Saturday, October 16, 2010


I GOT TO HUG ADAM LAMBERTTTTT~!!!! HE WAS SO NICE~!!!! When I asked, "Can I hug you?" He was like, "OF COURSE~!!!" And he bent down to hug meeeeee~!!!!!!! ^^ OMG...


WENDYYYYY~!!! *Sab's cousin, even though I don't know you* THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH FOR HELPING US GET THE PASSES~!!!!!! ^^ I lurve youuuu~!!!!! ^^

OMG, Sabs texted me at 9 am and when I read it I was like, OMGG~!!!! WE GOT THE PASSES~!!!! ADAAAMMMM~!!! Yes, I actually shouted that out loud in the Sg. Perak rest stop. Everyone turned and stared at me~ Sabs said to get to Bukit Jalil by 5 to get the tickets cause around 5, we'd be going to meet Adam.. So. I pergilah awal awal cause Sabs said ada jam buttttt.... Babi.. Took us less than 15 minutes to get there.. =.= So.. We tunggu Sabs to come~ =D Once she datang, we went to get those meet and greet passes.. And we were like... So..Where's the VIP Fanclub, cause thats what Neil said, to go look for the meet and greet fanclub to follow them in.

It took us ONE WHOLE HOUR to find it. We asked EVERYONE there and none of them knew what the hell is a VIP Fanclub... So... Selepas sekian lama, WE FOUND IT~!!! Well, there were people who looked like hardcore fans gathered near our parents so... We went there and asked the guy coordinating those people and asked them if that was the VIP Fanclub and he was like "Yeah it is" *or something along those lines* "The list is with him *points to some random Ah Moh dude* so I dunno who is in or not" Sooo.. Sabs was like, just go line up and see la~

The people in line were holding pieces of printed out emails and everything and I was like.. Eh eh, we dont have la those email thingies... How ah how ah? D: She was like... Tak apa laaaa~ We line up~ =D Then she was like, take out IC first~ When the Random Ah Moh dude came to us we were like... Uh... We dont have those papers but uhm.. We have these *show the passes* And that Random Ah Moh dude was like.. Oh I know youu~!!!! And someone from the back goes.. "HEY NEIL~!" And Sabs and I were like... YOU'RE NEIL!?!?!?!? *tak tahu he heard us or not.. ._.* So we were like.. THANK YOU FOR GETTING THESE PASSES FOR USS~!!!! He was like, "so all of you are Kordesch related?" Sabs was like, no, just me *points at me* best friend, *points at my parents* best friend's parents.. So... We cakap cakap more with NEIL LAMBERT and at one moment he was like "Where is the others, they're late and I'm starting to not care anymore" Hahhahahahahahahhaha~!!! Luuuurve Neil~ ^^

Some woman from that fanclub was like, "Hey, where did you get that?" *points at our passes* "Is that special?" We were like.. Uhh.. Yeah. ._. And something along the lines of Neil giving it to us. =p And and and.. When he asked how many people got our pass we were like.. Uhh.. Just Sabrena Arosh and Kelly Tung. He was like, "but I left 3 at the counter, Where's your aunt?" She explained that she's in the States and so my mummy asked if she could go along then, with the other pass. *alamak, so damn embarrassing la my mother.. @_@* And he was like confused or something and somehow, my parents got to follow along but Adrian and Aunty Lean Sim didn't get to go along cause they didn't buy the tickets.. T_T Thanks alot, auntyyy~!!!! I lurve youuu~!!! ^^

So... When we were ready, kami jalanlah to the back of the stadium. Babi jauh la, the back.. Swt... He brought us to some room to wait for Adam~ While waiting Sabs and I got a few pictures of Neil, I think. =O DDDDDDDD: We wanted to thank him properly and take a photo with him but.. D: He was so busy working.. T_T He told us some rules; no kissing Adam, no cameras, *he'll take a picture of us then put it up onto the website* and if we have anything we wanna give Adam, put it in those two tiny lil boxes they provided and only 2 stuff to autograph each... *alamak, our malaysian organizer, macam babi la.. give two cardboard boxes nia.. @_@* THEN THEN THEN THEN~!!!!!! AFTER A WHILEEE!!!! ADAM COMES INN~!!! WOOOOTTT~!!! He was so so so so SOOOO CUTEEE~!!! Adaaammmm~~ ^^ He was waving to all of us~!!! ^^ So cuuteeee.. DDDDD: Kesian Neil.. Had to do all these for his brother~ =D *I'd feel REAAAALLLY awkward, if I have to take SOOOOO many photos of my own brother with STRANGERS EVERY SINGLE WEEK...* And they were like, first rows first~ *there were three rows of chairs* They were pretty organised. We went through a partition by groups but we got to talk to him individually or in groups if we want.

Neil was like, Oh and this is Wendy's cousin and these are here friends and Adam was like.. Owhhh~!!! Hiiii~!!!! So cuteee.. DDDDDD: So.. Mummy and daddy had their stuff autographed first~ =p *well, its more like mummy had hers and another for Adrian and Daddy gave him 3 to autograph, his ticket and his friend's daughter's stuff* They talked to him for a bit and they took a photo~ Then then~ it was Sabs and I~ *even though we went into that lil room thing last since Sabs, being Wendy's cousin, and I, being Sab's friend, we got to go first~ =p He was like.. "Hiiii~!! Nice to meet youu~! Whats your name~?" I was like, "I'm Kelly~" He was like, "owhh~!! Kelly~! And you?" Sabs was like, "I'm Sabrena~" Anddd we shook hands~ Then he was like, "What'd you want me to autograph~?" So.. I passed him both his albums and he signed it~!!! ^^ Sabs opened up his poster and OH MY GODDD!!!! HIS AUTOGRAPH ON THAT ONE IS AWESOMEEEE~!!!! *I'm jealous.. TT_TT* And I was like, staring at him.. I don't know what was going on in my mind and I was like.. "Can I hug you~?" He was like.. "OF COURSEEE~!!!" And he hugged meee~!!! I was like.. *in my head* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I'M HUGGING ADAM LAMBERT!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! @_@* I was.. Am.. SUPER HAPPY!! Then we took a picture~ *Sabs Adam and I, I mean* Thats the end of looking at Adam up close. D: Wish I could meet him again.. T_T

