Thursday, July 8, 2010

Greetings from London~!!!

Current Location: St. Pancras, London.
Local Time: 1402

Omg... London.. @_@ people here move soooo fast!!! @_@ Jalan jalan, kena langgar! They're all pretty big sized too!! @_@ Women here are TALLL!! Extremely.. @_@ Guys here are even more so.. @_@

The main mode of transport here is obviously the Tube.. @_@ It's not cheap, to us Malaysian, friggin cheap to them.. ._. Its only like.. 4 pounds for them to travel in the tube for the whooole day... ._. its friggin cheap to them. And the shoppping here.. Omg.. SOOO CHEAAAAP!! To them. =.= Its like, 30 pounds and you get an awesome looking jacket! =D Mummy bought me a jacket~! =D Imma gonna get another one form Paris, probbaly.. ._.

OOOOO!! Mummy agreeed to get me an iPhone 4! =D Its only like... 499 pounds!! but when I was gonna get one, its sold off.. T_T Gonna go to Paris/ New Castle to get one.. ._.

Awww.. Gotta go! =D continue when I get wifi~! =D seee yaaaa~!

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