Thursday, August 27, 2009


*hauuuuu* She named only me.. D= I'll do it for youuu~! =DDD

1.) Have you ever been asked out?
Um... I suppose? O_o

2.) Where was your default picture taken?
Which is my default? Most probably from the net. =_=

3.) What's your name????
Swt.. Stupid question...

4)Your Status:
Appear offline~=D *everybody knows my status.. Swt... It hasn't changed in 4 years. =D*

5.) Does your crush like you back?
No, she doesn't (sooo many times, she'd told me). No, he's not interested in my kaum.

6.) What is your current mood?
I feel like laughing. ._.

7.) What color of underwear are you wearing?
I dunno, I don't care. =_=

8.) What color shirt are you wearing?
Light blue~ =D

9.) Missing something?
Does a brain count?

10.) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
I won't change anything. =D Quite happy with what I've done~ =D

11.) If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
A monkey, thats the closest thing to my current self~ =D

12.) Ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so.

13.) Something you do a lot?
Quote Pochi: Procrastinate.

14.) The song stuck in your head?
No boundaries/Mad world - Adam Lambert
Cause of Carmen, Touch my hand - David Archuleta

15.) Who did you copy and paste this from?
Pochi~! =D

16.) Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Ooooo!! I know this!!! Hani Syafiah~!!! She's in my class. =DDDD

17.) When was the last time you cried?
Um.... Long time ago? Can't remember? 3 years back? O_o 4? I dunno? 5??? =___=

18.) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
When you're in a choir, you sure have.

19.) If you could have one super power what would it be?
I wanna read minds~ =D

20.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair~ =D What if I don't notice the opposite sex at all? O_o

21.) What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Chocolate ice-blended~ =D I like starbucks... D= Is it bad? D=

22.) What's your biggest secret?
I dunno... I usually tell people everything.. ._. What do you wanna know?

23.) Favorite colour?
Pink~ =D

24.) Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
I watch both~! But more kiddie~ =D I'm a big kid~ =D

25.) What's on your wall?
Kira, Lacus(??), Kagami, Tsukasa, Miyuki, Konata, Takanari, Haine, whole group of Rurouni Kenshin~, Soubi and Ritsuka~ =DDDD

26.) What are you?
I'd like to think that I'm human~ =D

27.) Do you speak any other language?
Iie~ =D

28.) What's your favorite smell?
Does it HAVE to be a smell? I like normal air, without any smell...

29.) Describe your life in one word.

30.) Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Hime-sama: I dunno.. I suppose so...

31.) What are you thinking about right now?
Whether I've ever kissed Hime-sama under the rain~ =D

33.) What should you be doing?
Studying. Trialllsss... D=

34.) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Myself. (I don't know why I get pissed off at my family. It's just so stupid. For no reason at all. I'm such an ass)

35.) How often do u talk to God?
If I do talk to God, I wouldn't be here, typing this. =_=

36.) Do you like working in the yard?
What yard? Yards just don't exist in my area...

37.) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Why would I wanna change my last name? =_= My mom gave me a very nice name. (albeit the sarong part...) *refering to Kye Li of my name... =D (taking "last name" literally) Lame, I know...*

38.) Do you act differently around the people you like?
Hime-chan, do I act differently around you? O_o Swt, obviously not. Being around you is my normal self~ =D

39.) What is your natural hair color?
Black~! =DD

40.) Who was the last person to make you cry?
I can't even remember when was the last time I cried, and now its, "Who was the last person to make you cry?"?!?!?! Swt.... This tag is patronising me!!! (is it even the correct word?? O_o? It should be...) <---- Proving my stupidity. =_=

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Birthday?

