Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My first tag(s).....Obviously by Amelia. Swt.....

1.The last person to tag you is?
Amelia... She's the only person who would tag me.. And can make me do it..=___=

2. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
cute, tall, talented *in music though she'll never admit*, smart, a foreigner..

3. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
Am I really supposed to say?? She kissed me??

4. The most memorable words that he/she spoke to you?

5.If he/she becomes your lover you will....
Um... Do what lovers do?? o_O She wouldn't want be my lover anyway... =____=

6.If he/she becomes your enemy you will....

7.IF he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on..
Nothing. She's perfect the way she is.. =D

8.If he/she becomes your enemy, its because..
Of my stupidity...=____=

9. The most desirable thing for him/her to do is....
Watch anime/read manga... Swt.....

10. Overall impression towards him/her is
Total randomness...=__=

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
They'd most probably think I'm stupid and unreliable..=___=

12. The character for you for yourself is...
Huh?? Confusing question... Anyway, I don't know. I don't compare myself to fiction... *right...*

13. On the contrary, the character you hate for yourself is?
Wha....? I still don't get the question.. So.. Same as the above..

14. the most ideal person you want to be is
Whoever Amelia wants me to be...

15. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about him/her
I don't even know who cares or likes me... How to say something about her?? Anyway, if there are, I love you too. Hahahahahha...=D

16. Ten people to tag :
You people tagged everybody d. Who am I to tag?! Bah..
1. Kim Mei. I don't even know if she read this thing!!
2. Wei Yen. Same as the above.
3. Phing Phing.. Do you even read this?
4. Sarah.. Huang. If she reads.. Bah... This sentence applies to the following people too..
5. Swee Teng
6. Carmen Ng
7. Sarah Naeilah
8. Ni Wen?? O_o
9. Mei Shan
10. Amelia Tan

17. who is #2 having a relationship with?
Oh ma gawd.. Wei Yen!! You're not secretly going out with a guy/girl are you!? #3 a male or a female?
Female.. Everyone on the list is female!!

19. if #7 and #10 got together, would that be a good thing?
I don't know... Do they even know each other?! O_o

20. how about #5 and #8?
Like the above... Do they even know each other?! O_o..... And I don't think it'll be a good thing. =___= Lesbianism and all... *not like I'm one to speak but still..*

21. what is #1 studying about?
Swt.. The same thing as I am. Hahahhaha... Except... She's studying accounts and I, EST... =D

22. when was the last time you had a chat with them?
Who??? O.o

23. is #4 single?
She should be... Not all that close to her. Not like I'm close to most of them... Out of those 10.. I'm close to only like... maybe.. 2? 3?

24. say something about #2..
Smart. Hahahahahah.. Really.. You are... And cute.. And kind, friendly, funny... =D... A lot more I guess...



I'm not exactly tagged.. Just asked to do.. =D

Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box or anyway that he/she has been tagged.

1. What is it that bothers you the most?
Um... Nothing I guesss..... O.o Oh wait.. When I can't get the answers to certain things. Maths most of the time. Then Pheng Sheng comes and disturb me and Kim Mei and Carmen and the rest of us. That bothers me. Can't he leave us to get the answers then give it to him?! Instead of coming to disturb us knowing that we're doing it?!

2. What is your most favourite thing/s to do?
Sleep, read, go online, watch anime.

3. What's making you so happy/sad/angry/desperate right now?
Happy - Amelia
Sad - I'm not sad!! Swt.. I rarely really am...=___=
Angry - Myself. I'm not studying as I want to..=.= Obviously...
Desperate - ... I'm not desperate...=___=

4. What is your ultimate wish?
Do you really wanna know? Ask meh.. Like... Come to me and ask. Hahahhahaha..

5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
Amelia.. Takin the most part of my stupidly small heart.. And everybody else I know... Including all the stupid guys that I know.. I'm a loving and sentimental person!! Haahahhahahahha!!!

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
NOOOOO!!! Even if I don't eat, Ihave to buy books... Manga.. Chocolate... Ice-cream.. So many things.. Of course I can't survive without money!!

7. Are you afraid of pain ?
No.. I guess not... It's just another feeling.

8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Sleep... As usual. Hahahahhahahahahahah..

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Didn't I already? Though not really... What am I saying? *confusing myself*

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Swt.. Didn't I just? Cute, talented, pretty. =D

11. What will you do if today is your last day?
Go meet all my friends... Like.. Really go to their houses to meet them and stuff.. Unless they're like Gizele.. Who is in Australia. Then I'll like.. Record a video and send it to her or something. Yeah, go to their house, say bye bye and sorry and thank you. Tell my parents bye bye.. =D And to give my stuff away to whoever who wants it.. And poke my brother.. Kill Pheng Sheng.. Yeah.. Send an e-mail to everyone else whom I know, saying bye and sorry and thanks. I know I'm repeatitive. Hahahahhaha..

12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
Who are we talking about? A random person?? Well.. I don't think anybody is bad actually... If they are, they must have their reasons to be bad.

13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?.
Anything that doesn't have VEGETABLEEEESSSS!!!! God... They taste horrible..

14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
Rich. To be rich, I could be happy. Hahahahahahhaha... But really... I guess I'll pick both. Hahahahah...

15. Who are you thinking about now?

16. How do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Studying... Most probably not in Malaysia.. Hopefully with Sabby, Amelia, Krystal, Rachel, Pochi, Aly, Jen Jen, and everybody else. TT_TT I know its silly that I don't want to leave you people... But stilll.. TT_TT.. I can dream right..=___=

17. What is the one thing you hate about yourself?
There's so many things I hate about myself.. I hate that I hate myself....

18. If you had to choose to be an undead, what would it be?
A vamp.. =D.. Always wanted to be one.. Before that ciplak Twilight came out..=___= Drinking blood sounds kewl. Hahahahhahahahahah..Not only that, blood tastes kinda nice actually... Metal-ly.. Yeah.. =D..

19. Who is the most important person in your life?
Amelia.. =D

Do I really have to tag? =___= People I know are all tagged. Hahahha.. So I ain't tagging anybody. Anybody can just do this. If they wanna. =___=...


Killah said...

"Of course I can't survive with money!!"

that was from you. you can't survive WITH money?? thats like amy saying battery no hp! haha.

Jelly said...

Hahahahahahaha.. Sorry la... Hahahahhahahaha... =D

Ze Yin said...

KELLY! You're so cute! omg omg. Hahahaha. SORRY =P

Jelly said...

Babi you la Ze Yin.. HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA... =D