Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kem PLKN: Tangkas Kendiri Kumpulan 1 Siri 7 2010

When I first found out I got it, I was OK with it~ I wanted to go~ M16 is awesome~ =DDDD
The only thing I didn't like about it was the bathing part.. I used to think the toilets would be some dinky part of the camp where its all dirty and dark..

So, on January 4th 2010, I went to PISA to register~ Met... Uh... Aisha and a few other school mates.. ._. can't remember their names, though. Hime-chama, Sabs, Adrian, Reuben, and Aunty Lean Sim came to send me off tooo~! =D Mummy, daddy and Aunty Alice were there tooo~! =D We were probably the noisiest buncha people there, since my friends from NS could recall me laughing with you guys. ._.

Reuben told me about how they steal each other's underwear... But thats only in the guys' dorm, thank god~ =D And someone told me something about tying a string from the banana tree to someone's feet and something like that.. Forgot already. ._. We were making sooo much noise!!! In PISA was also the first time I've ever met Declan.. ._. I've only ever heard his name, mentioned by none other than Looi Kah Mei. I didn't really know which one was Declan when I wasn't on board the bus.. Dx I only knew where he was standing at, roughly. Dx Found out who he was when we were in the bus, having our roll call.. ._.

People started boarding the bus, so I ikut la. Naik bus, duduk paling tepi so I can see what was Sabs saying... Bus tak jalan lagi, so Sabs made me go back down and obviously, I did~ =D Cakap cakap, I was the last one to naik bus..=_= Sudah naik, lagi SMS orang kat bawah. Hahahahahhaha.. Mummy, daddy and Aunty Alice left before I even went on the bus! >.<>.<>.<>.<>=[* I had to ask Amira for her charger cause I saw she had the same one I do.. Dx She was really friendly.. ._. She was like, Hello! What's your name? My name is Amira~ I was kinda taken aback since I didn't really expect friendly and good english speaking malays around.. >.< *Pochi, I don't mean you're not friendly or anything [what the heck am I saying?]. You're more Ah Moh than Malay... =.=* then, I minta pinjam her charger... Dx

So after settling in *kinda*, we were all asked to kumpul in the DM. Only the new pelatihs are asked to kumpul, so we went la~ =D There, Bhanu and I called Jang Yee over so we could get to know each other.. ._. So we cakap cakap la. Found out she speaks cantonese. Her english isn't that bad etcetc. Then, mereka ask us to line up outside the DM, below the red canopy thingy to get our uniforms.. Dx We were told all sorts of nonsense... Can't remember what cause I wasn't listening, of course~ =D

After distributing and crap, we went back to our dorm to simpan barang. It took like, AN ETERNITY to distribute. I was texting the whole time, of course~ ^^" We didn't do much d, for the rest of the day. ._. We were made to wear that icky ugly PT attire the next time we kumpul, which was at 5.30, when its my first ever roll call in NS~! By then, I was already dreading NS.. I was wondering which part of NS did I like again? I just couldn't wait to go home cause it was EXTREMELY boring... By 5.30, every pelatih that was supposed to come on that day arrive d. ._. It was after a while before I found out what Alpha and stuff meant.. ._.

Lemme explain:

Companies: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta
this is actually following the actual military company names.

Domitories: Wirawati (this is what they call the girls):
Alpha: Kaloi & Kelisa
Bravo: *omg, can't remember!!!*
Charlie: Pacu & Belida
Delta: Seluang & *can't remember*

Wira (this is the guys. I probably could only remember Alpha's.. =_=)
Alpha: Haruan & Toman
Bravo: *I'll go find out*
Charlie: *same~*
Delta: *ditto*

The first week was EXTREMELY BORING.. =.= We didn't do ANYTHING... =.= but this is when we got to know each other. Started off with a group of three, Bhanu, Jang Yee and I. Then, after the first week, we got to know Pei Ee, See Keng, Jie Shi, Yasini, Soong Yi and Aneeta. I was thinking to myself, "OMG, pretty girl~ But kinda cocky, isn't she? D=" when I first saw Soong Yi. I thought she was the flirty flirty type. The hiao hiao wan.. But, she isn't!!! I thought she was pretty proud, cause when we were doing the Kontrak Kita Janji thing, she was like, woahhh.. Doing more stuff than me.. ._. Btw, Kontrak Kita Janji is the time when we designed our company flag, find a group name and pledge(?) that we're all in this together and crap... We were FORCED to swear that we're goona be punished as a whole; a whole company, whole dorm, whole camp, etc~

The first week was just us doing that and going for some practice for pelancaran of Satu Malaysia peringkat Kem PLKN. We went to Desa Rimba, which was where they had the pelancaran. That pelancaran thing involves... 3 camps, Tangkas Kendiri, Desa Rimba and Tengkuk *dunno the spelling* It was boring la..=.= OMG.. Desa Rimba's camp is AWESOME!!!! T_T It looks so clean and new and stuff even though both our camps started out the same time! There, I met Ruth and Aisha! =DDDD Noone else, sadly.. T_T

Thats all for the first week. The pelancaran was on Friday, so... ._. I'll continue tomorrow la. ._. Now wann continue my presentation d. ._.

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