Monday, July 30, 2012

My one month as a sales assistant.

Oh me gosh, it has been forever *apart from Pochi's random dusting* since we've actually posted a blog post! @_@ And since this blog is for our random rants, I shall rant about my first ever retail job. I must say, I've been pretty patient with typical Malaysian stupidity and rudeness. In fact, I have never scolded any of my customers, even though they've made me soooo close to kicking them out of the shop, and instead, I smiled at them. One month as a sales assistant, I've found some stuffs that a sales person might get pissed and annoyed at.

  1) Calling a chinese girl Ah Moi.

 Does it look like I'm gonna go pikat Kapten Hassan? Does it look like I'm her? Not every chinese girl has "Moi" in her name. Even if she does, she did not give you permission to be overly friendly and call her "Ah Moi" like you've known her forever.

  2) Walking in with a bunch of friends of about 8 people, all randomly flipping through things like you can all bloody comfortably afford more than one piece of t-shirt from the 50% off rack, and only one of you buys one of those said t-shirts. 

I hate it when only ONE person buys something, his/her other croonies would waltz right in, demanding for some random RM600 pair of jeans which he/she obviously can't afford, then just tries everything and every size and in the end, not buy or even say thank you. Do they all have to come in and make so much noise then walk out? I'd very much prefer it if they didn't walk in. I don't need your RM90 of business. The trouble you brought worths more than that stupid RM90 of yours.

  3) That stupid kissing shit sound that Malay guys like to make.

 I'm sorry, I don't remember allowing pets into my store. It's so rude. I've never liked that sound when I first heard some random idiot making it to attract the attention of his friend, and I will hate it even more if its used on me. Don't think that just because I'm working in a shop, that makes me less of a human than you, nor do I need your business. I've heard it a total of three times, used on me, one more time, and I won't hesitate to be rude. My job isn't as important as my pride as a human being. I'm not a dog.

  4) People who are deaf to a sales person's words.

 I can be telling them that the bottom shelves has the same jeans as the top shelf, just in different sizes, and they're still stupid enough to open the bottom ones and ask me "Ini bukan sama dengan ini ka?" pointing at the one he took from the top and bottom. Are you that stupid?

  5) People who unfolds EVERYTHING, even though its the same design, same pattern, same cutting, but a different colour, just to have a look.

 Are you dumb or blind? It's OBVIOUSLY the same damn thing, just a different colour. Why the hell would you need to unfold it just to have a look at it, then pile them all up on the shelf and just leave? Its not like the two has different designs or pictures on it. Its the same design, same everything! Did you not go to kindy, where they teach shapes and stuff?

  6) Is it that hard to just put the bloody wallet back the same position you found it?

 Seriously, is putting back a wallet THAT HARD? Is it reaaalllllyyy necessary to just throw the wallet around? I never find it hard to place something back in its original position when I'm shopping. I don't see why others can't do the same. Is it because they know that like it or not, we sales assistants would have to clear it up for them, or are they really that incompetent?

  7) People who think they're above us. (This, especially, goes out to those Chinese aunties and uncles who think that we sales people are so poor that we really need to grovel on the ground below their feet just to earn a living)

 I never understood why they have to always act so snobbish. Woman, you're obviously taller than me by at least half a head, and you can easily reach the hangers without even tip toeing, and yet, you make me reach up to get that stupid piece of clothing that makes you look even auntier? God.. Making me tip toe just wastes another 5 seconds of your already useless life. And just because you're a customer, that doesn't give you the right to think that I'm your slave. When I say you can only try on five articles at a time, you take only five damn articles,and go try it out first. Aunty/Uncle, just because you're carrying some cheapass LV bag, does not give you the right to mistreat my goods. You don't have to throw them around when you don't want to purchase them. I'm right here, waiting to hang or fold whatever it is, back up. I know la, the clothes in Guess isn't as expensive as your pirated LV bag, but you don't have to treat it as though its rubbish. Some might even worth more than your fake LV la, aunty. As for you uncles, don't go calling people "eh eh!" like as if there isn't a better way of calling us. You can always say "Excuse me".

 From the one month that I've been working in a retail outlet, I've found lots of people who do not deserve any respect from the sales assistants. Soooo many of them do not even deserve half the respect we give them. If you want us to smile and be nice to you, you have to also smile and be nice to us. In order for us to respect you, you have to respect us as well. I know this looks like a whole lot of complain about my current job, but I've noticed this since even before I started working. Sitting there in some random shop, waiting for my mother to choose something, I've seen so many people who just gets on people's nerves. I wonder how people in this bidang tahan all these kinda nonsense thrown at them for months and months. Gosh. Some people think that just because we're working there in a shop, we must be poor and stupid, because we're not working somewhere else in an office. I doubt it has ever crossed their minds that probably the people working there might have nothing better to do than to stand there in a mall and get paid for it (yes, I'm talking about me having nothing better to do than to stand and earn 5 bucks per hour when I can be sleeping and lazing about at home everyday). Geez.. Some people. -___- I hate those tukau tukau men who walk in like they can bloody buy the whole shop on whim. They walk in, mess everything up, then leaves. Assholes.

 Okay. I'm done! =D