Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Su Su's essay~

She looked so strange that I could not take my eyes off her. As I stared in fascinated horror at the farrago of lights and colours that appeared to be moving and revolving under her skin like little planets and stars all I could do was stand there with my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water.

I was in an ice cavern doing research on extremophiles. At the young age of twenty-one, I was fascinated by the bacteria which could survive at extreme conditions, for example, at extremely low or high temperatures and high acidicity or alkaline conditions. Scientists were trying to utilise these extremophiles for the good of mankind. As I entered the ice cavern early this morning drawn back by memories of my past and the thought of obtaining new samples, I remembered the irresistible force that seemed to have pulled me across the continents I had put between myself and my origins, the ice cavern.

I was born in the ice caverns from an unholy union of a raving vampire mage and my human mother. I grew up my body learning to change its temperature at will so that I would survive here not dissimilar from the same extremophiles I was looking for. Even now, my mind would not and could not go back to the times I was tortured here in this same chambers, could not relive the brutal murder of my mother. At all times, my mind bumped into a blank wall, as if my memories had been altered, when I attempted to look back to the past, to find my roots, my fons et origo. Fortunately, I had escaped these caverns, never to return, the stench of death always by my side.

Yet, here I was again, staring at the perfectly preserved remains of my mother, beautiful yet gruesome, buried beneath a five inch thick, clear pane of ice, as if she were looking at me from another world. My mind immediately cut off the images of the past as I tried not to look anywhere else but at her beloved face, tried to shut off the terrible wounds on her arms and legs. Red, liquid tears fell from my eyes as I saw the plight of her condition and I began hysterically hacking at the pane of ice, to no avail. I knew it would never work, no matter how hard I struck, but I still continued pummelling the unbreakable barrier, forged with blood and death, which imprisoned her, made her eternal and yet living in death. I knew all this, as it was her sacrifice, my father’s magic and my blood, forcefully taken, which sealed her there while she still lived.

The crumbling noise of ice alerted me to the fact that this used to be a cavern of the mages, well, one dead mage. Admittedly my father was long dead, but that did not mean the various enchantments he ad placed on the cavern died with him, the proof of my mother before my very eyes. I began to sense an evil presence permeating through the Stifling conditions of the ice caverns, buried deep within the Carpathian Mountains. I could see dust and water vapour slowly coagulating to form human forms. I grabbed my backpack and slowly edged back.

I knew what was coming. The shadow warriors were spirits of the dead who were forcefully called and bound as guardians. They would never obtain eternal rest and were immortal, outliving the mage who called them, performing the tasks they were honour-bound to perform from beyond the dead. Any movement would immediately cause them to converge on me with flaming swords. The perfect guards indeed, as I thought bitterly, staring at death yet again. Well, I definitely refused to die here. I ran through the cavern, calling down an avalanche f ice from the ceiling as I searched frantically for anything that resembled an exit.

As I streamed through the cave, desperately searching for an exit I knew my father would definitely have came up with for his own use, I feverishly flipped through the incantations and spells in my mind, searching to stall the shadow warriors. Hearing the ominous swing of a blade, I stood stock still, trying to curl myself in a ball to preset a smaller target. As the shadow warriors searched futilely in the next chamber without my movements to aid them, I became horrible aware that the water vapour in the cavern was slowly crystallizing into fine particles of ice. Inhaling the ice would definitely kill me. The ominous clicking and whirring of my father’s little ‘pets’, his experiments gone wrong and began to grow louder too as they stirred below the ground.

There! I saw a strange arrangement of stones, innocent yet purposeful. Bitterly arranging myself, I started chanting, trying to recall the correct words. I could feel the presence of the shadow warriors, inching relentlessly closer as they swept the cavern searching for me. I quickly arranged the rocks in a pentagram and jumped into the hole opening, venturing into the sunlight. Before I left the cavern completely, I took one last look on the beloved face and called down more ice to seal the cave, forever. I knew now that the strange pull that had called me back was her sacrifice. She had suffered a fate worse than death to save me, creating a diversion while I escaped so many years ago.

As I surveyed the mountain side I emerged to, I looked down on the thing I held in my hand. A fragment of ice from her tomb. Lights and colours were swirling within it, perfectly preserved just as she was. As I watched, it turned into a glass teardrop, the only momento I would ever have of her. I cried as I watched the blazing sunset.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nyan Nyan My Essay~


She looked so strange that I could not take my eyes off her. Neither could Kelly. For one thing, she had pointed ears. They were extremely large in comparison to her head and ended in a fine point just above the crest of her hairline. She had big, black eyes, so deep that they seemed like an endless abyss and long, straight hair that reached her waist. But, the most unusual thing about her that made Kelly and I stare, slack-jawed, was her wings. They were unlike any I had ever seen before. They did not resemble butterfly, bird, dragonfly or bat wings. They were as tall as she was and gossamer-thin, almost translucent but if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, her whole life story, dancing across her wings. Oh, did I forget to mention? She was six inches tall.

