last minute last minute asking your mum to fetch thing u_u

Shall bake cookies even though I know you have raya cookies u_u shall not try muffins since i'm not very proficient in baking them yet


Note: I guess I also behaved badly towards my dad u_u i hung up on him when he said find your own transport and I hung up on my mum when SHE said it's nothing to do with me. Cause i know i will start freaking out and screaming u_u seeing as it's nearing 10pm and I am faced with the prospect of being stuck in gurney without transpo u_u


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The deficiency in exams :

After reading meep's blog post on how she feels like crap after being sick xD (i corrected itttt), I realise i've pretty much gotten the better part of the bargain. Having insomnia everyday and sleeping for 4 hours at night still hasn't killed me (thank God for afternoon naps). Not to mention I wake up at 5am or 6 am everyday to study (or 7am if I've had terrible insomnia the night before and slept around 3am)

So far, the only thing I've suffered is Chopin xD during piano today, I was so blur and tired I was clenching my teeth and trying to sight read the new parts

Me : (staring at piano piece with brow furrowed) [Inner mind] Phew..2 pages done!
Teacher: Play that again
Me : TT_______TT!!! xOOOOOOOOO [all this happens inside]
Me : (plays the 2 pages again obviously sight reading as badly since what i played before that didn't register)

This happened for 4 pages at which I was praying like mad for patience so I could just go and SLEEP o.O I'm sorry teacher...the trials have not been kind xD

Ah well..and I think I'm pretty much immune against feeling like crap since I've been feeling like crap since the holidays (got insomnia that time). And since trials end tomorrow it doesn't matter anymore whether I got insomnia or not since I get to sleep xD YAY!

The funny thing during Chemistry..everyone was sleeping but Renee, Stephanie and I (the people I notice who are in my line of vision o.O) I consider it irony in my part and just rajinness for both of them since I wasn't doing anything BUT staring at what other people were doing (which was sleeping)

The good thing about being in an all girls school...

1. No tricking each other when it comes to tips
*stares at a certain all boys school*

2. Sharing of exam tips ~

Eventhough some classes get tips earlier, it somehow passes around in time just before an exam starts xDD Recess time is a long time to get the word passed around hehe

I know that we should all be like Renee Lim and not listen to all these tips, but for someone who barely studied, it is like a wahyu to me @_@ Damnit. Must not procrastinate anymore. Next exam coming along is already SPM

..But thinking of it, sometimes the tips don't really help much.. haha....

3. Turning your body to side indicating your back is a universal language xP

it's ok if u don't get this one xP