Thanks to (in this order):
Before 12.00am (according to my phone):-
  1. Pheng Sheng
  2. Sabrena
  3. Su Jen
  4. Kim Mei
  5. Faridatul

12.00am onwards:

  1. Amelia (Hime-sama called me~! =DDDDD)
  2. Aida
  3. Carmen Ng
  4. Chris
  5. Calvin (Including my family, of course... They wished me while I was on the phone with hime-sama~ =D)
  6. Aunty Lean Sim~!!!!!!
  7. Eunice & her family~!
  8. Soon Wei
  9. Wilson
  10. Eunice Lee~! =D Onion~
  11. Ze Yin~!
  12. Pochi~! =D
  13. Krystal~! (At 4 something am? O_o is FB lying to me?!)
  14. Dianne~ (At 6 something am?!?! FB too~)
  15. Gizele~!!!! Thank youuu~! =D
  16. Rachel Heah~!
  17. Guat Phing~ =D
  18. Alyaa~ (this is somewhat believable~ 10.43 am)
  19. Joanne Lim~! =D
  20. Joalin~ =D
  21. Nicholas
  22. Aunty Alice~! =D
  23. Aldon~ =D
  24. Tara-sama~ =D

After my birthday~:

  1. Tze Ni~ =DDDD
  2. Rachel Yee (2 whole weeks after my birthday. Hahahahah)

Thank youuuu~!!!! =DDDDDD I lurve all of youuuu~!!! *except one~ Hahahahha... Nawww... I'm OK with you~ =DDDD*

Didn't do anything~ =D Watched The Proposal~ Funnneeeh~~ =DDDDD

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Compilation of performances during prize giving day~

Videos courtesy of I-Lyn, Joanne and yours truly =D

Firstly, our music team performances, all recorded by Joanne with I-lyn's camera xD :

Madu dan Racun

Su Jen, you betrayed us! We were the famed expressionless 'cha taus' and there u are moving like an octopus! D: *getshot*

Latin Gold

Abba songs

Puisi dan lagu

Missed the piano intro!!! T_T

Band percussion

Kakoiii~ Especially during Bern's solo. Haha

Ok that's about it. Unless you guys have more to add, that is. But I guess I'm the only freak here who actually bothered about these instead of studying for trials D:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Amelia's birthday photos.

We didn't take that many photos, and I know it was aaaaages ago D: b-but, here are some of the pictures anyway.

We ate at A&W, where I discovered my love for the chicken burgers D: AND THIS IS WHERE WE SANG THE BIRTHDAY SONG

...with another group of random people. Idk who they were.


Yeah panda that's what you're missing >D

Lol @ the old grandma at the back. She photo-bombed us! D8

Andd the birthday girl =D

That's about it, lol. I just wanted to make our blog a bit more colourful, and to also show you guys the pictures I took with Ian. There's more but they're all just more random shots. xD END.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

I'm gonna write what I did the whole day. =____=

I went to school at like 6.30, hoping that the hall would be open, but it wasn't, obviously. It opened only after Ia sked En. Latiff.... Stupid.... Ran here and there to get all the hadiahs up the stage, set the laptops up, try to turn on the LCD on stage, see if the other LCDs in the hall are working, which was on. Pn. Chuah was so panicky... First she was like, "Girls!!! I asked you to take the trolleys up to the stage, why didn't you?" Reason was cause the hall wasn't open. =____= And that there weren't anybody else in charge of hadiah there in school at 6.30. =___=

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! Faridatul was so cute!!!! =DDDDD

I reached school, wanted to go up to class, Kumu saw me, started talking, Sher Maine came and continued talking. Sher Maine and Kumu went for duty at like, 7 and I went to look for the hall key. While En. Latiff opened the hall, I saw Faridatul!!!=D She didn't know how to tie her tie, so I tried to teach her, but she was toobusy staring at me instead of her tie. =__= *her words, btw* Then Pn. Chuah came and asked us to pindahkan the trolleys upstage and get everything ready. after pindahing, I went to get the LCD stuff ready... After that, Pn. Chuah came back in with INTI's hadiah, without knowing what to do. She was like, "Go look for Pn. Asmimi, ask her what to do with this." Faridatul, Zahirah and I were like, "Okay." We didn't know that Pn. Asmimi could do a disappearing act on us when she's so important, since she's in charge of hadiahs. =_= Took me like, so damn long to find her. Pn. Rita came to stage before she did, asked her what to do, she pun blur blur said to just put it with the other hadiahs. =__= Whatever la. Teacher say A I do A. =___=