Neither of us looked away. We were afraid that if we did, she would disappear. "You can see her, right?" I stammered in disbelief. From the corner of my eye, I could see Kelly's profile, nodding. Suddenly, the summoning circle we drew on the table beneath her flashed brightly and a golden cage appeared around her, trapping her within its cold bars. Kelly and I finally looked at each other. "We did it," she murmured, more to convince herself than as an expression of triumph. I stared, dumbfounded, at the creature we just captured. Then, simultaneously, we burst into hysterical laughter.

It all began with the discovery of a book. Kelly and I were browsing in an antique bookshop when she came across the old, leather-bound and battered copy of Fairy Hunting For Dummies. As a joke, we bought it and, to pass the time on a lazy afternoon, we decided to try summoning a fairy. According to the book, the percentage of success in a summoning was less than one. We were just lucky, I guess. The question now was, what do we do with it?

Recovering, Kelly grabbed Fairy Hunting For Dummies and quickly began to search for an answer. I continued to admire the winged creature in our possession. She gazed at me with her large, wondering eyes and stepped closer to the bars of the cage. Looking earnestly at me, she opened her mouth to speak. I eagerly leaned closer to listen, curious as to what language would emerge from her tiny mouth. What I heard next made me fall out of my chair.

"Let me out, dirtbags!" she screamed while rattling the bars of the cage. My slack-jawed expression returned as she let loose a colourful string of profanities. Her vocabulary was even more exquisite than Kelly's. Though the racket she was making greatly astounded and amused me, my dogs outside were going crazy. The sound of her gravelly voice was grating on their sensitive hearing causing them to bark, howl and whine. I knew they would not stop until she was silenced so I reached out for a knife.

I cut two strips of cellophane tape and quickly put my plan into action. One covered her mouth and the other was used to restrain her hands so she wouldn't be able to remove the tape covering her mouth. But, she put up a fight as well as any cornered tiger or lion. By the time I was done, my hands were covered in scratches and tooth marks, reminiscent of battle scars. She glared fiercely at me, turned her back to me and sank down to the bottom of the cage. Kelly was completely oblivious to the scene behind her. Suddenly, she turned to me. "There's nothing in here about what to do with a fairy once it has been caught," she said, in dismay. I stared blankly at her. She got up, turned the cage so the fairy faced her and ripped the carefully placed cellophane tape off her mouth. "So, what can you do?" Kelly asked, bluntly. The fairy glared at her but Kelly wasn't going to back down.

With a sarcastic sigh, the fairy began to speak again. "First of all, I do have a name. It's Bumble. Secondly, fairies can do many tricks for you, wingless freaks. We sing, dance and are very good stand-up comedians. Thirdly, if you haven't figured it out yet, I was being sarcastic. We don't do anything special. We just live. So, let me go!" she ended with yet another shriek. Kelly and I exchanged a glance and turned our backs to her to assess the truth of her statement. "What if she's telling the truth and they don't do anything special?" I whispered. "Don't be stupid. Of course they do! Why else would there be so many stories about their magic powers? Duh," Kelly whispered back. " So, what are we going to do?" I shot back, unconvinced. Kelly was silent for a moment, thinking. Finally, she looked up and said, "Follow my lead."

Kelly turned back to face Bumble as I struggled to decipher her cryptic statement. "So, Bumble. If we do let you out of the cage, how would you get home?" Kelly asked with a cherubic expression plastered on her face. Bumble eyed her suspiciously. I would have too. "Why do you want to know?" Bumble asked hesitantly. "No reason," Kelly replied. Bumble was silent, weighing her options. "I would walk," Bumble said. "Oh, really? You don't look Asian so I don't believe that you come from somewhere nearby," Kelly commented, cool as a cucumber. I stared at Kelly. So, this was how she was going to get Bumble to exhibit her abilities. Bumble fell silent again.

"Fine! You caught my bluff. I was going to teleport to hightail it out of here," she burst out in exasperation. Kelly had a triumphant look on her face. I stepped in. "Look, let's just get some photographic evidence then we can set her free," I said to Kelly. Instantly, Bumble paled to a deathly shade of white. "You can't do that! Please don't do that," she implored. Curious, I turned to her and asked why. "If any of my people find out that I let the cat out of the bag about our existence, I'll be executed," she exclaimed, wide-eyed and looking a bit crazy. "She could be lying," Kelly said. I looked at Bumble. The firecracker who cursed at me vigorously only minutes ago was now slumped at the bottom of her golden jail, looking every bit the perfect image of a broken doll.

