Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh Ma God!!!!

Bloody hell!!!! I didn't expect Adam to be in the bottom two!!! Nobody did!!! Not even the judges!!!! Dear god.. Even the other competitors themselves didn't expect him to be in the bottom three!! When they announced that Adam was in the bottom 3, Allison and Danny who were in the top 2, looked at each other, shocked!! Like.. Stare with each other with their mouth and eyes WIDE OPEN. Kara was like.. *jaw drops* O_O Simon was like.. O_O Everybody was like.. O_O

Only Adam wasn't like O_O He was all smiley smiley.. As usual... = Like.. Oh ma god... And when they announced that he was in the bottom three, I was like.. OH MY GOD?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL?!?!? And when they say Kris was sabe and not Adam.. I was like.. WHAT THE SHIT!! DIE LAAA!!! OH MY GOD!!! O_O And I callled Sabs like, 3 times.. o_o

They just have to like, put 3 stupid singers I have no care about between the results.. =.=

After all the stupid singing, when they announced, I was like, YESSS!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD HE DIDN'T GO OUT!!!!! Called Sabs right after.. o_o The both of us were like, OH MY GOD!!! WHY IS HE IN THE BOTTOM 3?!?!?!? And when he wasn't save yet, we were like, WHY IS HE IN THE BOTTOM 2?!?!?!? O_O And when he was save, we were like, OH MY GOD!!!! THANK GOD HE DIDN"T GO OUT!!!

We were saying, before he was announced that he was save, we were like, if he is eliminated, we won't ever watch American Idol again. o_o And I'm serious cause this is the only season I'm following. Really mannn... Where the hell did the Americans go wrong?!?!!??! O_O

Oh, I wanna ask those of you who are reading this, those of you who know me:-
Have I changed ever since you know me? I want honest answers. I negative or positive, I don't care. I wanna know. Thanks. =D Answer by leaving a comment in this post~


Rock and Roll week~~~!!!!! He should do good!!!! =DDDD

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Adam Lambert fever.

It seems that not a day goes by without me hearing the name 'Adam Lambert'. I'm already sitting next to an Adam Lambert 'ikan' (inside joke/theory/analogy/wtv) which is Kelly, and she can say his name 15 times. In a row. Every 2 hours. Every day.
Sabrena is also an Adam Lambert fan. I comfort myself with the fact that when I get home, there will be no mentioning of the name.

Today, however, around 6:25 pm...

Me: Dad, can you send me to tuition? We gotta go now, it starts at 6:30. I'm already late!
Dad: Wait wait, Adam Lambert is singing next., 6:30. Can't that wait?
Dad: But Adam Lambert!
Me: *walks towards the door anyway*
Dad: *gets up and heads towards the door*
Me: *is already outside, turns to find my dad not following me*
Me: ?????

Dad-> was standing facing the tv, watching Adam Lambert sing.

And yes, he even waited to listen to the judges' comments.

After tuition (which ends at 8:30)

8:45 pm, my parents arrive.

Me: *enters car*
Dad: Sorry, your mom wanted to watch Adam Lambert sing, so we left the house a bit late.


Either way, enjoy the following video (click the link plz) of Adam Lambert.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just for the sake of updating

Been wanting to update about Su and Aly's bday dinner but just don't feel like doing it right now xD Kelly or Rachel, either one of you should update about the sucky prefects camp xDD

So for the time being, I shall *sort of* complain about Aly. It's my first time ever seeing her online and this happens D:

Aly: did you go to school today?
Me: u r ONLINE
Aly: wad homework?
Me: uh wait ya xD
Aly: i came online to get homework

D: ....... *heart shatters*

Sunday, April 5, 2009




Thursday, April 2, 2009

Onlooker's pov regarding science and maths week

Somehow I'm the only one in our group who did not participate in anything for this whole week D: So much for wanting to have a... holistic school life with no regrets (yes, this whole leaving school next year thing really is affecting me DD: )

(Almost) All of us tried the sudoku thing they were giving out on Monday. But I think none passed it up / had enough time to complete it xDD I don't know how they are going to pick winners for this one o_O I'm sure a lot of ppl can solve it coz we're allowed to take the questions back home.

There's the tressure hunt event on Wednesday, which Krystal joined with Zhi Chien and Nger Ling, while Kelly joined with Kim Mei and Ze Yin. I thought you are only allowed to join one event =/ ...oh wells. Wanted to join actually, but all my friends participating in other events ain't a reason. If there's a will, there's always a way right? Didn't have enough will here xDD Laziness consumes me~

Alyssa joined kakuro. I still don't know how kakuro works xD Looks hard, boring and math-sy, just the way Kelly would love it xP

Rachel, Su and Poch took part in the maths exhibition, where they ripped off the game "Life" to create "Who whomped me with recession!?" xP Saw Su Jen putting lotsa effort in calculating and plotting graphs, standard deviations, variance and what not D: applying what you learn in class eh, hardworking one? DD:

Kelly and Sabs are in the science and maths quiz. Highlight of the event would be Kelly tripping on stage xDDD For the final round of the quiz, they had to race to the mic to answer the question. Somehow Kelly managed to collide with her own group member xDD Oh well, all's well coz she answered the question correctly anyway. And her group still lost to Sab's group by only one mark xD

That is all.