While Kim Mei and Rachel arranged the prize winners, I was running around looking for Pn. Asmimi. So so so so so so sorry Mei, Rach... Crazy prefects were like, "Eh, red skirts!!! Guard of Honour!! Line up!!!" Like hell ada masa~ Swt... They canceled it anyway. =_= After all the running around, setting up the LCD and stuff, TYT came~ =D He wasn't THAT late this year. He was late by only 10 minutes!!!! Thank god he decided to come early this year. I would've died if I had to wait for 2 hours like we did for AP. =___= The usuals started, band played, pemeriksaan pebarisan, then kompang... Then the speeches... My god... So long la Pn. Pengetua's speech!!! =____= 86 slides!!!!!! Nothing to do while the speeches were on. =____= Went to change to that ugly thing. D= I went when she was talking and when I came back, she was STILL talking. I went to 3 Akik, WALKING really slowly... =___= Oh my god. My shirt was SOOOO wet within the first hour of school. Swt... So disgusting... D=

After Pn. Pengetua, was TYT. He can NOT speak any slower. I knew he spoke slowly, but I didn't expect him to talk SOOOO slowly. =_= I was waiting for the stupid pelancaran. Was talking to the form 4s and 3s. =DDDD The form 3s were talking about the way I text people. Apparently, I influence people to use a lot of "haha"s. Faridatul was there to gossip with them about me. =_= When I walked back into the hall after changing, Sher Maine was like, "We were just talking about you!" I was like, huh? Swt... They told me what they said. o_o I wanted to tell Faridatul to do something, but I forgot what it was after they talked to me. =____= Oh well.. Tak kisah lah. =_= It was done, I suppose, since none of the teachers complained. =_=

After the stupidly slow speech, it was pelancaran. The first time we did it during rehearsal, it was PERFECT!!! *not really, too much smoke, but still OK la* Yesterday, it wasn't that nice. Pn. Sharifah announced, and he was sooo cute!!! He lifted his hands up and showed everyone before he touched the fish bowl.. When he touched it, Jing Min switched on the lights, the music and spotlights came on. BUT!! The smoke machine refuse to burp its stupid SMOKE!!! SHEEEESH!!! It was close to perfect already!!!!!!!! The stupid thing wouldn't come on even after Wei Yen pressed it for like, 3 to 4 times. It came on only like, 10 seconds after the music and the lights came on. =____= The form 3s at the other side were like, what happened?! Sher Maine was like, "What the hell?" The form 4s were like...O_O Ms. Cheong was like, "Why no smoke?!" Nobody knew what happened.. =___= It came on darn late. =__= Oh well~