Adam's fans.. Hmm... They loook.. Uhh... Interesting, most of them.. ._. There were only a few people who were... Uhm.. Plain.. ._. Obviously, Sabs and I were one of the plain ones~ =p Some woman in her late 40s or early 50s, came out telling my parents that she MOLESTED Adam's ass~!! Hahahahhahahhahaah!! So cute~ =p And and and.. Some girl got her arm autographed!!! =OOOOOO Some guy, brought his ELECTRIC GUITAR and got it AUTOGRAPH!! @_@ Omg.. @_@ After everyone met Adam, they rushed us outta the room and outta the stadium JUST TO GET BACK IN cause Neil or rather, some guy, managed to get us priority seating~ *this means that we get to sit first, not BEST SEATS*

We had to like, wait for like, ONE WHOLE HOUR till the OPENING ACT starts.. We went in at like, 7pm. Waited till like, 8pm. In between, they played these few adverts and every time they see Adam and Kris from American Idol, Top 3, if I'm not mistaken, they just HAAAAAAVVVVVEEEEE to scream, the people in the hall, I mean. Gosh.. And and, there was this one advert about Adam by DiGi, they'd scream too, whenever its played.. =.= And its a loop thing, the adverts are in sequence, so... Imagine the number of times they screamed.. @_@ Gosh.. @_@

The opening act.. Hmmmm. The first guy to come on stage, is some boy from Hollywood, who won like, 4 awards from somewhere and awards in performing arts and some singing thing.. Name's Iqwal or something.. *sounds abit like ah kua.. Looks abit like one too.. ._. Agak pendek.. * He sang... Jay Sean's Down~ =DDD Was awesome~ =DDDD love his dance moves~ ^^ Then then then.. DANIEL LEE with some awesome violinist came out~!!!! I think his name is uhm... Dennis Lau or something.. I dunno. @_@ OMG.. THE VIOLINIST IS AWESOMEEEE~!!!!! LOOOOOVEEEEEE his violin too~ =p Electric violin.. =OOO Daniel sang Its My Life by Bon Jovi~ ^^ Daniel DEFINITELY improved.. ._. Was hoping they'd call Jaclyn Victor instead.. T_T She'd be WAAAAAAAYYY better than Daniel.. Sorry.. I'm more of a Jaclyn fan~ =p We had to wait for quite a while before ADAM came on stage~

Tunggu tunggu.. Sudah bosan, nearly fell asleep.. The people down there, standing, got bored.. Started to play with HUUUUUUUUGGGEEEEEEE DiGi balloons. Hahahhahahahahahhaha.. So cute~ =D There were like, 6 of them.. @_@ A few deflated... ._. Others were removed before Adam came on stage~ Finally started at around 9 something.. @_@ Imagine the number of hours I've been waiting JUST TO WATCH.. @_@ I've been there since 3pm.. @_@

He started with Voodoo then.. I cant remember d... Down The Rabbit Hole.. I cant remember the order of which he sang it.. I can remember the songs though~ =p
Down The Rabbit Hole
Ring Of Fire
Whataya Want From Me
For Your Entertainment
Broken Open
If I Had You
Sure Fire Winners
Music Again
Mad World
And another one, I dunno whats the title.. =O Never heard of it in the first place~ =p
OMG, PERFORMANCE WAS AWESOMEEEEE~!!!!! If only they allowed video recording.. T_T
I woulda loved to have a recording of it.. T_T I'd BUY the stupiak DVD/CD/Blueray if I have to.. @_@ But.. Haih.. Tarak. D: Oh well~ =D He was awesomeeeeeeee~!!!! ^^ Our vocal chords were gonna snap from screaming too much.. @_@ Thought we would lose our voice the day after, but.. We obviously didn't~ =p He was AWESOME~!!! ^^

After Adam's performance, we wanted to go look for Neil to thank him properly~!!!!! But... Babi la those RELA people.. Stopped us from looking for Neil, even though we were SO SO CLOSEEE!!! T_T Oh well~ We saw that uhh.. Iqwal guy there~ =D Taking pictures with fans~ =D So small sized, that boy~ =D budak kecik~! Ah welll~ Went back to the hotel after that~ ^^

I cant believe I actually met Adam Lambert... ._. I can't believe I met Adam Lambert.. @_@ I cant believe I HUGGED AND SHOOK HANDS AND GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH!! @_@ He looks EXACTLY as he does on TV in real life.. @_@

Aunty Lean Sim, Wendy and Neil, thank you guys so so so so so so so so so sooooo much, again, for getting those passes~!!!!!!! I'm REAAAAALLLLLLY REALLY happy to have met Adam.. Thank you so so so soooo much!!! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Thats the end of my post, I suppose. I'll post pictures later.. I'm sleep, and its 2:34am now.. @_@

Well, it isn't 2:34am when I posted this, since.. It couldn't be posted yesterday night.. So... *shrugs~*

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