Thursday, April 2, 2009

Onlooker's pov regarding science and maths week

Somehow I'm the only one in our group who did not participate in anything for this whole week D: So much for wanting to have a... holistic school life with no regrets (yes, this whole leaving school next year thing really is affecting me DD: )

(Almost) All of us tried the sudoku thing they were giving out on Monday. But I think none passed it up / had enough time to complete it xDD I don't know how they are going to pick winners for this one o_O I'm sure a lot of ppl can solve it coz we're allowed to take the questions back home.

There's the tressure hunt event on Wednesday, which Krystal joined with Zhi Chien and Nger Ling, while Kelly joined with Kim Mei and Ze Yin. I thought you are only allowed to join one event =/ ...oh wells. Wanted to join actually, but all my friends participating in other events ain't a reason. If there's a will, there's always a way right? Didn't have enough will here xDD Laziness consumes me~

Alyssa joined kakuro. I still don't know how kakuro works xD Looks hard, boring and math-sy, just the way Kelly would love it xP

Rachel, Su and Poch took part in the maths exhibition, where they ripped off the game "Life" to create "Who whomped me with recession!?" xP Saw Su Jen putting lotsa effort in calculating and plotting graphs, standard deviations, variance and what not D: applying what you learn in class eh, hardworking one? DD:

Kelly and Sabs are in the science and maths quiz. Highlight of the event would be Kelly tripping on stage xDDD For the final round of the quiz, they had to race to the mic to answer the question. Somehow Kelly managed to collide with her own group member xDD Oh well, all's well coz she answered the question correctly anyway. And her group still lost to Sab's group by only one mark xD

That is all.

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