After pelancaran, it was our gamelan/caklempong/angklung/xylophone/glockenspiel/drums/strings performance. It was OK la~ =D The form 5s' last performance, most probably~ =D So funnyla. I was lost for Abba! Hahahahah...Only the Mamma Mia part... D= So sad.. D= Madu dan Racun so boring but Mr. Ang likes it. Swt... Latin Gold was AWESOME!!!! Hahahahahha....I love Latin Gold! =D After the performance, when we were backstage, after I change back to my uniform in that lil room, Bernardine was like "Teacher, teacher! *to Pn. Audrey* The bass pedal broke!" I laughed, obviously. Teacher was like... O_O How did that happen?! Bern was like, I dunnnooo... The screw thingy came off halfway through the performance. Hahahahhahahah.. So cute la Bern~ =D Then the prize giving for form 1 and 2 started then Puisi dan Lagu... Switched on the lyrics...Waited for it to finish, then rushed off to call Bernardine cause prize giving for form 3 and 4 coming up. =___= What the heck la... She was like, "I go band room ah??" before she left the hall cause I was supposed to call her... So I went to the band room. When I got there, I saw Ze Yin coming out and I was like, Bernardine leh? She was like, I dunno? I didn't see her. So I was like, crap. So I walked to Laman Ilmu, and she wasn't there. Saw some band members and I asked, she said she was in the hall or 3 mutiara. So I went to 3 mutiara. She wasn't there. I went to her class cause the person in 3 Mutiara said she might be there or the hall, so I went to her class. She wasn't there. Her classmates told me she wasn't. So I jalan back to the hall, SHE WASN'T THERE!! Asked Rachel, and she was like, She's still not here la. I was like, Oh, I'm looking for her. So I went to Laman Ilmu again, saw Evangeline and...Can'tremember who la. Evangeline toldme she was on her way to 3 Mutiara d and that Bern went to 3 Mutiara before she did. So I ran there AGAIN and she WASN'T THERE!!!! God.... I was like...Damn...No timela...Gotta go for duty again d!!!! So I ran to the hall... And when it was 4 Mutiara.. I was like.. YAYYYY!!!FARIDATUL!!!! Hahahahahaha...Then when it was 4 Vocasional... I was like...O_O *jaw drops while thinking to myself* WHAT THE HELL?! BERNARDINE IS HERE?! Swt... I was like... "I'm gonna KILL Bernardine!!!!" When she came up backstage after going down from receiving her prize, I was like... I'm gonna kill you! She was like,"Sorry!! Sorry!" *bow bow* Sorry!!! With her really really really cute voice.. Hahahahahahha... I was like, " It's OK laaa..." She's so cute.. Manalah aku sanggup nak bunuh dia.... Swt... She got ready for Battle of the Drum while I went to project the lyrics of Think of Me for Daarshini~ =D After form 5 and 6, BATTLE OF THE DRUM!!! Hahahahahahh.. Lovely lovely performance. BERNARDINE WAS SO COOL AND CUTE!!! Omg...*drools....* Hahahahhahaha... Love her solo performance. =D After all the hadiahs, *clapped like I kekurangan one hand for Su Jen and Ashley~ (I was holding the stupid frame for TYT)* Then, HABISSS! Cleared everything up, put back the trolleys, then lepak. Watched the band for most of the time... =DDD Helped with other random stuff... =DDD

My mother said she would be around 1 o'clock latest, but NOOOO... She came ONE HOUR later than said time. =___= Oh well~ =D Waited with Tara, Pochi, Kumu, I-Lyn, Thissvane (was it her?), and June. Tara said she would go at 5, considering that her friends are fetching her, but NOOOOO.. She was the FIRST to go back. =___= Liar... DDDDD= We were talking about History Form 3 Kerja Kursus. Hahahahah... Talked about how stupid it is. o_o Then me mommy came and I went to tuition~ =D

Nothing much happened, really. This just seems like a long post. It's considerably detailed, this post. o_o Pindahing the kempul was SOOO HARDDD!!! I love Amelia, Jing Min, Izzaty, Sarah(?) (form 2 right?), Noor Aida, and a few others whom I do not know (sorry) for helping out. =DDDD THANK YOUUU!!!! =DDDDDD I love you guys~! =DDDD Mr. Phong made us all help him with his kaki meja dan meja... Hahahahahhahaha... Next time, I'll leave you to do it yourself, sir!!! *just joking.. Of course I'll help... I'm not so useless. I don't mind, really~*

There, our last Hari Anugerah, from my point of view. =DDD Most probably my last official duty as a red skirt too~! =DDDD Awesome~! =D Hahahahahhaha...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hari Anugerah~

Today was Hari Anugerah~ It was lame~ Hahahaha. Just a big show for the governor. And Pengetua's speech was so damn loooong. And I tried reaaaally hard to smileeeeee all the time :) Uh. Playing the chimes was.... Awkward.... Hee hee hee. Ugh. The Twilight quizzes on Facebook are all so easy xD So bored. Yes, I'm not really talking about Hari Anugerah. But, someone was like, why're there no new posts on the GGG blog ._. Here you go, whoever you are coz I forgot~ Hee hee hee.


PS The Maggi Mee they gave was ok xD
PPS Pn Marzizah rawks