"No. I don't think she is. Look at her," I said. Bumble was so forlorn and desolate, now she turned her pleading eyes on Kelly's unconvinced expression. "Please," she begged softly. Kelly still looked doubtful. My temper was beginning to run short. "We're letting her go and that's final," I burst out. "Wait," Kelly said softly. She looked Bumble in the eye. "If we let you go, how can we ever remember this meeting as reality with no proof even for ourselves?" Kelly murmured. Bumble contemplated this and spoke again. "I'll make something for you," she said. Kelly pondered this. I waited expectantly. Kelly nodded.

I clapped excitedly as Bumble danced happily in her little cage. Kelly smirked and opened the tiny door. I gently removed the cellophane tape tat restrained Bumble's hands as she stepped out. We looked at her expectantly. She smiled and turned to the golden cage. Her eyes closed and she began reciting some incantation that was too soft for us to hear.

The cage glowed as her chanting reached a feverish pitch. With one final word, Bumble leapt into the air and waved goodbye as the cage was enveloped in a blinding light. Kelly and I shielded our eyes and, by the time we looked up again, Bumble was gone. The cage had disappeared and in its place were two small pendants. We picked them up to have a closer look. They resembled Bumble perfectly and were made of solid gold. But, the most beautiful things about the pendants were the wings for if you looked closely, you would be able to see moving images, Bumble's whole life story, dancing across them gently.


Gawdy gawdy my neck D:


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Day I Lost My Temper.

So we've all (well most of us xD) agreed to type out our english paper 1 essays and post it on the blog. This one's mineeee.


My name is Mike. I am 45 years old. I am currently being held at the St. Peterson Prison in Maine under charges of public disturbance. You see, I have always been a patient man, but a string of unlucky events changed that. Do you want to know my story? It is about the day I lost my temper.

September 11, what a day. I still remember the events that happened on that very date, crystal clear and fresh in my mind. I am not talking about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. I am in fact, talking about the day I caught my wife cheating on me. To make matters worse, she did not cheat on me with another man, but another woman. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I was fired from my job earlier that day.

I used to work for a big company that specialised in producing computer software. I had been an employee for almost thirty years, pouring my heart and soul into the company. Even though there were times when other business advantages had popped up, I remained loyal to the company. i was working my way to the top, and earlier that week I was approached by one of the company's Board of Directors, offering me a position as the company's CEO. I accepted the offer. Things were going well for me.

However, in that same week the company had hired a new financial advisor, a Mr. Greggory Adams. He was required to check through all the company's employee accounts and the spending of the company's money. This didn't seem like a big deal to me as I had always kept a clean record. I couldn't say the same for my wife though.

On September 11, 2009 I was askked to meet with the Board of Directors and Mr. Greggory. I had no idea what it was about. Throughout the meeting I was shown evidence of misuse of the company's money. Apparently I had been using my employee account to purchase items like expensive lingerie, bouquets of flowers that costed hundreds of dollars, jewellary and plane trips to various locations. I was dumbfounded, as I had never purchased any of these things before. I pledged my innocence to the directors, but being the cheating and lying scumbags themselves, they didn't believe me. A few minutes after that, I was fired from my job. A few days after accepting one of the higest positions in the company, I was layed off.

Confused and upset, I drove home. On the way there I had managed to get rear-ended by another car, whose driver had conviniently drove away straight afterwards without leaving me his details. My patience was wearing out. I decided to just tough it out a little longer and return home to my caring and understanding wife.

As I attempted to park my car in the driveway, I noticed another car, a blue Ford Cosway. I didn't own that car nor did I know anyone who did. I parked at the side of the street and walked up to the house. I opened the door and announced my arrival, since I was returning home earlier than usual. Suddenly my wife emergerd from the top of the staircase, looking very dishevelled and untidy. She was only dressed in her robe and had a guilty expression on her face. I was about to ask her what's wrong when another woman, donning nothing but out bed's bed sheet walked out behind her. I turned to my wife expecting an explanation from her, but she only managed to mutter the words "I'm sorry".

Then, everything hit me. The records from the purchases made, my wife's trip with her "friends" which I used to always think were ridiculously timed, and the blue Ford Cosway parked in the driveway. My wife cheated on me, with another woman, and used my money to do so. I couldn't take it anymore. The stress and pressure got to me. I felt my blood boil with rage and the feelings of anger and betrayel overwhelmed me. As I grabbed a baseball bat from the coat closet and left the house, logic left me as well. I waled, or practically stomped my way to the blue Ford Cosway and swung the bat right into the headlights. I smashed the windows, the bonet, everything. I then proceeded to my garden and destroyed everything in it in an act of rage. I was screaming and yelling like a mad man about the unfairness of the world.

Minutes later the police arrived. One of my neighbours had called them saying that I was being a disturbance. I refused arrest and they pepper-sprayed me in the face. I was dragged to the police car, humiliated and in pain. Yes, I remember the details of the day, crystal clear. September 11, the day I lost my temper.

I agree that it isn't that much of a dramatic essay xD but teacher is a sensitive and innocent individual

who probably doesn't want to read about enraged men punching whores in the face.