Saturday, October 25, 2008

Choco cornet

So since I extended mua stay here to few more hours, Su Sabs Rachie gone, Pochi Krystal Kelly reading manga/manhwa, I shall now bloggu. Haha. Kelly's laptop is so convenient, with built in webcam that is so clear. I want a laptop too xD

Anyway we had a rather late breakfast since everyone except su, pochi and mua probably didn't sleep at all till 5-6 ish. Yes I value my sleep. Or rather, Ive been sleeping at odd times for past few weeks due to exams so yea DDDD: and I can't stay awake without my radiation (dear compy)

Heck it doesn't really matter anyway since these freaks woke me up one hour after I slept anyway!! U guys ar. I didn't even know what just happened. Just shrieked when I woke up, and then wondered "....wha..? wait why did I just shrieked? o_O". True story. That is why ur lame attempt of trying to scare me when I came outta the elevator didn't work, Sabbo xD. Kinda reminds me of my own lame attempts to scare u guys when u come out of the toilet *getshot*

Anyway,moving on to the main topic, we walked to bj complex for lunch and looky here:

Choco cornet!! Found in bread history Well, not exactly since this one has holes on both sides while Konata's ones are shaped like a... snail? Only a hole at one side. Haha.

Naturally being such otakus/sweet food freak, mua and Kelly bought it. Kinda obvious isn't it since we won't have a pic of it if we didn't actually own it. Haha.

Edit: Choco cornet wasn't all that great lol xD

.... I'm too lazy to blog anymore so here is the end.

Live update of sleepover xD

Shamelessly reading porn

Kelly: IT SO ISN'T PORN!!!

Pochi and rachie playin guitar hero xD


Group pic. sort of...

Friday, October 24, 2008


Now we, Amelia, Sabby-san, Krystal-san, Su Jen-san, Rachel-chan, Pochi-chan and I, are in Amelia's new house. ^^.. Its like.. so huge and nice.. Though its supposed to be an apartment. Swt.. It has an upstairs to that apartment. =_=.. So wanna stay here more often. Hahaha.. Like we can do that... Can we, Amelia? Rachel's playing guitar heroo... I don't hear any rhythm from her.. =____= its just like random pressing. Rachel, what are you doing?? Swt...

SABBY FORCED ME TO FINISH ALL THE LEFTOVER SPAGHETTI!!! T_T Meanie. T_T.. I nearly died.. =_= Me god... Su was reading Legend behind meh.. While shaking her ass, according to her anyway. =____= Amelia's just lying around... Pochi and Sabby-san is using Rachel's laptop. Krystal-san is bathing. =D..

Su and Sabby-san are mean. Su forced me to eat a whole lot of spaghetti the last time Amelia's ex-maid cooked it for us... T_T.. They're mean.. T_T..
Sabby: Why are you guys playing the same song?
There's only like... 5 songs Sabby.. Obviously we'll play the same song. =_=...

Sabby-chan brought PASCALLL!!! (the watermelon bean bag, not the dog) YAYYYY!!! Amelia is hugging it now.. =D... She brought it especially for me... Thanks, Sabby-chan.. ^^ Oh well...

This sleepover isn't much of sleepover since we're not gonna sleep..=___=