Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The End of SPM!

Hasn't ended for the music students yet, but seeing as most of you have been studying music your whole lives, I think the paper should be kacang.

Anyway, even though some of us don't feel the supposed 'relief' at the end of SPM (meep & I xD) because we don't feel like we've sacrificed much for exams in the first place, as in we just continued with our daily lives. Whatever la, it's over and done now.

Personally, I think we all deserve a high-five/fist bump.

Look at Harry xD lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

AAK Street Festival~

So today, half of GGG namely myself, Kelly, Pochi and Rachel went for the AAK Street Festival. It was pretty fun xD Kelly parked at Lorong Tok Aka which is like reaaaaally narrow and we had to walk back to Armenian St. Cud've parked right outside the Penang Tourist Guide Association (which is right next to AAK btw) but Lorry Uncle blocked us from behind D: So anyway we went to the AAK HQ first to check it out coz the others hadn't been there before. Janet in pics lololol. And we found Mun Hoe hiding behind the door. Then we went to Khoo Kongsi to check out the tour. It was really cool xD We got to go to the main hall and everything FOR FREE (normally you pay like RM10/20 to see that part) and Sher Rynn and Hazmizal (I think that's how it's spelt D:) were awesome during the storytelling part. Though kinda kesian the amoh guy who cudn't follow the Hokkien, Mandarin And Malay parts. And I DEFINITELY kesian Sher Rynn and Hazmizal coz they had to contend with Janet's usual last minute changes (Look under: ROMBAK the whole thing and do something totally different). Inside the main shrine/hall was amazing. The details of the carvings and paintings :D Now I totally get why they charge so much xD Then we went to find Selven. Hahaha. His hair now xD Hahahahahahahha. Then we went to find Tara. Or to be exact, wait for Tara. Saw her lil bro smack his head on a pole xDDDDDDD Then chatted for a few (Read: Less than one) minutes but since she was busy, we left xD Rachel had to be back anyway. We managed to talk to Jas a bit, saw Chin Eng, wished Mun Hoe luck and then only started trekking back to the car. All in all, it was pretty fun. Oh and we saw Janet in the flesh D: Scary reminders of her 'coaching' us came to mind... For me, anyway. And we saw her onion chillis. They do work btw. At keeping the rain at bay. So next time AAK has a camp or something, we're so there >D After all, after next week, we're free as birds xD

Oh. AAK has its own chop now. It's so cool xD


Friday, December 4, 2009

Our band?

So, we've decided to start a band. Sabs came up with this when we were watching Channel V, JK Tunes... Where EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN BAND MEMBER... Started when they were GOD FORSAKEN NINE!!! =.= And btw, we were watching it... ONE DAY before the first day of SPM... Swt.... Please do vote for the name... =D Thanks~ *Ironically, I'm watching SS501 right now.. o_o*

The band members areee:

Sabrena: Acoustic

Mei Shan: Drums

Pochi: Keyboard

Hime-chan (Amelia): Keyboard/Violin/Songwriter/Composer *holy crap, Hime-chan!! O_O*

Krystal: Keyboard(?)/*anything~ =D Edit this please~*

Rachel: Vocalist(?)

Su Jen: Supposedly, Triangle-ist but I suppose she's more suited for keyboard too~

Alyssa: *if she helps* Composer/Songwriter (and also the one who screams at us when we play wrongly)

Kelly: Supposedly, electric... But I don't have RM 3000 to just burn it on one.. =_= One day, I'll learn and buy~ =D But as of now, I'll just take up violin and acoustic...

Yeahhh... So kalau salah, tolong edit-kan, ya~ Thanks~

A band... With... 9 people? O_o Anybody wants to pull out? O_o Anybody wants to change instruments? Hahahahahahha..

Is this for REAL?! O_o If it is, Hime-chan, you have work to do... ._. *songs to write*

Yeahhh... So these are allll the members~ Ganbare, minna-san~ =D