Friday, July 17, 2009

Coincidence xD

I was sorting through photos and found these two. One reminded me of the other xD I'm not making fun of anyone btw :P was just a funny coincidence. The pose looks sort of alike, don'tcha think? =o

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's been quite some time since Michael Jackson's death but I just saw this video in I-Lyn's blog and felt the obligation to spread it.

Poor guy T_T

Why do negative rumours spread more than the truth. Many people didn't even know that he was suffering from a disease (including me until just recently). Many ppl know about him being accused for child molestation, but not the fact that the child accusing him has already confessed that it wasn't true.

It's just so tragic D: and I wasn't even his fan!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Merentas Desa

Hahaha, yet another day of running, friends and sweat has passed. This year, like every other year, I was on duty for RC... However, although I had to just stand at the finishing line and watch groups of sweaty, stinky people finish the run, I have to say I had a lot of fun. I feel that thanks are in order to these people for making SGGS's Merentas Desa event so awesome....

1. Alyssa - for satying with me at the finishing line and helping me do RC duty.. Oh, and for bringing the Chem book for me to study...
2. Afi and Q - for standing beside me and working so hard, also for fanning me for nearly an hour(cuz I'm their senior).
3. Kelly, for buying 100plus for us super thirsty people..You saved our lives..
4. Rammya and Joanne Tan, for bringing Aly and I some Vico..
5. Elina, for giving me something to do(I would've died of boredom)
6. Kelly again(see, I told you you rock), this time for lending me her new cell so i could play games....
7. The teachers, who graced us with their smiles
8. All the RC members who showed up for duty on time..

I thank you all!!! You peeps rock!